
Chapter 1304 Change

Chapter 1304 Change
The actual strength of the Baimadu camp was 12. Yang Zaixing kept [-] troops in the barracks and continued to pretend to be a [-] army, while the real [-] troops were dispatched in the middle of the night, quickly left the Baimadu barracks, and rushed west to Mengjindu , The army marched day and night, and arrived at Mengjindu two days later.

At this time, Mengjindu had assembled more than 300 large ships, and Huaizhou and Weizhou on the opposite bank were controlled by the Western Army, which prevented the Western Army from being intercepted by the signing army when crossing the Yellow River.

It can be said that this was a stroke of genius in Chen Qing's layout. He pretended to attack Baimadu, took Mengjindu, and then captured Weizhou. The signing army was caught off guard. Even if the opponent reacted, it was too late. This is a very beautiful time difference tactics.

Ships came and went on the Yellow River, sending boats of soldiers and supplies to the opposite bank, and finally transporting horses. It took at least three days and three nights for a hundred thousand troops to be completely transported across the Yellow River.

The [-] troops led by Wang Duo were deployed in Weizhou for defense. At this time, Han Chang in Liyang County had just realized that the Western Army was crossing the river from Mengjin. Even if he rushed to Weizhou, it would take three days and it was already impossible. Prevent the Western Army from crossing the river.

But Han Chang still led an army of [-] to Weizhou. This was Wan Yanchang's order. Even if the Western Army could not be stopped from crossing the river, the main force of the Western Army should be blocked in Weizhou, and the main force of the Western Army should not be allowed to enter Hebei.

At the same time, the [-] Jurchen cavalry in Yanshan Mansion received the order of the King of Jin and ordered them to support Hebei.

The [-] Jurchen went south immediately, and at Wan Yanchang's request, they rushed to Weizhou to support Han Chang's army.


In Daying of Jinan Prefecture, Chen Qing stood alone in front of the sand table and meditated. He had just received a letter from a pigeon sent by an intelligence agent from Hejian Prefecture. The pigeon letter confirmed that [-] Jurchen cavalry had gone south.

This means that the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin does not want to give up Hebei Road, and continues to mobilize resources to support Hebei Jinbing.

Of course, Chen Qing couldn't wait for it. He had to seize every opportunity to defeat them, and kill all the Jurchen cavalry in batches, thereby greatly reducing its national strength.

Chen Qing was still worried about Yang Zaixing, especially Yang Zaixing's army in Weizhou. Once the Jurchen reinforcements joined Han Chang's army, they would have an army of [-]. Whether Yang Zaixing could defeat the opponent, Chen Qing had no idea.

He wasn't worried about Niu Gao, Niu Gao was a stable person, he led troops steadily and fought steadily, he would never advance rashly, Niu Gao could completely take charge of his side.

But Yang Zaixing has flaws in his personality. He has a rather extreme personality. When it comes to leading troops in battle, he likes to take risks and use strange soldiers.

And his opponent is also an army of [-], especially Han Chang, who signed the army, and they are old rivals, and they know each other very well. He also knows Yang Zaixing. Will he set up a game for Yang Zaixing to lure him into action? Dangerous chess?

It is very possible, there are still [-] Jurchen cavalry!

Chen Qing was a little anxious. He considered his qualifications too much and asked Yang Zaixing to be the main general. In fact, Liu Qiong was more suitable than him.

So after thinking about it again and again, Chen Qing still decided not to be careless. It is really unwise to use 20 troops as a backup. They must all press up and pull the main battlefield from Weizhou back to Daming Mansion.

Chen Qing immediately issued two orders. First, he sent an order to Dengzhou, and the navy can set off!Second, the 20 troops stationed in Jinan Prefecture were ordered to also set off for Daming Prefecture.

Chen Qing left 20 troops to guard Jinan Mansion, and then personally led [-] troops to march towards Daming Mansion.

Two days later, 20 troops arrived on the south bank of the old Yellow River. As a pioneer, Liu Qiong led an army of [-] to build ten pontoon bridges, and [-] troops were on the north bank to protect the safety of the pontoon bridges.

