
Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302
At dusk, Shao Jichun led five thousand soldiers to the west entrance of Yixiantian. Shao Jichun ordered: "Drive the mules in!"

More than a dozen soldiers drove three mule carts in to explore the road. After walking for about half a mile, the mules refused to leave and kept retreating. They saw smoke rising in front of them. Black smoke billowed into the canyon with a pungent smell. , It was extremely choking, and a dozen soldiers hurriedly turned around and ran.

Suddenly, three soldiers fell to the ground one after another, and other soldiers quickly picked them up and ran. The soldiers coughed desperately, struggled to escape from the Yixiantian Canyon, and sat on the ground to breathe heavily. Only then did the soldiers realize that the three fallen soldiers were all Nose bleeding, has stopped breathing.

"How's the situation?" Shao Jichun stepped forward and asked.

"It's not good!"

Wei Capital said: "The other party actually used poisonous smoke, the three mules are gone, and three brothers died, all of them died of inhaling poisonous smoke."

"When did you start smoking?"

"About halfway there!"

"Is there a fire?"

Du shook his head, "I didn't see the fire, there should be fire."

Wu Qiming, the commander next to him, said: "General, after the enemy army has burned a batch of firewood and kerosene, they must wait for it to cool down before sending people in to deploy the second batch of firewood and kerosene. As soon as the first batch was burned, we rushed over, and they had no time to deploy the second batch, so we killed them."

"How to deal with poisonous smoke and fire?"

Another experienced commander said: "You can put out the fire with a wet bedding, and cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel to prevent smoke, but it won't last long?"

"How long can it last?"

"At most one stick of incense time!"

Shao Jichun calculated the time, one stick of incense was enough time, he immediately said: "Assault battalion is ready, follow me to kill!"

All the generals were shocked, and they all persuaded: "The general is the chief general, so you can't take any risks!"

Shao Jichun said angrily: "Which time is it better for me to take the lead and rush to the front, don't waste any more time, everyone get ready!"

Shao Jichun and the three hundred soldiers of the assault battalion covered their mouths and noses with wet towels, tied a knot behind their heads, and held shields and short spears ready to move. In addition, each of them carried a wet bedding on their shoulders, which could not only protect the soldiers, but also protect the soldiers. Can extinguish the fire in time.

Shao Jichun walked in the front carrying a large shield and a long spear. His usual weapon was a pair of sixty-pound copper hammers.

At this time, the first batch of igniters were almost finished, and the poisonous smoke was not as strong as before. This was an opportunity. If the opponent rushed ahead of them and completed the second deployment, it would be troublesome.

The soldiers ran at a faster speed. They quickly stepped on the corpses of three mules. It was already halfway through. At this time, the poisonous smoke was even smaller, and the road ahead could already be seen.

About 150 steps away from Taniguchi, flames appeared in front of him, and Shao Jichun shouted: "Extinguish the fire!"

He turned sideways, and a dozen soldiers rushed to the front, spreading wet quilts. The open fire was extinguished immediately, and another group of people stepped forward. Although the speed of the team was slow, they continued to move forward. in the first square.

Fifty steps away from Taniguchi, someone in front of them shouted loudly: "The fire ahead has been extinguished, hurry up and bring the oil barrel!"

This is a moment of life and death. If the other party succeeds in dumping fire oil, 300 of them will surely die. Shao Jichun tore off the wet towel from his mouth and nose, and rushed forward like a strong wind.

Several soldiers deploying firewood and kerosene were caught off guard and were stabbed to death by Shao Jichun's spear. There were screams, and someone shouted: "The Western Army is here!"

A dozen or so soldiers turned around and fled in fright. Shao Jichun led his men to follow closely behind them, but did not kill them with his hands, using ready-made human shields.

The signing army outside heard the screams and shouts in the canyon. It must be the Western Army who killed them. The leader commanded anxiously: "Light it up!"

They had laid dry grass for about [-] steps, and there were a lot of oleander branches. Some soldiers immediately lit the dry grass, and the fire suddenly ignited.

"Prepare your bows and arrows!"

Three hundred soldiers raised their arrows and aimed at Taniguchi.

At this time, the Yixiantian Canyon yelled: "Commander, it's us, don't light the fire!"

The commander of the signing army immediately ordered: "Shoot arrows!"

Immediately, random arrows were fired, shooting into the canyon, and the screams continued to ring out from the sky. I don't know if it was their people or the Western Army. The commander shouted: "Don't stop, keep shooting!"

Another round of arrows was fired, and the screams stopped. At this time, some soldiers discovered that the fire had also gone out.

"Commander, the fire in the canyon is extinguished!"

"Go and pour the kerosene to light the fire!"

