
Chapter 1301

Chapter 1301
In Daming Mansion on Hebei Road, Wan Yanchang is also in intense battle preparation. Although he cannot get information from Jingzhao and Taiyuan, he knows the movements of Bianliang and Jinan Mansions. For grain and grass materials, a 20 army was assembled near Biankou, and [-] troops were assembled in Jinan Prefecture, not to mention the troops gathered in Hedong.

The war is approaching, and the dark clouds are pressing down on the city, which really makes Wan Yanchang nervous. He hurriedly sent someone to Liaodong to deliver a letter, asking the court to pay attention to Hebei Road and the Western Army. Chen Qing is no longer the warlord of the past, he is already the monarch of a country. Attack Hebei Road with the power of the whole country. If Jin Guo cannot deal with it with the whole country, then Hebei Road may not be able to be kept.

Wan Yanchang must let the emperor understand this truth, and must send another [-] Jurchen troops to support Hebei.

"Marshal Du thinks the emperor will send reinforcements?" Cui Jiu asked.

Wan Yanchang shook his head, "I don't know, Wushu and Nianhan are very powerful in the military, if they don't agree, even if the emperor wants to, he can't do anything!"

"They are more likely to object, especially Wushu. His relationship with Marshal Du is very bad, and he will definitely not agree."

Wan Yanchang sighed and said: "At this time, personal grievances are actually not important anymore. In the final analysis, it is because of different political opinions. Wushu and Nianhan have persuaded the emperor more than once to give up Hebei and concentrate their troops to protect Yanshan Mansion, but the emperor does not want to give up. This At that time, if the Son of Heaven wants to invest more resources to protect Hebei, they will definitely not agree, it will depend on whether the Son of Heaven can overwhelm them with imperial power, if not, then only the [-] reinforcements from Yanshan Mansion will go south in the end."

"But the reinforcements haven't moved yet!"

"They have to wait for the emperor's will and will not listen to my arrangement. I can only urge the emperor."

"But the emperor may have been persuaded by them."

"not at all!"

Wan Yanchang said coldly: "As long as the negotiating envoy doesn't come, the emperor doesn't want to give up Hebei!"

Cui Jiu felt helpless, and said again: "Marshal Du, no matter whether the imperial court wants to send reinforcements or not, we have to deploy our troops in place. I suggest that all the [-] signed troops be deployed in Xiangzhou, which can deal with the entry of the Hebei Army Fukouxing into Hebei. , and can defend Hanoi’s western army from rushing into Hebei, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone, or even kill three birds with one stone.”

Wan Yanchang shook his head and said: "Everything has both positive and negative sides. Although deploying in Xiangzhou can defend from multiple sides, it will also encounter attacks from three sides. In the end, one loses sight of the other. It is better to separate."

"However. Separation is easy to break down. Marshal Du, with a hundred thousand signed troops stationed in Anyang, the other side can't divide their troops either!"

Wan Yanchang still shook his head, "One hundred thousand signed troops are stationed in Anyang, how to block Fukouxing, how to defend Hanoi, how to defend the Western Army from crossing the Yellow River? Or do nothing, but if you divide the troops, it will not be the same Was it broken by everyone?"

Cui Jiu wanted to persuade him again, but Wan Yanchang waved his hand to stop him, "Sir, you don't need to persuade me any more. You don't know about some things. These signed troops are mixed. Some have strict military discipline and strong combat effectiveness, while others have loose military discipline and low strength Breakdown, if forced together, the bad ones will be worse, and the good ones will be dragged down, it’s better to work on our own, and be responsible for ourselves, I’ve made up my mind, so be it!”

"What about the [-] troops in the Daming Mansion? How will the prince arrange it?"

Wan Yanchang was silent for a while and said: "The [-] troops are my foundation, and the foundation should not be moved lightly."

Cui Jiu looked at Wan Yanchang silently, unable to say a word for a while.

Chen Qing's fleet has arrived in Jinan Prefecture, and the 20 troops also arrived in Jinan Prefecture under the leadership of Gao Ding, Liu Cui and Liu Qiong. Including the previous 22 garrison troops, there are a total of [-] troops.

The army built a plank camp outside Licheng County, covering an area of ​​thousands of mu. The camp was as large as a county seat. Although it had not yet entered the state of war, Chen Qing still sent Yao Mei to Licheng She lives temporarily in the county. Fortunately, Li Qingzhao is also in Licheng County. She recently renovated her ancestral home and guarded her parents' tomb. She will not return to Jingzhao until next year, so Yao Mei happens to live in her residence.

