
Chapter 1294 Arrest

Chapter 1294 Arrest
Pi Xiangyang noticed that someone was following him, so he speeded up, and Wang Jinniu and the two inner guard soldiers who were following him also speeded up.

On the street, Pi Xiangyang galloped up, followed by the inner guards chasing after him.

Pi Xiangyang suddenly turned a corner and entered an alley, the three of them also chased into the alley, but unexpectedly the alley turned out to be a dead end, Pi Xiangyang suddenly turned around and pulled out the long sword in his waist.

At this time, he saw Wang Jinniu clearly, and said with a sneer, "I said which dog has such a sharp nose, so it's you bastard. Tomorrow, I will notify Marshal Du to kill your mother-in-law and son."

Wang Jinniu was furious, he drew his saber and rushed forward, he was stabbed head-on, Pi Xiangyang dodged, and slashed out with his long sword backhand, extremely fast, "Be careful!" shouted two inner guard soldiers.

But it was too late, just heard a scream, Wang Jinniu's left hand was cut off at the wrist, he took a few steps back, fell to the side, the huge pain made him faint.

An inner guard soldier rushed forward to bandage his wound, another inner guard soldier gave a loud shout, drew his knife and rushed forward, and the two fought fiercely together.

After bandaging the severed hand, the inner guard soldiers saw that their companions couldn't resist, so they also drew their swords and rushed forward to help. The three of them fought together. sword, clutched his throat and fell to the ground.

Another inner guard soldier's eyes were red, and the storm rushed towards Pi Xiangyang. At this moment, both of them froze. The inner guard soldier was also pierced through the chest by a sword.

"Clang!" Pi Xiangyang's sword fell to the ground.

The inner guard soldier also fell limply, Pi Xiangyang half-kneeled on the ground, and pulled out the knife embedded in his shoulder forcefully, blood gushing out.

He was about to go forward and cut off Wang Jinniu's head. At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came, and some people shouted. Pi Xiangyang was startled, and he could not care about Wang Jinniu. Go up the wall and fall heavily behind the wall.

Wu Taigu honestly reported to Zhong Huan the purpose of He Sheng looking for him, and as expected, the other party's purpose was still for Tie Huolei, who actually wanted to find the former Bianliang gunsmith, this Pi Xiangyang really knew other ways.

At this moment, Zhong Huan finally figured out that Pi Xiangyang had returned.

"You can look for these two gunsmiths, but you must notify me immediately when you find them."

"I understand, I know where the household registration information is, and I can probably find it today."

Wu Taigu left in a hurry, and not long after he left, Zhong Huan received an urgent report that Pi Xiangyang left through the back door of Jiang Zhuer's house, followed closely by the surveillance guards, and the situation is unknown now.

Chong Huan was shocked, and immediately ordered the commander Huang Wei to lead fifty brothers to rush to support, while he himself rushed to the military office.

After a while, Zhong Huan rushed to the military office and begged Niu Gao to close the city gate immediately to prevent Pi Xiangyang from escaping from the city.

Niu Gao immediately ordered to close all the city gates immediately, and sent [-] soldiers to assist Zhong Huan in arresting the spies of the Kingdom of Jin.

The first person to be caught was Liu Kai. He was renting a house for Jiang Zhuer, but he was watched by the inner guard soldiers, who caught him at his residence and confiscated all his money.

The second person to be arrested was He Sheng. After he and Wu Taigu broke up in the teahouse, he was also watched by the inner guards. After Zhong Huan issued an arrest order, ten inner guards broke into the house and arrested He Sheng over him.

Inside the government office, Zhong Huan looked angrily at the two corpses on the ground, the corpses of two inner guard soldiers, and Wang Jinniu next to him was also seriously injured. His left hand was cut off at the wrist, and his face was pale due to excessive blood loss. The bleeding has been stopped urgently , the doctor was bandaging him. Although his life was saved, he was disabled.

"Commander Qi, we checked the scene and found that Pi Xiangyang was also seriously injured. There was blood on the wall and behind the wall. He got into an ox cart and headed west of the city. Now we are searching for this ox cart."

Zhong Huan was agitated for a while, but Pi Xiangyang escaped. If he knew that when the carriage entered Jiang Zhuer's house, he should have ordered the arrest. The chance was fleeting, so he was not decisive enough!
It's useless to regret it, now I can only find a way to catch him again.

