
Chapter 1296 Military Discussion

Chapter 1296 Military Discussion
In the afternoon, Chen Qing met Wang Hao, the commander of the inner guard capital.

Wang Hao bowed and said: "His Royal Highness, last night we found the other party's pigeon letter station, which was hidden in Baqiao outside the East City, and captured the contact person responsible for distributing the pigeons. Yu, completely destroyed Wan Yanchang's intelligence station."

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Since these people want to work for the Jurchens, they must have made the decision to die generously, so I will fulfill them, and all intelligence spies will be executed."

"Follow the order!"

Chen Qing thought for a while and then said: "There is also Zhonghuan, the intelligence spies from Taiyuan don't have to escort Jingzhao, they will be executed at the same place, and at the same time, I will pass on my commendation order, Zhonghuan and his subordinates will be promoted to a higher level. , Zhong Huan named Shangjun Commander."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your love!"

Chen Qing said again: "I'm going to go to war soon, and Jingzhao's defense must be strengthened, especially around the Prince Yong's mansion, and we must not be careless."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, I guarantee that nothing will go wrong!"

Hearing that her husband was going to fight again, although Lu Xiu was a little bit reluctant, she still understood.

"There is no one to take care of your husband's daily life, so bring Amei with you! I also feel relieved."

Chen Qing shook his head, "If you're going out on patrol, it's okay to take her with you, but this is an expedition, and there are special regulations during wartime, and there are no women in the barracks."

Lu Xiu painstakingly persuaded: "Of course I know, it is not time to announce the war right away, it will take a month or two to prepare for the war, besides, the husband is the commander, not the chief general, and the chief generals should be allowed to lead the troops to fight, and the husband controls the overall situation , Husband should not stay in the barracks often, and give the generals a chance to grow."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Although the lady wants me to bring Ah Mei, it still makes sense, okay! This time I will bring Ah Mei."

Yao Mei has been named Liangyuan by Chen Qing, but she is different from other wives and concubines in that she does not have her own independent yard and still lives with his wife Lu Xiu.

It was not that Lu Xiu treated her badly, but that she was unwilling to leave Chen Qing's side, and preferred to be his personal concubine.

Lu Xiu admired her quality quite a lot. Generally, women pursue status and want to be treated more. They belong to their own private courtyard, have maids to serve them, have generous monthly money, and can bring prosperity and wealth to her family, while Yao Mei Don't want these, she just wants to continue to be a personal concubine.

Of course, once Yao Mei became pregnant, her career as a personal concubine would end accordingly.

In the study room, Lu Xiu and Yao Mei are busy packing for Chen Qing, mainly because there are a lot of books and albums, which need to be boxed.

"Don't move!"

Seeing that the two of them were about to move the box out, Chen Qing laughed quickly and said, "The box is very heavy. I'll move it out by myself later. If you can't move it, you will lose your waist."

"Okay! Amei, let the officials move it by themselves."

Lu Xiu was a little tired and sat on a chair to rest. At this moment, Chen Qing suddenly remembered something and asked, "Amei, have you ever been on a boat?"

Yao Mei thought for a while and said, "When I was young, I didn't sit much anymore."

Lu Xiu was a little strange, and asked, "My husband wants to take a boat to the Yellow River?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "This time I'm going to Haizhou to have a look first, and then take a boat to continue north to Laizhou. Half of the journey is in the sea, so I'm worried that Amei will get seasick."

Yao Mei whispered, "I've never been on such a long boat before."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "Actually, it's all near the sea, so there won't be any rough seas. Don't worry, Amei, you won't be so tired by boat."

Yao Mei didn't say anything, but her heart was full of yearning for the sea.

In the next two days, the Western Army began large-scale combat preparations. In fact, the Western Army began preparing to attack Hebei a year ago. Food, grass, kerosene, and siege weapons were all transported to Taiyuan, Bianliang, and Laizhou one after another.

This time it was mainly to transport money and various supplies and armor. The Western Army used [-] camels and [-] large ships, and mobilized [-] civilians to assist.

At the same time, the Western Army temporarily closed all commercial roads leading to Hebei, and the atmosphere of war began to intensify, but all the people were full of expectations. This was the last battle to regain their homeland.

