
Chapter 1293 See Through

Chapter 1293 See Through
"He said that Tie Huo Lei is gone now."

Pi Xiangyang was startled, "What do you mean?"

"I also asked him what he meant. He meant that all the small and medium-sized iron fire mines were destroyed, and only the large iron fire mines were kept in Jingzhao. Now the fire mines sent to them are all wood fire mines. It's the same as before."

This news disappointed Pi Xiangyang. If Tie Huo Lei was destroyed, where would he find samples?

Zhou Qing took out another folded piece of paper and handed it to Pi Xiangyang, "The manager can take a look at this!"

"what is this?"

"This is the sketch of Tie Huolei. I said I had never seen it before, so he drew one for me to see."

Pi Xiangyang took over the sketch, the Tie Huo Lei on it was like a wax gourd, and there was a handle at the top, which looked like a man, and the drawing was a little numb.

"What is this handle?"

"He said it was a wooden case, waterproof, with a matchlock inside, and knocked it off with a hammer when using it."

Pi Xiangyang nodded, "If it's waterproof, it can be used to blow up a ship!"

He asked again: "What does this iron shell look like?"

Zhou Qing pointed to the pockmarks on it and said, "I asked him what the pockmarks meant, and he said that the iron shell was very rough, and it looked like it was made of broken copper and rotten iron."

Pi Xiangyang patted his thigh, "I'm just saying! How could it be a dense and thick iron shell? Those bastards won't admit it even after they got the fake."

Song Kuan also shook his head, "After one or two years of research, it's really incompetent to actually research a fake fire mine. With these idiots around, even if you give them the formula, you can't make it."

"It's very possible!"

Zhou Qingdao: "The firearms all said that the iron shell is very difficult to make. It's not good at all. Either it can't be exploded, or it has no effect after being exploded. It's not as good as the wood fire mine. They said it took a year of trial and error to make it. , I don’t know if it’s true or not, anyway, he said it’s a pity to destroy it now.”

"I see. Don't ask too much about firearms. Asking more will make the other party suspicious. Anyway, if you have a good relationship, you can go!"

"Retire from humble position!"

Zhou Qingyili left, Pi Xiangyang was a little nervous, the Tie Huo Lei was destroyed, where could he find a ready-made Tie Huo Lei?
"Boss, is there no other way?"

Pi Xiangyang shook his head, "It can only be said that it is unrealistic to start the iron fire mine from the Western Army. Regardless of the blueprints, formulas, and craftsmen, it must be their top secret. Unless they can start from the top like the Song Dynasty, it is obviously impossible for the Western Army. , so I thought about going back. In the year of Jingkang, the Song army guarding the city once made iron fire mines. Although only one out of ten bombs was blown up, it was made after all. There are two master firearms inspectors from the Song Dynasty living in Taiyuan Mansion, as long as we find these two, even if we can’t make the Western Army Iron Fire Thunder, we can still make the Song Dynasty Iron Fire Thunder.”

Song Kuan was stunned for a moment, "Taiyuan Mansion is so big, there are many counties below, and there are huge crowds, where can I find these two people?"

Pi Xiangyang smiled slyly and said, "Of course I'm looking for clues. I believe that the old files of the government must have detailed records of the two of them, so I asked you to give Wu Taigu two hundred taels of silver. Isn't he just in charge of the household registration?"

There is an alley in the east of the city. This kind of alley is also called Yihu Alley. There are walls on both sides, and there is only one door at the end. There are not many such alleys, and they are usually rich people.

The house in this alley has been closed for several months, and it was rented out only two days ago, and the tenant is naturally Jiang Zhu'er.

The street where the alley is located is a commercial street, and there are shops along the street. There are seven or eight shops on the opposite side of the alley, and one of them is called Xiaoying Powder Store. The owner of the shop is a pair of sisters. They look normal, but they are members of the internal guard surveillance camp, including middle-aged men, old people, women, teenagers and so on.

At this time, a carriage came and turned directly into an alley. After a while, the door inside opened and the carriage drove directly in.

The two watching women were stunned, and the younger sister hurried to the official office to report.

