
Chapter 1291 Rebellion

Chapter 1291 Rebellion
"I don't know the specific position. Only He Sheng himself knows. He never tells his subordinates."

Zhong Huan thought for a while and asked, "Are there any of his subordinates who are easier to win over?"

Wang Jinniu smiled wryly and said: "Actually, everyone is doing it for money, with a high income of more than ten yuan a month, but if their lives are threatened, they will definitely save their lives. The only ones who are really determined are those third-level spies in charge. .”

"Is there a relationship with you?"

"Of course. He Sheng has Feng Abao who has a very good relationship with me. I saved his life, and he is from Daizhou. His parents and wife are all in Yanmen County. He is about the same age as me, but smarter than me. I know much more."

"Where can I find this person?"

Wang Jinniu scratched his head and thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "How could I forget that there is a Daizhou businessman from the same village as him, and Feng Abao often entrusts him to send money to his family."

"Can this merchant be found?"

"Of course, I know where he lives?"

At noon, in a teahouse, He Sheng put a cloth bag on the table and pushed it to the man opposite, "Our boss's heart, let's do it!"

The man is a middle-aged man with a bun face, small nose and small eyes, with a sly look in his eyes.

He picked up the package, a little surprised, "So much?"

"You still think too much?" He Sheng laughed sarcastically.

"That's not necessarily true. Your boss's money is not easy to get. If I can't do it, won't he kill me?"

The man is Wu Taigu, the governor of Yangqu County. His mother and He Sheng's mother are cousins. He Sheng is somewhat related to him. They have cooperated many times. Wu Taigu also knows who they are, as long as it does not involve confidentiality, He will give whatever information the other party wants, and the cooperation between the two parties is quite pleasant.

It's just that this Wu Taigu is greedy, and it's worthless to give information, so Liu Kai, who is in charge of money, is very dissatisfied. However, Pi Xiangyang wants to put a long line to catch big fish, and try his best to satisfy his appetite.

"Tell me! What do you boss Pi want to know?" Wu Taigu weighed out at least two hundred taels of silver, which made him very satisfied.

After a pause, he added: "Let me explain first, I can only do my best, don't blame me if I can't do it, don't be like last time, I can't do it if I want to ask about the prefect Cao's family situation."

He Sheng smiled slightly: "Don't worry! It must be within your ability, but Boss Pi hasn't come back yet, he will be here tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and he will talk to you then."

Wu Taigu dangled away with his wallet in his hand. Looking at his back, He Sheng was really worried. Two hundred taels of silver would definitely not be a trivial matter. If this bastard fails to do something, will Boss Pi blame himself?

Feng Abao is from Daizhou. He came to Taiyuan to make a living five years ago and worked as a clerk in Wangji fur shop. He was clever and capable, so he was favored by Song Kuan. He Sheng ran errands.

In the afternoon, Feng Abao excitedly came to the Qingfeng Restaurant located in the west of the city with ten taels of silver in his pocket. He went up to the second floor, but he didn't see Brother Qi from his hometown when he searched around.

"A Bao, this way!"

The door of a private room opened, and Brother Qi waved to him.

Feng Abao is a little strange, why is Brother Qi so generous, and treats himself to dinner in the elegant room?

Brother Qi's name is Qi Zhong, a businessman from the same village as Feng Abao, he was the one who brought Feng Abao out of the village, but he was stingy and didn't pay much, so Feng Abao went to work as a clerk in Wangji fur shop.

But Qi Zhong is a nice person, every time he goes back to Daizhou, he has to bring home the money he earned for Feng Abao, and he also brings home a letter to Feng Abao.

Feng Abao walked into the elegant room, smiled and said: "Brother Qi is so rich, he actually treats guests in the elegant room, I want to listen to the music."

Suddenly, his smile froze, he saw an acquaintance, and shouted: "Taurus!"

He suddenly thought of something, turned around and ran away, but Qi Zhong grabbed his arm, and Feng Abao struggled desperately, "Let me go!"

Wang Jinniu said lightly: "Abao, if you run away, what will happen to your parents, wife and children?"

