
Chapter 1292

Chapter 1292
Wu Taigu has served as the chief inspector for more than ten years. He is forty-five years old this year. He really wants to be promoted to the next level, but there is a hard condition, that is, he must be admitted to the Department of Mingjing. What he learned when he was young has long been forgotten. It is obviously unrealistic for a middle-aged man like him to take the imperial examination after being clean.

Seeing that there was no hope of promotion, Wu Taigu began to focus on making money. He wanted to make more money before retiring from the official position so that he could live a decent life after retiring from the official position.

He is in charge of the household registration population, not much lucrative, mainly to change people's names and surnames, or privately sell empty household registrations, for example, some people want to hide their names, they can buy an empty household registration, change the name, and completely wash their identity into another person.

It's just that although Wu Taigu is more greedy, he is very timid. He only does it secretly once in a while, and then he can't sleep well for several months, for fear of being exposed and reported.

He usually only dares to do small things, mainly to change the child's name.

Usually, when someone came to ask him for help, he would accept some favors, but it would not be too much. At most, it would only be five pennies, and usually it would be one or two pennies.

But since his distant relative He Sheng in Hebei found him, he suddenly turned around. In just two years, he earned at least [-] yuan, and bought a piece of land outside the city, ready to build a house.

Moreover, the information sold is not confidential, and other civil servants can also sell it. It is all public information piled up in the corner of the warehouse, but outsiders don't know it.

So he didn't have any worries about selling the information, and he got the money easily. Only once, He Sheng asked the magistrate Cao De's household registration information, including Cao De's address and family information.

Wu Taigu knew it, but he didn't dare to give it to the other party, it was the first time he was afraid.

But today Wu Taigu was also a little restless because He Sheng gave him two hundred taels of silver. On the surface, he didn't seem to care much about it, but in fact he was very nervous. Two hundred taels of silver can be exchanged for [-] taels of money in the black market. .

In the room, Wu Taigu closed the doors and windows, sat on a chair in a daze, and there was a pile of white money on the table. He knew very well that the other party's request was not simple. If he did it for them, would he be arrested and beheaded?
"Da Lang, Pengzhi County is here!" His wife's voice came from outside.

Wu Taigu was shocked, quickly put the money into the drawer, got up and said: "I'm coming!"

When he came to the courtyard, he saw Peng Shirong, the county magistrate standing in the courtyard, followed by two people. It was getting late at this time, Wu Taigu couldn't see the people behind him clearly, so he thought it was the county magistrate's attendant.

He hastily stepped forward and bowed in salute, "See the county lord for the humble position!"

Peng Shirong pointed behind him and said, "Actually, I didn't come to find you, I just showed you the way!"

He let out the tall young man behind him and said: "This is the internal guard general, and he wants to investigate some situations with you!"

When Wu Taigu heard the word 'neiwei', it was like a blow to the head, his face changed drastically in fright, he stepped back a few steps, couldn't stand anymore, and sat down on the ground.

Zhong Huan said indifferently: "He Sheng should have looked for you!"

Wu Taigu was so shocked that his liver and gallbladder split, he turned over and kowtowed, "The villain is guilty! The villain is guilty!"

Peng Shirong secretly sighed, when Zhong Huan found him just now, he didn't quite believe it, but now he understands that there is indeed something wrong with Wu Yasi.

"You are busy, I will go back first."

It was inconvenient for Peng Shirong to participate in the investigation, so he took the first step.

Zhong Huan led several people into the study, Wu Taigu hurriedly took out the silver from the drawer, "This is the silver that He Sheng gave me today, I dare not refuse it!"

"In the past two years, you have collected a lot of money from He Sheng!"

Wu Taigu's face was pale, and he knelt down, "I took the money, but I promise that I didn't provide any confidential information, it's just the household registration information of ordinary people."

"But population and household registration also involves officials' addresses and family members, isn't it?"

Wu Taigu lowered his head and said in a low voice, "The important officials didn't provide it, they are all ordinary officials."


Zhong Huan slammed the table heavily, and angrily said: "You are guilty of collaborating with the enemy, you should be executed!"