Several soldiers hugged the kerosene barrel and rushed over. Just as they reached the entrance of the valley, a black figure suddenly rushed out from the entrance of the valley with a cold light in their hands. Several soldiers screamed and fell to the ground, all shot in the throat.

"The enemy army has come out, shoot arrows!"

Three hundred arrows shot at the black shadow, but the black shadow had a big shield in his hand. He ran with the big shield to avoid the arrows. It was the fierce general Shao Jichun. He suddenly threw away the shield and rushed into the crowd. place, like a tiger in a herd of sheep.

The commander of the signing army yelled, and stabbed at Shao Jichun with his spear. Shao Jichun sneered and dodged. Inhaled the throat, blood spurted out, and the commander was killed on the spot.

Behind him, more and more soldiers of the Western Army rushed out, killing the enemy army, crying and howling, and the corpses were strewn all over the ground. The remaining hundred soldiers turned around and ran for their lives. Shao Jichun led [-] Western Army of the Assault Battalion to chase after him.

At this time, it was getting dark, and I saw two groups of hundreds of soldiers running on the mountain road, the distance between them was only seventy or eighty steps. In front were the fleeing soldiers, and behind them were the [-] Western troops chasing them. The opponent seized Fuyang Pass.

The five thousand troops behind also passed through the sky and followed behind.

It was about 150 miles from Yixiantian to Fuyang Pass, around the time of Hai, [-] soldiers finally ran under the pass, shouting for the door, they didn't care if the Western Army behind them would take the opportunity to enter the pass, as long as they could Just live.

Fuyang Pass is built on a slope, with cliffs on one side and a deep stream of hundreds of feet on the other. Zhangshui is below. Zhangshui rushes eastward in the valley. Waterfalls, boats can't sail, they can only take the dangerous road on the mountainside, Fuyang Pass is built on such a dangerous road, it can be said that one man guards the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Of course, in the majestic Taihang Mountains, there are many such dangerous passes, and Fuyang Pass is not well-known. In the Taihang Mountains, the really famous dangerous passes are Niangziguan, Yanmenguan and Juyongguan.

Fuyang Pass is not big, guarded by only 700 soldiers, led by a commander named Li Wen, and there are only [-] people left in the pass.

Li Wen got the report and hurried to the city. In the night, he saw a large group of soldiers standing under the city. Li Wen asked, "What's going on, where is General Wang?"

The head of the capital shouted: "Commander Li, General Wang has died in battle. The Western Army has broken through the sky and is chasing behind. Please open the door quickly, Commander!"

Li Wen was taken aback, and hurriedly looked into the distance. The mountain road in the distance was very quiet in the night, and no pursuers were seen.

"Where are the pursuers?"

Looking back at the capital, he didn't see any pursuers. He felt a little strange, where did the Western Army go?
But at this time, it was important for them to save their lives, so they said casually: "The Western Army is still several miles away, and will catch up soon. Please open the door, Commander."

The Western Army was still several miles away, so Li Wen felt relieved, and immediately ordered: "Open and close the door!"

The closed gate opened slowly, and the soldiers rushed into the closed gate impatiently. At this moment, dozens of black shadows jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the gate like a pack of wolves, thirty steps behind them. Running wildly, other soldiers of the Western Army who were hiding two hundred steps away also ran over.

Li Wen was stunned for a moment, he suddenly realized and shouted: "Guancheng! Guancheng!"

The soldiers defending the city began to close the city gate, but the hundreds of soldiers below the city fought against the closed gate desperately and squeezed into the closed city.

"You bastards, the enemy is coming!"

Shao Jichun was the first to kill, stabbing more than a dozen people with his long spear, and opened a gap. He rushed into the Guancheng first, his long spear was like a storm, and the twenty or so soldiers who closed the city gate died or fled, and the city gate was closed. no more.

Thirty soldiers behind him also rushed into the Guancheng, Li Wen shouted anxiously: "Kill them, close the city gate!"

The [-] signatory soldiers on duty came from both sides, and the two sides fought together. Although Shao Jichun had few people, he did not lose the wind at all, especially the chief general Shao Jichun was like a dragon in the sea. .

At this moment, the closed door was knocked open, and 270 soldiers from the Assault Battalion of the Western Army came in. Seeing that the situation was over, Li Wen ran down the tower to try to escape, but was surrounded by a dozen soldiers of the Western Army. In just a moment, he was covered in blood. , fell to the ground and died tragically on the spot.

The rest of the soldiers knelt down and surrendered one after another. The soldiers of the Western Army covered up all the way. Hundreds of soldiers in the camp at the foot of the mountain had heard the news and were about to go up the mountain to help, but encountered more than a dozen soldiers who fled down the mountain.

The [-] signatory soldiers learned that the main general had died in battle, and they no longer had the will to resist. They threw down their weapons and armor one after another, and fled for their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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