
Chapter 1295 Decision Making

Chapter 1295 Decision Making
Feng Abao ran to the gate of the fur shop in one breath, and he shouted to the surroundings: "I know you are here, please come out quickly, I know where Pi Xiangyang is?"

In the darkness, five black figures appeared, surrounded Feng Abao, and asked for the head of the capital, "Who are you?"

Feng Abao clasped his fists and said, "My name is Feng Abao, and I am Wang Jinniu's brother. You generals know me."

"You said just now that you know Pi Xiangyang's whereabouts?" Wei Capital asked again.

"He's in my dormitory, he's injured, I'll come out and buy him medicine!"

Everyone looked at each other, worried about the capital and asked anxiously, "Where is your dormitory?"

"Just five hundred steps ahead, I'll show you the way!"

Everyone nodded, Feng Abao rushed to the small courtyard where he lived with five inner guards, and entered the courtyard, "Proprietor! Proprietor!" He shouted twice, but no one answered.

He opened the window and looked into the house, only to see Pi Xiangyang lying face down on the ground. He nodded to everyone and kicked open the door for the capital. Pi Xiangyang's back, but Pi Xiangyang didn't move.

"He drank water just now, and there is a drug in the water, he may have been lost." Feng Abao said at the door.

For the capital, he touched Pi Xiangyang's breath, and he was still breathing. The five of them started together and tied Pi Xiangyang's hands and feet behind his back with a rope. The severe pain in the wound woke Pi Xiangyang up.

He was taken aback, "You guys."

Before he finished speaking, a ball of rags blocked his mouth, and a black cloth bag covered his head. They put medicine on him, lifted him up and walked out.

At this moment, Pi Xiangyang finally understood that Feng Abao had betrayed himself, he sighed, and closed his eyes in despair.

When Zhong Huan heard that Pi Xiangyang had been captured, he was overwhelmed with joy and ran straight to the gate, only to see a soldier from the inner guard carrying a man out of the carriage.

He tore off the hood, and Wang Jinniu, who had lost his hand, gritted his teeth and roared, trying to charge up, but the inner guard stopped him.

"Is it him?" Zhong Huan asked.

Wang Jinniu gritted his teeth and nodded, "It's him, even if he is burned to ashes, I will recognize him!"

Pi Xiangyang gave Wang Jinniu a cold look, then turned his head and stared at Feng Abao with great hatred, Feng Abao snorted, "I'm from Dai County, do you think I will really be loyal to the Jurchen?"

Seeing that he was seriously injured, Zhong Huan waved his hand and said, "Take him in and treat him!"

The soldiers of the inner guard carried Pi Xiangyang into the official office, Zhong Huan patted Feng Abao's shoulder and praised, "You performed very well this time, and I will reward you a lot."

"Thank you General!"

"You and Taurus are both meritorious officials. Each of you will be rewarded with five hundred coins. Don't worry about Taurus. Even though you have broken your hand, the inner guard will take care of you and your family and will not let you be wronged."

Wang Jinniu had a sore nose and quickly lowered his head.

The next day, we continued to suppress and arrest the intelligence spies. At noon, the last spies were caught. All the spies' salaries and activity expenses were paid by him, so Liu Kai knew everyone's hiding details very well.

Two days later, Zhong Huan ended his operation in Taiyuan and began to return to Jingzhao. Before leaving, he made two decisions. The first was to reward Feng Abao with the courtyard where he was currently living as an additional reward for reporting to him. Wang Ji Leather Goods was given to Wang Jinniu as an arrangement for him and his family.

There were also two internal guard soldiers who died in the line of duty. Zhong Huan also reported to King Yong and gave them generous pensions.

As for Wu Taigu, he found clues of two firearms craftsmen, and found that these two are currently working in the Firearms Bureau of the Western Army. It was their unremitting efforts that developed the Iron Fire Thunder of the Western Army.

Chong Huan did not pursue Wu Taigu's crimes, but suggested that he be dismissed, and at the same time confiscated his two hundred taels of silver, and rewarded them to Wang Jinniu and Feng Abao respectively.

The internal guard team left Taiyuan City, escorted the intelligence spies of the Kingdom of Jin, and returned to Jingzhao City in a mighty manner. These spies will face the most severe trial. According to the military law of the Western Army, they will all be beheaded.

Jingzhao, in the staff hall of King Yong's official residence, Chen Qing summoned important officials such as the governors of various divisions and Sima to discuss the plan to attack Hebei.

