
Chapter 1303 The Ferry

Chapter 1303 The Ferry
Just two days after the Western Army occupied Fuyang Pass, Niu Gao led an army of [-] to Fuyang Pass. The Western Army did not stop at Fuyang Pass. The army broke out of Fuyang Pass and arrived at Fuyang County in Cizhou Prefecture half a day later. At that time, there was no garrison in the county, and officials such as Zhizhou surrendered in Kaesong to welcome the arrival of the Western Army.

At the same moment when Niu Gao led the [-] western army to capture Cizhou, the deputy governor Wang Duo also led [-] troops from Huaizhou to Weizhou. This is the Hanoi area, a stretch between the Taihang Mountains and the Yellow River. The narrow land is just at the junction of Hedong Road, Henan Road, North Hebei Road and Shaanxi Road. It consists of two states, Huaizhou and Weizhou, and its strategic location is very important.

Before that, Huaizhou was a part of Shanzhou, which was occupied by the Western Army when they attacked Shanzhou. Later, Chen Qing separated it and established Huaizhou. It was just across the river from Weizhou occupied by the Kingdom of Jin. It has been peaceful for seven or eight years, and this time the Western Army suddenly attacked Weizhou from Huaizhou, which was really beyond Jin Bing's expectations. The key is that they did not find any signs of the Western Army's increasing troops to Huaizhou, and Jin Bing was caught off guard.

There are only [-] defenders in Weizhou, all of them stationed in Jixian County. The leader is Wang Feng, a commander. At dawn, dozens of signed soldiers rushed from the west in a panic. They brought the Western Army to cross the river. information.

Wang Feng was shocked. The Western Army crossed Qingshui last night and came towards Jixian County. It's been one night, where is the Western Army?

At this time, the guarding soldiers rushed to report, "Control, the main force of the Western Army has been found outside the city, less than five miles away from us!"

Wang Feng ran up to the top of the city and looked west, and saw the mighty Western Army marching towards the county town. The line was very long, and there were more than [-] soldiers.

The city of Ji County is dilapidated, and it only needs to be hit violently with a battering ram to collapse. The city will definitely not be able to defend it. The key is to surrender or retreat?

Lieutenant General Tian Rui suggested: "General, the Western Army's iron fire and thunder are sharp and can blow down city walls. We have too few troops, so we might as well abandon the city!"

Tian Rui's suggestion fell right into Wang Feng's arms. Wang Feng's wife and children are in the Daming Mansion. He had no choice, so he nodded and said, "I will lead the city guards to retreat first, and you go to the military camp to organize the brothers to retreat immediately!"

"Follow the order!" Tian Rui went down to the city.

Wang Feng immediately ordered, "Open the east gate and retreat!"

Not long after, the East City Gate opened, and Wang Feng took the lead and led the army to retreat, but only more than a thousand guarding soldiers followed him out of the city, and the rest of the army was in the barracks, and the deputy general Tian Rui organized the retreat.

Wang Feng waited several miles away, but after waiting for a long time, not only did Tian Rui come to join him, but a general reminded Wang Feng, "General Tian is a native of Weizhou, so he probably won't retreat!"

Only then did Wang Feng realize it, didn't he?The Tian family is a rich family in Weizhou, he forgot about this crucial situation, he tricked himself away first, he is the defender of the city.

At this time, a cavalry rushed to report, "Reporting to the government, General Tian led the army to surrender to the Western Army, and the Western Army has occupied Ji County!"

Wang Feng was very annoyed, but he had no choice but to lead more than a thousand soldiers to retreat in the direction of Xiangzhou.

The Tian family is a well-known powerful family in Weizhou, and Tian Rui is the eldest son of Tian Xiang, the owner of the Tian family. Of course, he will not leave the family and retreat. In fact, their family has long been in secret contact with the Western Army. Even if Wang Feng does not retreat, Tian Rui will also offer the city to surrender.