In the big tent, eight generals above Dutong were surrounded in front of the sand table. Chen Qing smiled slightly at the crowd and said, "First of all, I want to tell you that I have assembled more than 20 troops in Jinan Prefecture, and I am not pretending. [-] Wan Dajun I will definitely join the Hebei battlefield, in fact you are the main force to attack the Daming Mansion, so don’t worry, everyone will definitely give you a chance.”

The generals gathered in Jinan Mansion, and when they heard that they were a reserve army, they were impatient. After hearing His Highness's promise, the generals' impatience gradually calmed down.

Liu Qiong asked: "May I ask, Your Highness, when will the attack on Hebei Road be launched?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "In fact, it has already begun. Niu Gao's 20 troops have already entered Fukouxing. Once they break through Fukou Pass, they will definitely attract the main force of the enemy army. Huaizhou's [-] troops will start to move eastward, and then It is Yang Zaixing's [-] troops crossing Hebei, and after the battle in the west of Hebei Road breaks out, I will observe the enemy's income and then decide the investment time of our [-] troops. It is not a good thing to throw all the chips out too early!"

"Your Highness, will the Jin Dynasty court send reinforcements?" Gao Ding asked.

Chen Qing shook his head, "To tell you the truth, I don't know. It is said that the military of the Kingdom of Jin is now in power, Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Nianhan are in control of the court, and the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin has to submit to their opinions."

Liu Cui pondered for a while and said, "Your Highness, if the two of them are in power, then they will definitely advocate sending troops to Hebei!"

"It's just the opposite!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "The two of them used to be hardliners in the main battle, but now it's the other way around. Both of them have become soil defenders, advocating abandoning Hebei and defending Yanshan Mansion with all their strength."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't understand!Liu Qiong asked: "Can your Highness explain it to us? This change is really surprising!"

"This... I don't have any specific information. My understanding may not be correct. My understanding is that the population of the Kingdom of Jin is currently insufficient, and its military strength has dropped sharply. Pan, of course they also have selfish intentions. Nianhan hopes that Jin Kingdom will continue to develop on the Mobei grassland, which is his sphere of influence. Wushu is unwilling to send troops to support Wanyanchang because of his deep personal grievances with Wanyanchang. Public and private, so they are not in favor of supporting Hebei Road."

After a pause, Chen Qing continued: "I originally thought that the Golden State Council would send envoys to negotiate with us. They gave up Hebei Road, and the two sides signed an armistice agreement. It was released to attack Hebei, but the envoys from the Kingdom of Jin have not arrived, which shows one thing."

Chen Qing stopped talking, glanced at everyone, saw that everyone was listening attentively, and then smiled slightly: "It means that their emperor wants to keep Hebei Road, or another faction in Jin Kingdom wants to protect Hebei Road, the two factions The struggle was so fierce that neither reinforcements came to support Hebei Road nor envoys came to negotiate with us."

Fukou Xing is the fourth of the Taihang Eight Xings. In fact, it uses Zhangshui to travel in the valley of the Taihang Mountains.

This road across the Taihang Mountains has been very difficult and dangerous since ancient times. Mules and horses can be used, but carts cannot be used. Only Jingxing can use carts. Even so, merchants still use mules and donkeys to carry goods across Fukouxing, between Hebei and Hebei. east of the river.

However, there are large and small basins distributed in Fukouxing, which are flat and flat, and there are many villages.

A western army of 5000 people is walking quickly on the mountain road. This army is the vanguard of Niu Gao's army, led by the young fierce general Shao Jichun.

Shao Jichun has always been Niu Gao's number one fierce general, daring to fight, brave and good at fighting, known as the desperate Saburo, this time his task is to take down Fuyang Pass.

Most of the Fukouxing area is controlled by the Western Army, while the Jin Bing controls the Fuyang Pass and the [-]-mile mountain road. Among them, there is a mile-long canyon that is very difficult and dangerous, called Yixiantian, which can only accommodate one person and one horse. But, this is the first pass that the Western Army wants to capture, followed by Fuyang Pass.

The signers deployed three hundred soldiers on the front line. They had a large amount of dry straw and hundreds of barrels of kerosene, and blocked the exit with crossbows. Immediately deploy hay and kerosene and stand ready.

【Two updates today】

(End of this chapter)

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