These words pierced Feng Abao's heart like a knife, Feng Abao deflated like a deflated ball, and sat down slumped.

Qi Zhong accompanied him with a smile and said, "I'll take a step first, if you need anything, you can find me!"

"Thank you Brother Qi!"

After Qi Zhong left, Wang Jinniu's gaze fell on Feng Abao, "I've been to the fur shop, it's closed!"

Feng Abao sighed, "I heard that you were arrested, Lao Song immediately closed the shop, and everyone dispersed."

Feng Abao looked Wang Jinniu up and down, and asked Chi Chi, "Did you surrender to the Western Army?"

Wang Jinniu sighed and said, "Abao, if your father knows that you are working for the Jurchens, what will he do?"

Feng Abao blushed immediately, "You know I just want to earn some money, and I'm not really loyal to the Jurchens."

"But if you are arrested and the news spreads to the village, your parents don't need to talk about it. How will your son and grandson behave in the future? I have awakened, and I am wholeheartedly committed to atonement, and I am still from Yanshan Prefecture."

"do not talk!"

Feng Abao's face turned red and then turned pale, and he argued for himself: "I haven't done anything harmful to nature, what am I afraid of?"

Wang Jinniu said slowly: "A Bao, I'm helping you now. If you come with me, even if you have come to your senses, you are surrendering. But if you are stubborn and still want to escape, I can tell you that you will be arrested if you go out. The nature is different, you choose yourself."

Feng Abao hesitated for a while, then smiled wryly and said, "Isn't it just for money? Why hesitate, Brother Taurus, I'll go with you!"

Wang Jinniu was overjoyed, "I knew you wouldn't really work for them!"

Wang Jinniu brought Feng Abao to Zhong Huan. Feng Abao was a little scared when he heard that the other party was an inner guard, and quickly bowed to salute.

Chong Huan comforted him and said: "It doesn't matter if you go on the wrong road. The key is to go back to the right road. Then forget the past. If you can still make meritorious service, then you are a meritorious soldier. You can also get rewards. Parents and children will also be rewarded." Profoundly honored."

"The villain is willing to do his best to make meritorious atonement!"

Zhong Huan nodded and asked, "Do you know which official He Sheng bought?"

"The villain only knows if it's the magistrate of the county government, or if He Sheng yelled at him when he drank too much, we only know a little bit."

"How did he scold?"

"He scolded the other party as a shit-like prison officer with a pig face that looked like a dung ball. If he hadn't given the money, the other party's income would not be enough to buy a house in Taiyuan City, and the whole family would starve to death."

"Are you the magistrate of the county government?" Zhong Huan asked again.

"Reporting to the general, there are a total of four judges in the county government. We all suspect that it is Wu Taigu, who is in charge of the household registration population. I have inquired, and Wu Taigu has indeed bought a piece of land recently and plans to build a house."

"Wu Taigu!" Zhong Huan remembered the name.

"He Sheng, do you know where he is?" Zhong Huan asked again.

Feng Abao shook his head, "We are all dispersed, and then we will go to Yuxian Bridge every day at noon. If he summons us, there will be a black-covered boat parked under Yuxian Bridge. We just board the boat. We handed over the tasks, and after we finished, we disembarked and left, this is the habit of Pi Boss, who likes to move, and then does not communicate with each other, only meeting in a public place."

Chong Huan asked Feng Abao a lot about the situation, and finally arranged for him to contact Wang Jinniu one-on-one, and then let him go.

Soon came a major development. Pi Xiangyang's woman, Jiang Zhu'er, moved, and an important figure showed up. Liu Kai, who was in charge of money and internal affairs, Zhong Huan immediately made arrangements to rent a storefront opposite Jiang Zhu'er's house to sell. Rouge and other things monitored Jiang Zhu'er, and at the same time sent people to keep an eye on Liu Kai, but they didn't startle the snake.

Liu Kai is not important, Pi Xiangyang is the one they want to arrest.

【Two updates today】

(End of this chapter)

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