At this time, a subordinate came forward to report: "Commander, Liu Kai confessed!"

Chong Huan was overjoyed that Liu Kai was in charge of internal affairs, and he handled all the rented houses. As long as he confessed, he would take the initiative again.

He immediately ordered: "Let him recruit all the hiding places of the spies, and dispatch them all accurately!"

As night fell, the internal guards, with the cooperation of the army, were still arresting people throughout the city. Song Kuan was blocked in the room and committed suicide by taking poison. Zhou Qing and several of his men were also arrested by the army in the barracks.

All the main leaders have been arrested, and most of the underlings have also been arrested because of Liu Kai's rent list, but the whereabouts of the main culprit, Pi Xiangyang, is still unknown, and the ox cart driver who transported him has no idea, or even where he is Getting out of the car, Pi Xiangyang's cunning really made Zhong Huan a little restless.

The gate of Wangji fur shop is still closed, and there are a few internal guards outside who are watching secretly. There is a small yard in the alley [-] steps away from the fur shop. This is the dormitory of the fur shop guys. The shops are also the earliest real estate purchases. Originally, there were four assistants. Some of the assistants were transferred to Jingzhao, and some moved to other places. Currently, Feng Abao only lives there.

Feng Abao also heard the news that the gates of the city were closed and the army was arresting people everywhere. He was quite nervous, wondering if he could be forgiven?

At this time, there was a bang in the yard, he hurried out of the room, and asked, "Who is it?"

In the night, there seemed to be a figure lying on the ground at the base of the wall. He hurried forward and looked it over, but the person was covered in blood. He drew out his dagger and asked, "Who the hell is that?"

"Ah Bao, help me!" Sombra's voice was low.

"You are. You are the proprietor!"

Feng Abao recognized that it was Proprietor Wang from the fur shop. Of course, he now knew that Proprietor Wang was Pi Xiangyang who the inner guard wanted to catch.

"My lord, why are you injured?"

"Help me into the house and get me some medicine!"

Feng Abao slowly helped Pi Xiangyang into the room, and told him to sit down. Pi Xiangyang let out a scream, half of his collarbone protruded, and blood flowed out again. Feng Abao was startled, what... what should I do?
Pi Xiangyang gritted his teeth and pressed his collarbone flat with pain, his body collapsed for a while, and he panted, "Is there any wine, give me some wine."

Feng Abao shook his head, "There is no wine at home, how about I go buy wine and buy some wound medicine for the owner."

Pi Xiangyang nodded, "Pour me a glass of water first, I'm thirsty!"

Feng Abao hurried to the kitchen and scooped up a bowl of water in the water tank. He was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something. He took out a small packet of medicinal powder from the partition above his head, poured half of it into the water, and put the medicine into the water. Convenience, colorless and odourless.

As he walked, he shook all the medicines well, and walked into the room with a bowl, "Proprietor, drink water!"

Pi Xiangyang took the bowl and asked again: "Is there any cloth strips, find some cloth strips for me!"

Feng Abao hurried to the back room, tore an old clothes into strips, but stared at Pi Xiangyang out of the corner of his eyes.

Pi Xiangyang was dehydrated and thirsty. He picked up the bowl and gulped down the water in one gulp. Feng Abao secretly heaved a sigh of relief and walked out quickly, "Master, I'll put the cloth on the table. I'll go buy some wine." Buy medicine and be right back."

Pi Xiangyang waved his hands and said, "Ah Bao, I have treated you well all these years!"

"The proprietor is very kind to me, and the salary is very high. I have never received so much money. My whole family and I thank the proprietor from the bottom of our hearts!"

Pi Xiangyang smiled and said: "That little money is nothing, this time you saved me, I will let you be the third-level supervisor in the future, with a monthly salary of [-] yuan, and I will reward you with this yard , if you have money and a house, you can marry a beautiful woman."

Feng Abao knelt down and choked with sobs: "The proprietor's kindness, Abao can't repay even if he is smashed to pieces!"

Pi Xiangyang nodded in satisfaction, "Go! Hurry up to buy medicine and wine. For wine, you need to buy spirits. For medicine, you need to buy Sanqi powder. Buy as much as you can!"

"I remember, I'll be right back!"

He closed the door and walked away quickly. At this moment, Pi Xiangyang felt dizzy for a while. He thought it was caused by excessive blood loss. He stood up reluctantly, walked two steps, his eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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