Wang Duo's army immediately occupied Weizhou and ordered the beheading of Zhizhou Han Jing, who was greatly indignant by the people. The people who fled to Huaizhou, even their children, were hated by the people of Weizhou.

The Militia Army had been wiped out by the Western Army, and all the soldiers were beheaded. Han Jing wanted to flee with his family, but was detained by Tian Rui's army. His family of more than [-] members was beheaded by Wang Duo, who then ordered Tian Rui to behead him. Rui became the magistrate of the state, and his army was disbanded and returned to the fields.

At this time, the 12 signed troops were mainly deployed in three places, a natural Hejian Prefecture, and [-] troops were deployed to deal with the Western Army's attack on northern Hebei by sea.

But the army of Hejian Mansion is not the main force. The main force is the [-] army deployed in Anyang County of Xiangzhou and the [-] army deployed in Liyang County of Anli Army.

The [-] troops in Anyang County were led by the capital commander Sima An, mainly to deal with the main force of the Western Army Niugao who came from Fukouxing.

The [-] troops in Liyang County were led by the commander of the capital, Han Chang. They were responsible for dealing with the main force of Yang Zaixing, the Western Army who was about to cross the river from Baima.

The signing army camp in Liyang County is located on the north bank of the Yellow River, five miles from north to south, and more than ten miles from east to west. It is a large-scale barracks.

There are nearly [-] big tents in the barracks. In order to guard against the fire attack of the Western Army, a blank area of ​​about one mile was left between the big tents and the wall, and an inner wall about one foot high was built, so that even the furthest fire Crows may not be able to fly into the big tent area.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Han Chang paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. He looked back at the sand table next to him from time to time. The white horse crossing on the sand table was filled with red flags, which meant that it was the place where the Western Army crossed the river.

As early as a month ago, the spies of the Kingdom of Jin discovered that one hundred thousand troops had gathered at Baimadu and set up a large camp. Hundreds of ships had also arrived at the ferry. All the evidence showed that the Western Army was about to cross the Yellow River at Baimadu. .

It was Wan Yanchang's strategy to attack the western army crossing the river halfway. With Han Chang's [-] troops, he could completely defeat a [-] army crossing the river, because the crossing army did not go ashore all at once, but came in batches , It takes a long time, and after going ashore, you have to assemble and reorganize the team. You can completely wipe out the Western Army when they are not stable, and then wait for the next batch to go ashore.

However, the Western Army on the other side did not launch an offensive for a long time, which made Han Chang feel a little anxious and uneasy. He suspected that the Western Army might have shot a feint, built the plank road openly, and kept the warehouse in secret. If Baimadu behaved, then they would Where will you cross the river?
A general persuaded: "Han Dutong, if the [-] troops leave Baimadu, there will be a lot of movement. Our spies will not miss it. They should still be at Baimadu, waiting for an opportunity."

Another general also said: "The key is that Marshal Du ordered us to intercept the Western Army from crossing the river in Liyang County. Do we need Marshal Du's consent to leave Liyang County?"

Han Chang sighed. His subordinates were right. They were the generals, not the commanders. The generals had to carry out the strategic deployment of the commander. Marshal Du judged that the Western Army was crossing the river at Baima, so they had to obey the deployment and intercept the Western Army in Liyang County. If you have other ideas, you should report to Marshal Du in time, and you can't leave without authorization.

Of course, if the spies find that the Western Army has started to cross the river elsewhere, then Han Chang can decide to leave, but the problem is that he is only suspicious now, and there is no evidence. What if the Western Army is still ashore in Liyang County, and they withdraw , Marshal Du will not spare him.

At this time, a soldier entered the account and reported, "Report to Dutong, there is news from Xiangzhou that about [-] troops from the Western Army have captured Weizhou."

This news surprised Han Chang. He suddenly thought of something, and hurried to the sand table to take a closer look. He found that there was another famous ferry in Luoyang area, that is Mengjin Ferry.

Han Chang suddenly realized that the real place where the Western Army crossed the river might not be Baimadu, but Mengjindu. He hit his own halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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