In an atmosphere of active preparations for the war, Chen Qing went to Shangluo under the escort of three thousand cavalry, transferred to the Qianshi passenger ship in Shangluo, and then went to Xiangyang to take the Wanshi passenger ship.

At the same time when the Western Army began to prepare for the war, Lin'an's "Beijing News" also published a declaration of war written by Chen Qing himself on the headlines of the front page, and accompanied it with a headline that made people excited, "The horn is blowing, to our last Lost ground to march!"

Immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the people in Lin'an and Jiangnan. Tens of thousands of copies of "Beijing News" were snapped up. Tens of thousands of people rushed to the "Beijing News" newspaper office from all directions to donate money. through.

Although a large number of Plum Blossom Guard soldiers are also haunting the streets, Plum Blossom Guard can only keep an eye on the officials, and they can't do anything about ordinary people, and they can't control them.

However, it was precisely because of the Plum Blossom Guard's surveillance that the officials of the imperial court were extremely silent. Everyone was silent, and even the normal atmosphere was gone.

"Crack!" Emperor Zhao Gou threw a copy of "Beijing News" on the table, and said to Qin Hui in great dissatisfaction, "Can't you think of a way to prevent this kind of news from appearing in the newspaper?"

Qin Hui said helplessly: "Unless the "Beijing News" is sealed, there is really no way to stop them. Your Majesty, I also hate this newspaper very much. I have also taken many measures, but it has no effect."

"Draw the bottom of the pot and cut off its paper supply, can it be done?" Zhao Gou said coldly.

"Wei Chen can give it a try!"

"Such a simple solution, did you think of it now?" Zhao Gou dissatisfied.

"It's been done before, but it doesn't have much effect!"

"Do it again, let Meihuawei take action, I don't want them to publish news about the battle in Hebei all day long."

Qin Hui had no choice but to bow and say, "My minister will arrange it!"

The business in Lin'an Xiawazi is booming, and all the small shops are very lively. These small restaurants are relatively low-end shops, with good quality and low price, and are very popular among the middle and lower class people.

However, in the past two days, many officials have also appeared in Wazi's small restaurants. The reason is also very simple. Meihuawei will not come to these small restaurants to monitor. They usually patrol the various restaurants and get some benefits by the way.

This kind of small shop in the tile has no oil and water, and it is meaningless to monitor the people at the bottom. What's more, the small shops secretly collude to carry out the joint guarantee. Be vigilant.

It is also for this reason that in the past two days, middle and low-level officials have come to the Wazi to have dinner and drink, talking freely, but once they go out, they will not admit what they have said. This is the rule. Said, and will be cast aside by all officials.

In a tavern called Liuzhenhe, four young officials sat in the innermost room. These four were all from wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River, and became officials in the imperial court after passing the Jinshi examination.

Although the wine is not very good, it can create an atmosphere. After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere will start to liven up.

"Old Xu, I heard that your boss, Qin Mao, has resigned?"

The oldest one is called Xu Hongzhi, about 30 years old. He passed the Jinshi examination the year before last and worked as a military official in the Ministry of War.

Xu Hongzhi picked up his wine glass and said, "He has resigned a long time ago, and it was approved just now."

"It's not easy to resign now! What is his reason?"

"Grandfather passed away, Ding You returned to his hometown Dantu County."

Everyone laughed and said, "Ding You is a good excuse!"

Xu Hongzhi sneered and said, "His grandfather passed away last year. He was afraid of losing his job, so he kept it a secret. Only a few of us knew about it. Now, in turn, Ding You became his best excuse."

"His family is relatively poor!"

"He is really miserable. The imperial court has not paid his salary for several months, and his family is almost out of control. If we hadn't lent him money to pay the rent, the landlord would have driven him out on the street a long time ago. Hey! Wai Lang, a dignified member of the military department, It's ridiculous to rely on your wife to do laundry for you."

"He went to Jingzhao?" another person asked in a low voice.

"Of course, before leaving yesterday, he paid back all the money he owed. He went to the special envoy's office to report and got 20 taels of travel expenses!"

"20 taels of silver!" The other three exclaimed.

[The paronychia has happened again in the past two days, same as last time, it is the middle finger of the right hand again, it is it every time, which leads to slow typing, I used Baiduobang, and it gradually recovered, there are only two chapters updated today, please everyone sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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