Standing on a high place, Chen Qing watched the 17 troops march towards the north bank like ants. The ten pontoon bridges were crowded with black crowds. There are as many as a thousand ships, loaded with countless grain and grass supplies.

"Where is the other side?" Chen Qing asked, pointing to the other side.

Marching Sima Loulei bowed and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the opposite bank is Linqing County, Daming Prefecture, about a hundred miles away from Daming County."

"Do you have any information about the scouts?"

"Just received it, but the Jin soldiers from Daming County are not abnormal, and they didn't come to intercept us."

Chen Qing thought for a while and asked again: "Is the river blocked?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the river within [-] miles north and south of Daming County is full of our warships, completely blocking the river!"

Chen Qing was a little puzzled, Wan Yanchang was too calm, did he want to fight the siege of the city with the Western Army?
"Your Highness, you can go." Gao Ding came to urge Chen Qing.

Chen Qing nodded, "Let's go!"

Under the guard of three thousand soldiers, he rode down from the high place and ran towards the pontoon bridge on the old Yellow River.

In Daming County Capital Marshal's Mansion, Wan Yanchang was like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth in the lobby, and after walking for a while, he asked, "Is there any reply?"

The leader of the personal guard said tremblingly: "Report to Marshal Du, there is no news yet!"

"What's wrong, it's so slow, pigs are faster than them!" Wan Yanchang scolded anxiously.

Wan Yanchang received information from Jinan Prefecture yesterday that 20 Western troops left Jinan Prefecture and marched towards Hebei.

Wan Yanchang suddenly became nervous. According to the information he had received before, the 20 Western Army in Jinan Prefecture was used as a reserve army!
The reserve army means that the first round will not be played. If the Hebei army fails, 20 troops will be bet on. This is called the reserve army.

But now the 20 army suddenly went north, which completely disrupted Wan Yanchang's deployment. The 20 army was obviously coming for the famous city. Could it be that the main force of his 20 army was going to fight against the [-] army of the Western Army?
Of course it's impossible, Wan Yanchang has already dispatched people to summon [-] Jurchen reinforcements to turn eastward to support Daming City, let alone the war in Weizhou.

Since yesterday, he has sent three teams of cavalry to Junzhou to pass orders, but there is no news at all.

At this time, Cui Jiu, the staff member, hurried into the lobby, "Marshal Du, I just got the news that 20 Western troops started crossing the river this morning."

Wan Yanchang's heart sank, even though he expected it, the news still made him tremble with fear.

"Where did they cross the river?"

"In Linqing County!"

Linqing County is located in the northernmost part of Daming Mansion. It is more than 100 miles away from Daming County. It will take two days for 20 troops to cross the river. They will not be able to reach Daming City for at least two or three days. Wan Yanchang is slightly relieved.

There was a rush of running in the courtyard, and then a guard reported from the hall, "Report to Marshal Du, General A Busu led the army to turn to Daming Mansion, and Li Dutong also led [-] troops to the south."

Wan Yanchang was overjoyed and finally arrived.

Cui Jiu was stunned, didn't Pucha Abusu lead an army of [-] to support Han Chang?Why was he transferred back to the Daming Mansion again?Also, the [-] troops of the Hejian Mansion were mobilized to go south, so how would they deal with the Western Army's navy after they landed?

"Marshal Du, the combination of General Abusu and General Han Chang is our only chance to defeat the Western Army. Marshal Du withdraws Abusu, leaving Han Chang alone. I'm afraid he will be alone!"

Wan Yanchang said indifferently: "How could I not know? All our tactical deployments are based on the premise that Jinan Prefecture's 20 troops will not go north. Now that they have gone north, our deployment will also change accordingly. It is more important to defend the Daming Mansion, and as for Han Chang, Sima An can go south, he and Han Chang join forces, and a [-] army is not so easy to be defeated!"

Cui Jiu was speechless. Before, he tried his best to persuade Wan Yanchang to join forces and fight with one fist, but Wan Yanchang refused to agree with him life and death. Now he asked them to join forces. What is the difference with his previous suggestion? the difference?
(End of this chapter)

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