Guan Shigu no longer served as the military governor and the counselor of the Internal Affairs Hall. He still had one year to retire. In the last year, he took Chen Qing's place on Jiangnan West Road to consolidate the Western Army's control of Jiangnan West Road.

Zhang Xiao, who returned from Bianliang, took over as the capital supervisor of the military department and at the same time served as the counselor of the internal affairs hall.

Chen Qing stood in front of the sand table and said to everyone: "The attack on Hebei Road is the same as the attack on Henan Road. I also plan to take two steps. The first step is to take Hebei Road, and the second step is to capture Yanshan Mansion. Yanshan Mansion can be released a little bit." Once released, because attacking Yanshan Mansion will arouse strong resistance from the Kingdom of Jin, so I will take it step by step, first take the Hebei Road, restore all the rivers and lands occupied by the Kingdom of Jin, and then continue to attack and completely destroy the Kingdom of Jin. "

"His Royal Highness attacked Hebei Road, did you consider the invasion of Datong and Lingzhou by grassland nomadic cavalry?"

The person inquiring was Ori Yanzhi, who had retired from Datong last year and handed over the military power to his successor governor Yan Jun. He was named Dai Guogong by Chen Qing, and he walked in the internal affairs hall. , of course, refers to major military affairs, can express their own opinions, but has no voting rights and decision-making rights,

Chen Qing said slowly: "I got the news that the three nomadic tribes had internal strife. Of course, it was also because of Jin Guo's instigation. Although they occupied Fengzhou, at least no coalition forces will go south this year. Perhaps one of their tribes I will take advantage of our army’s attack on Hebei and go south to invade, but both Lingzhou and Datong Prefecture’s garrisons are ready and will deal a severe blow to the invaders. I will not worry too much, and please don’t worry, Mr. Zhe!”

Orihiko nodded, "Your Highness is so confident, I don't worry about it!"

Chen Qing smiled and continued: "I have been preparing for this attack on Hebei Road since last year. Yang Zaixing trained troops on Henan Road, established the Yellow River Navy, established a sea route base, etc., all of which are for our preparations for attacking Hebei Road. , and even intelligence collection in Hebei, etc., we have been doing it.

First of all, our enemy, Wan Yanchang, who sits on Hebei Road, currently has an army of [-] people, including [-] Jurchens or Donghu people, and [-] signed troops. In addition, Yanshan Mansion has [-] troops. Jinbing, among the [-] troops, there are [-] troops directly under the command of the governor Wanyan Helisa, and another [-] golden soldiers are supporting troops. These [-] golden soldiers will definitely go south to support Wan Yanchang, so we face The right enemy has [-] troops.

In view of this, the number of troops I plan to send is between [-] and [-], and the war expenditure to be prepared is also between [-] million and [-] million. "

This is the focus of the internal affairs hall. How much military expenditure will be paid, Zhou Kuan frowned and said: "Five million guan, it is too much!"

Everyone laughed. If you are not in charge of the family, you don’t know how expensive it is. After Zhou Kuan is in charge of finance and taxation, he is the second Zhao Kai. He is extremely stingy. It seems that this is an occupational disease, and it is the same for anyone.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "I just said that the upper limit is five million guan. If there is a protracted war, the expenditure will indeed be huge, but if the war can be ended within two months as planned, then the maximum will be three million guan. I mean, prepare for the worst."

"That's fine!"

Zhou Kuan also let go, "Anyway, according to the old rules, the temple treasury and the government treasury each bear half, and the war proceeds each get half, but Hebei Road is probably a loss-making business. The wealth is in Yanshan Mansion, and Hebei Road has no money."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "In the battle to wipe out Zhang Jun, the Internal Affairs Hall didn't pay a penny, but it also got rich. It doesn't matter if you pay a little bit this time."

Lu Qingshan said to the crowd: "The Battle of Hebei Road is a battle of righteousness. If we recover Hebei Road, we will win for righteousness. It doesn't matter if we lose a little or win a little."

Zhou Kuan sighed and said: "Qingshan, I was just joking, if you say that, I will become a miser who doesn't care about righteousness."

Lu Qingshan smiled slightly and said: "Counselor Zhou didn't strongly oppose it, it's already a matter of righteousness."

Everyone laughed again, and Jiang Yanxian asked again: "When will Your Highness go to battle?"

"Prepare for material allocation first. I'm not in Jingzhao. It's still the old rule. General affairs are decided by the Internal Affairs Hall, and major events are decided by the princess."

(End of this chapter)

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