
Chapter 1300

Chapter 1300
At present, the chief general of the [-] navy is Tang Huai, the deputy governor, and Zhang Gongyu, the deputy general. After seizing Donghai Island and Shandong Peninsula, Liu Qiong discovered that Tang Huai was very talented in the navy. Both the fleet and the drills of the navy were well organized and organized.

Afterwards, Chen Qing inquired about Yue Yun and found out that the Yue family army once formed the Huai River navy, and the commander was Tang Huai. However, this navy was later transferred to Zhang Jun by the court, and Tang Huai was no longer the commander of the navy.

Since Tang Huai was talented in the navy, Chen Qingxin appointed Tang Huai as the governor of the Yangtze River Navy and was promoted to the deputy commander. At the same time, the generals who were promoted to the deputy commander also included Wang Duo, Li Fuxing, Hu Yanlei, Yue Yun, Zhang Xian, Xu Qing and a group of generals.

Lieutenant General Zhang Gongyu was originally Han Shizhong's deputy general of the navy. He is a veteran. He has been a general of the navy in Mingzhou for a long time. It can be said that he has been depressed. It was also accepted by Chen Qing.

Dozens of generals at the commanding level and above welcomed His Royal Highness King Yong at the pier in Penglai County. When Chen Qing walked ashore from the big ship, everyone knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

"Generals, please stand up!"

Chen Qing hurriedly asked the generals to stand up, and smiled at them, "I came to Dengzhou by boat from Jingzhao, and now I close my eyes and see ships and the sea. I feel like I am also a member of the navy."

Tang Huai said with a smile: "Your Highness is of course a member of the Navy, and Your Highness is the supreme commander of our Navy!"

"That's a good point. I am indeed the supreme commander of the navy. I hope that everyone can make new achievements in this attack on Hebei. Not only that, but in the future when we attack the old nest of the Jin Kingdom in Liaodong, the navy will also be the absolute main force. That's where you will show your power. when."

His Royal Highness King Yong's words made everyone's blood boil, and they wished that the war would start tomorrow.

Chen Qing asked Yao Mei to continue resting on the boat, and there was no suitable accommodation in the county, so it would be better to live comfortably on the boat.

Surrounded by all the generals, Chen Qing came down to the navy camp, which covered an area of ​​[-] mu, and built [-] large tents, where [-] sailors were stationed.

The big tent of the Chinese army is brightly lit, and in the middle is a sand table, which is the sand table in the east of Hebei Road, including Bohai Sea and Shandong Peninsula.

Chen Qing went to the sand table and carefully checked the current situation. All the generals returned their accounts, and only Tang Huai, Zhang Gongyu and Sima Baoyun remained in the big account.

Tang Huai explained to Chen Qing what they knew about the garrison in Hebei, "We got news from the spies that there is currently no garrison in Cangzhou, which is near the sea, but there are [-] signed troops stationed in Hejian Mansion. Once a war breaks out, we don't know Will they be transferred, they think about the worst, if they won't be transferred, then we will attack Hejian Mansion, and there will be a battle with the [-] signed troops."

Chen Qing nodded and asked, "Where are you going to put your foundation after landing in Cangzhou?"

"There are two important places, one is Huichuan County in Qingzhou, and the other is Qingchi County in Cangzhou. We plan to use Qingchi County in Cangzhou as the foundation first. The floating water flows into the Bohai Sea through Qingchi County, and our fleet can follow Fushui entered the hinterland of Cangzhou and went straight to Qingchi County, and after defeating the signing army of Hejian Mansion, we will station part of the army in Huichuan County of Qingzhou, where we can cut off the canal going south from Yanshan Mansion."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, what I'm more worried about is that once the war breaks out, the [-] Jurchen reinforcements stationed in Yanshan Mansion will definitely go south, they will walk along the canal, and all kinds of logistics supplies will be provided by rafts." Transporting south, I am worried that if you send troops too early, you will definitely encounter [-] Jurchen cavalry, so I suggest that you wait patiently for information, and you must grasp the movements of these [-] cavalry. You will not be able to land until the [-] army goes south. Otherwise, the entire navy and warships will be wiped out."

Zhang Gongyu next to him said: "Your Highness is right, we really can't fight against the Jurchen cavalry, so collecting information about this army is the most important thing, Bo Sima, can we send scouts to Yanshan Mansion?"

Bo Yun smiled slightly and said, "You didn't understand what His Highness meant. Your Highness didn't ask us to collect information about this army."

Both Tang Huai and Zhang Gongyu looked at Chen Qing, and Chen Qing said calmly: "Bo Sima is right, I have already sent scouts to monitor this cavalry, and I will monitor the movement of this cavalry, so you have to wait for my order , After receiving my order, your fleet can set off."

Tang Huai and Zhang Gongyu saluted together, "Follow the order!"

Chen Qing nodded, walked out of the handsome tent, looked at the sea in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "General Zhang!"

Zhang Gongyu hurried forward, bowed and said: "The humble job is here!"

Chen Qing said lightly: "How old is the old general?"

"Two out of [-] people in humble jobs this year."

Chen Qing said slowly again: "There is a big island in the south of Goryeo, called Tamna Island. Originally there was a Tamna Kingdom, which was destroyed by Goryeo 40 years ago. Now it is called Tamna County. I have been thinking about it. Emperor Yangdi conquered Goguryeo and transported food to Liaodong with the power of the whole country. Later, because the logistics could not keep up, hundreds of thousands of troops were wiped out. Establish a logistics center on Tamna Island, and then send 20 troops to Tamna Island. With Tamna Island as the foundation, attack from south to north, destroy Baekje and Silla first, and support war with war. Emperor Sui Yang finally Is it possible to completely conquer Goguryeo?"

Bo Yun is a civil servant and knows this history. He interjected: "Back then, Hu'er set off from our feet and led the navy to conquer Goguryeo. Unfortunately, at that time, I didn't know that there was a large island of Tamna in the south!"

Chen Qing also said: "The war of destroying the country cannot be accomplished overnight. It can be as short as a few years or as long as decades. Strategically, the two sides eliminate each other's national power, and the stronger national power wins. But tactically, you must be familiar with the terrain, make full use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and make full use of it." own advantage.

But back then, the Sui army was eager for quick success and quick gains, and rushed forward. They always wanted to replace strategy with tactics. They completely lost the long-term strategy, and they were not familiar with the terrain.
Back then, the advantage of the Sui Dynasty was equipment and warships. They did not make full use of the advantages of warships, but fought fiercely with the enemy in the high mountains. Ji Silla, or Goguryeo, why not worry? "

Zhang Gongyu understood, and he immediately said: "The old man has a long-term ambition. Even if he is 70 years old, he will lead the army and navy to capture Tamna Island for His Highness."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "You don't need to be 70 years old, I believe you can realize this wish before you are 60 years old!"

"Humble job is looking forward to that day!"

Tang Huai was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Your Highness, even a lowly official can lead the navy to go out!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Don't worry, General Tang. Your journey is in the south. There are many uninhabited islands and lands in the south. They are rich in resources and fertile for thousands of miles. As long as we have a powerful navy and an extremely large transport The fleet, these lands will belong to our children."

Chen Qing stayed in Penglai County for five days, and then led the fleet to set off again. The fleet came to Binzhou, where the Beiqing River flows into the Bohai Sea. Drive along the Beiqing River to Jinan Mansion in a mighty way.

(End of this chapter)

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