
Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305
Niu Gao's [-] troops reached the foot of Anyang City, and set up a camp about three miles away from Anyang City. Niu Gao was not in a hurry to attack Anyang City. After setting up the camp, Niu Gao began to build a logistics supply county. Constant logistical replenishment.

On the top of the city, the chief general Sima An watched the Western Army's camp three miles away. There was no barracks, but a trench was dug and a large tent was set up. This is the simplest kind of camp. Will camp like this.

Of course, Sima An also knew the difficulties of the Western Army. When he came to Fukouxing, it was impossible to carry luggage, there would be no barracks, and there would be no siege weapons. No, it is impossible to temporarily build a camp fence.

Sima An was a little tempted. Camping like this is very convenient for sneak attack!

At this time, Mo Xiaowu, the commander in chief, suggested: "Dutong, the western army set up camp like this, relying entirely on the outer patrol to warn, but its camp is only three miles away from us, the distance is too short, even if there is a warning on the outer perimeter, it is too late to gather. Using [-] cavalry to step into the camp, the time is even shorter, this is our chance!"

Mo Xiaowu's suggestion fell right into Sima An's arms. They happened to have [-] cavalry in their hands. If they used [-] cavalry to set foot on the camp, if the follow-up troops attacked them, the Western Army would surely be defeated.

Sima An nodded, "It's exactly what I want!"

Mo Xiaowu hastily said again: "Dutong, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Today is cloudy, and there must be no night at night. It is suitable for camping. I am willing to lead [-] cavalry to camp!"

"Okay! Let's do it at midnight tonight. I will lead an army of [-] to respond behind. If the camp is successful, I will lead the army to hide and kill!"

In the middle of the night, dark clouds were hanging low, the moon was dark and the wind was high, which was a suitable night for a night raid on the camp. Mo Xiaowu led ten thousand cavalry out of the city from the west city, and detoured slowly towards the west army camp. The horse's hooves were wrapped in cloth, and the sound was very small.

Behind the [-] cavalry, Sima An personally led [-] troops out of the city, and followed the cavalry from a distance.

The cavalry was getting closer and closer to the Western Army's camp, and there was still a mile away from the camp, when they were suddenly spotted by a patrol, who shouted, "There is an enemy situation!"

Immediately afterwards, several gunpowder arrows shot into the sky, shining red light.

Mo Xiaowu shouted, "Kill—"


The horsemen shouted and charged towards the camp. After a short while, the cavalry rushed to the front of the camp, and the figures in the camp could be seen faintly. When Mo Xiaowu mentioned the horse, the horse flew over the ditch and rushed into the camp, followed by countless cavalry. In the big camp, Mo Xiaowu went straight to the big tent of the Chinese army, and captured the king first, he wanted to behead the head of the general of the western army with his own hands.

He saw a row of soldiers blocking the way in front of him, he yelled, swung his knife and slashed away, several heads flew into the air
Mo Xiaowu was taken aback, the heads were too light, something was wrong, only then did he realize that they were all straw people.

"It's been tricked!" A thought came to his mind.

At this time, exclamations came from all directions, "It's a straw man!"

"Fucked, retreat quickly!"

The camp suddenly burst into flames, and the flames swept from all directions. The ground was covered with kerosene, so the burning speed was incomparably fast. In an instant, the entire camp became a sea of ​​flames. Thousands of cavalry were caught in the sea of ​​flames, and their horses hissed , refused to run, the tents were also ablaze, the tents were full of straw, burning more rapidly, thousands of cavalry were completely engulfed by the flames.

The cavalry behind who had not had time to enter the camp turned around and fled in fright. A cavalry was killed in a diagonal stab. The leading general was Shao Jichun. He was holding a pair of copper hammers. Among the cavalry.

The cavalry of the Signing Army was defeated and they ran for their lives. The Western Army chased after them. At this time, Sima An's [-] troops fell into the encirclement of the Western Army. Thousands of arrows were fired all around, and the soldiers fell one by one. Thousands of people were killed and injured in an instant. , Immediately afterwards, the cavalry of the Western Army came from all directions.