The reason why Zhong Huan was able to stand alone was that he was prudent and decisive in doing things, thoughtful, and not impetuous. Although the carriage found by his subordinates was probably Pi Xiangyang's return, he still did not order the arrest. First, he only saw the carriage. , did not see anyone, just a guess, and secondly, Wu Taigu has not met Pi Xiangyang, and Feng Abao has no news.

You can't think that Pi Xiangyang has returned just because of a carriage, if not, if they act rashly, they will startle the snake.

It was precisely because of various considerations that Zhong Huan restrained the urge to arrest and ordered his subordinates to continue monitoring and not to act rashly.

At noon, Wu Taigu came to the teahouse again at the invitation of He Sheng.

"I'll make a long story short!"

He Sheng took a sip of tea and went straight to the topic, "We hope you can help find two people. These two people were master craftsmen of the Bianliang Firearms Bureau twenty years ago. They returned to Taiyuan Mansion during the Jianyan period. They are both around [-] years old. "

"What are their names?" Wu Taigu asked.

He Sheng shook his head, "I don't know!"

"That's hard to find!"

Wu Taigu frowned and said: "There are counties below Taiyuan Prefecture, with a huge population, and the household registration registration generally does not register occupations. You said they are sixty years old, what if they have passed away?"

"It's hard for us to find, but it's not difficult for you. You can look up your previous household registration information, find craftsmen, and craftsmen have their offices in the remarks column. It's easy for you, but we I'll give you two hundred taels of silver, that's the best of benevolence, don't just take the money and not do anything."

At the end, He Sheng's tone became severe.

Wu Taigu said for a while: "Okay! I'll start to check when I get back, but I have to make two points clear. First, don't rush me. The old materials in the warehouse are piled up like a mountain. It's not that fast to find what you want; second, I Only Yangqu County is guaranteed, if they are in other counties in Taiyuan Prefecture, I don’t know.”

"I can't drag it on. I'll give you three days. You first find the household register of the craftsman, and give it to us. We can also look for it through other craftsmen."

He Sheng explained the task, and then left in the ox cart, but he didn't know that an old man riding a donkey followed the ox cart calmly.

Pi Xiangyang and his woman, Jiang Zhuer, were resting after the rain. Pi Xiangyang was lazily lying on the bed, watching Jiang Zhuer sitting in front of the mirror to touch up her makeup, "Is the money I gave you enough?" Pi Xiangyang asked road.

"Look at what you said, when was the money enough?"

Jiang Zhu'er turned her head and gave him a blank look, and said: "My expenses here are also high. I have to raise servants, eat and drink, buy clothes, and buy makeup. Look, I used to use good makeup, but now I can't afford it." I have no choice but to buy some cheap makeup powder, which saves a few car rides and can be bought at the doorstep of my house."

"I'll give you some money later, buy some good makeup powder! Don't buy cheap makeup powder from small shops."

Jiang Zhu'er rejoiced in her heart and said, "Actually, the cosmetics store in front of our house is not bad. It's a newly opened store, and it's much cheaper than big stores. I feel that it's just for me."

"Why do you say that?"

"It's very simple! It didn't exist before. It opened as soon as I came here. It has only been open for two days, and there is no business. The only customers are me and a few maids."

Pi Xiangyang was startled, and he immediately became vigilant, "You mean, there was no rouge shop before, and you opened it after you came here?"

"Yeah! I moved here and it opened."

"Is the shop facing our alley?" Pi Xiangyang asked.

"That's right, so I said it was just for me."

Pi Xiangyang secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong. Based on his experience, this store was probably monitoring his own store. Lu Mengda must have confessed that he knew about Jiang Zhuer's existence.

Pi Xiangyang put on his clothes immediately, took out a counter ticket from Baoji Cabinet Workshop from his bag, put it on the table, and put down half a piece of jade, "There is a thousand coins in it, use the counter ticket and jade pei to get the money, The password is Shangaoluyuan, you take it out and save it yourself, I’m going to Jingzhao in these two days, if someone asks me where I’m going, you just say I’m going to Jingzhao, and I’ll be back next month, understand? "

After explaining, Pi Xiangyang left quickly through the back door, but what he didn't expect was that the back door was also monitored by the inner guards. As soon as he went out, Wang Jinniu recognized him at a glance. He and two inner guards kept a close eye on Pi Xiangyang. .

(End of this chapter)

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