Zhong Huan drew out the sword in his waist, which was shining coldly and extremely sharp.

Wu Taigu was terrified, kowtowed desperately and said: "General, please forgive me, I know my mistake! I know my mistake!"

Chong Huan put the sword on the table, and said slowly: "I can give you a chance, if you behave well, you may only be dismissed from office, it depends on whether you are willing to seize this opportunity!"

"Humble job! I will change my mind and never do it again!"

"That's not true. You must continue to contact them, but you must follow my instructions. Do you understand?"

"Humble job understands, I must do it, and I am absolutely unambiguous!"

"Get up and sit down first!"

Only then did Wu Taigu notice that his wife was standing at the door holding tea, looking at him in surprise.

He quickly waved his hands, "You go out first, we are talking about business!"

His wife stepped back quickly, and Zhong Huan said to him, "Sit down first!"

Wu Taigu sat down tremblingly against the corner of the chair, and then Zhong Huan asked, "What is He Sheng looking for you today?"

"He just gave me two hundred taels of silver. He didn't ask for it. We'll have to wait for Pi Xiangyang, the head manager, to come back. But I think it's an important matter, otherwise he wouldn't give so much."

"When will Pi Xiangyang come back?"

"He said that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, there is no guarantee."

Zhong Huan nodded and said: "That's it for today! I will arrange a subordinate to be in the county government. Once they make a request to you, you must contact my subordinate immediately, and he will find you tomorrow."

"Remember the humble job!"

Zhong Huan led his men away, and Wu Taigu slumped weakly on the ground, holding his head in pain with his hands.

His wife walked in and asked in horror, "Da Lang, who are they?"

"They are inside guards!"

"Ah! Did you commit a crime?"

Wu Taigu nodded, "How do you think I got the money to buy the land? He Sheng is a spy from the Kingdom of Jin."

The wife slapped her thigh and said anxiously: "Then what should I do! Otherwise, you can run away overnight!"

"Run away!"

Wu Taigu sighed, "Now I'm doing something for him. If I do well and can avoid the death penalty, I hope that bastard He Sheng will come to me quickly!"

In the morning of the next day, Pi Xiangyang returned to Taiyuan. The journey was full of dust and dust, but he didn't care about rest, so he called Song Kuan to explain the task.

"This time, Marshal Du personally gave me the task, asking me to get the formula or sample of Tiehuolei no matter what. This is also the emperor's will. Our task is very heavy."

Song Kuan hesitated and said, "I remember I got an iron fire thunder once before? It also cost fifty thousand coins."

Pi Xiangyang shook his head, "I suspect that it is a fake iron fire mine. Both the gunpowder and the iron casing are suspicious. I personally saw the iron casing left before I left. It was polished very smooth and dense, very thick. Although the wood fire Thunderbolt and Porcelain Firebolt are both thick-walled, but they are easy to break, so they must be thicker, and they can explode even if they are thicker, but this is pig iron! How can such a fine and thick iron Firebolt explode? Can it explode if it is thinner?"

Song Kuan laughed and said, "The manager is right!"

Pi Xiangyang snorted and said, "But those firearms makers said that I was talking nonsense, I didn't understand anything, and I was talking nonsense. They just said that this Tie Huo Lei must be true, and I had nothing to say, so I wanted to find it One really shows them."

"If you want to find the real thing, I'm afraid you have to go to Jingzhao!"

"You don't understand this!"

Pi Xiangyang said lightly: "The closer you are to Jingzhao, the stricter the management, the less you can find things. If you want to find Tie Huolei, you have to go to a remote place."

At this time, his subordinates reported in the hall, "Boss, Zhou Qing is here!"

Pi Xiangyang smiled and said, "I was looking for him, and he came, let him come quickly!"

Not long after, Zhou Qing hurried up the hall, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See the manager!"

Pi Xiangyang asked: "Have you done everything that Lao Song told you?"

"Before Beizhi, I knew a Dutou who specialized in firearms. This time Commander Song specially instructed him, and Beizhi invited him to drink twice."

Pi Xiangyang was very interested, and quickly asked: "Have you talked about Tie Huolei?"

(End of this chapter)

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