The signing army was in chaos, trampling each other, scrambling to escape for their lives, Sima An was too late to regret, he led hundreds of cavalry to flee for their lives, half a mile away from the city gate, suddenly found that they could not go back, there were thousands of Western troops in front of them intercepted, A mass of black arrows were fired, Sima An reacted quickly, turned his horse's head and fled eastward, but he was hit by two arrows, and the severe pain almost caused him to fall off his horse.

But the soldiers in the rear didn't react quickly. They happened to encounter the rain of arrows head-on. They screamed and were shot down. The rest of the cavalry turned their horses and fled eastward. Li escaped the pursuit.

Sima An couldn't gather the remnants of the army, and he couldn't explain to Wan Yanchang when he went back. He sat on a big rock and pondered for a long time, and finally sighed: "Go back to Anyang City!"

Dozens of soldiers were shocked, "Dutong, you will definitely meet the Western Army when you go back now!"

"I know, I'm going to surrender to the Western Army, I can't think of where else I can escape? Surrendering can at least save my life!"

Sima An knew very well that even if he fled back to his hometown in Zhaozhou, with his identity, he would be betrayed by the villagers sooner or later, and if the officials of the Western Army arrested him, his life might be in danger. It would be better to surrender, at least he would not die if he surrendered .

He came back with dozens of his own soldiers. At this time, the battle outside the city was over. All surrendered, and there were 2 soldiers who also died in battle, and the others surrendered. The [-] troops surrendered [-] people, and less than [-] escaped. The rest were killed by the Western Army, and the Western Army was also fighting Thousands of people were killed or killed.

Niu Gao was listening to the report. At this time, a soldier rushed over and said, "Report to Dutong, the patrol captured the enemy's chief general and said he is coming back to surrender!"

Niu Gao asked the army beside him, "What is the background of this Sima An, can he be guilty of a felony?"

Joining the army bowed and said: "This person is from Zhaozhou. He was a Jinshi during the Zhenghe period. At first he served as the general judge of Cizhou. After the fall of Hebei, he resigned and returned home. Later, he organized a rebel army of thousands of people to resist the Jin soldiers. Hebei Yijun, he led the army to surrender and was named Zhaozhou Zhizhi Envoy. Wan Yanchang admired him very much and promoted him to be the governor of the capital. He is in charge of the East Army, and Li Dean is in charge of [-] North Army, there is no big evil, but after he surrendered to Jin Kingdom, he persuaded many rebels to surrender, which is a shame."

Niu Gao once asked His Royal Highness King Yong how to deal with the officials who surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin. King Yong told him that the court of the Southern Song Dynasty could not protect itself, so it should not demand that the local officials always uphold righteousness, especially for the sake of personal righteousness, which led to the massacre of the city and cost tens of millions. The behavior of the people is unacceptable. Under the overthrow of the nest, as long as he can protect the people, he is a good official.

So Niu Gao also insisted on his principles, as long as he didn't lead his army to massacre the city, he could accept the surrender.

He nodded, "Bring Sima An to see me!"

Not long after, the soldiers brought Sima An up, and Sima An said in shame: "The humble job has nowhere to go, so I can only surrender to the Western Army. I beg General Niu to forgive me!"

Niu Gao nodded, "As long as you can persuade the Anyang defenders to surrender, I can report to King Yong of Ming Dynasty and appoint you as Minister of State and Minister of King Yong!"

Sima An was really overjoyed, he didn't expect this result, he quickly said: "I would like to order the defenders to surrender!"

"Okay! I will let you enter the city, and you must surrender before noon."

Sima An bowed and saluted, and left with his subordinates. Several generals of the Western Army said anxiously: "He wanted to escape into the city before but couldn't, why did the generals let him into the city?"

Niu Gao said indifferently: "Siege the city and attack the heart, I gave him a chance to be reborn, if he is treacherous and untrustworthy, then he will only die, but I believe he is not so stupid."

An hour later, just before dawn, the north city gate of Anyang opened wide, and [-] soldiers led by Sima An left the city to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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