
Chapter 1306 Attacked

Chapter 1306 Attacked
In the night, Cao Qing, the commander of the Western Army, led a cavalry force of 3000 people to march rapidly. Their goal was Xinping Town, fifty miles away, which was the logistics and grain camp of Han Chang's army. The camps were concentrated, and then sent to the front camp in a cart.

The decision to attack the enemy's logistics camp was made this morning. For this reason, the chief general Yang Zaixing and Wang Duo had different opinions. Wang Duo was Niu Gao's subordinate and inherited Niu Gao's combat style. However, he insisted that a sneak attack on the enemy's food and grass has the miraculous effect of four or two thousand catties, which can seriously defeat the morale of the enemy.

The two sides could not settle down, but after all, Yang Zaixing had a higher rank in the military, so he finally decided to make a surprise attack. Cao Qing, the commander, led [-] light cavalry to Xinping Town with kerosene.

At four o'clock, the army entered the Yellow Cow Valley, which is still twenty miles away from Xinping Town.

The Yellow Cow Valley is the only way to pass through the official road. Both sides are low and gentle hills with lush trees. Cao Qing is a scout with rich experience. He was a little vigilant when he entered the Yellow Cow Valley. He sent his men to investigate first, and found no abnormalities. Lead the army to advance slowly.

The moon was bright and the stars were scarce, and a full moon hung in the night sky, covering the earth with a layer of silver. Halfway through the march, suddenly there was a flutter of night birds flying above the mountains and forests. retreat!"

Before it was too late, there was a sound of clappers, and thousands of arrows were fired in the mountains and forests on both sides.

Shouts of killing sounded from all directions, the front and rear were full of flames, and countless soldiers held torches to block the retreat and the way out.

Seeing that they were surrounded by tens of thousands of people, and there was no hope of breaking out, Cao Qing gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, spray fire oil and light the fire!"

Each soldier carried a fire oil skin bag, which was a special fire attack oil bag with a copper pipe on the top. By squeezing the skin bag, the fire oil could be sprayed seven or eight feet away, which was very suitable for fire attack.

Two thousand soldiers sprayed kerosene on both sides together, and some soldiers threw torches, and the woods hundreds of steps wide suddenly burst into flames. .

Seeing the opportunity came, Cao Qing shouted: "Brothers, follow me to break through!"

More than [-] cavalry followed Cao Qing and galloped towards the entrance to break through. Cao Qing's heart was like a mirror. Since they were ambushed, the so-called grain and grass camp in Xinping Town must be false. They must break out and return to the camp to inform the general.

Tens of thousands of soldiers intercepted at the mouth of the valley, and the arrows were like a rainstorm. The cavalry of the Western Army kept being shot and fell off their horses. Cao Qing finally led his army into the enemy group and fought fiercely with the enemy.
More and more enemy troops retreated from the mountain. The Western Army suffered huge casualties, leaving only a few hundred people. Cao Qing was stabbed thirteen times, and the last arrow hit him in the neck. He turned his head and saw the enemy general Han Chang. With a long sigh, he fell to his death.

In this fierce battle, the Western Army only managed to break through dozens of people, and the remaining soldiers were outnumbered, and the entire army was wiped out.

In front of the big tent, Yang Zaixing looked at the looming flames in the distance, wondering if it was the flames of the enemy's grain and grass camp. A spy rushed over from a distance, knelt down on one knee and reported, "Report to Dutong, We captured an enemy spy and brought him behind!"

Yang Zaixing nodded and asked again: "How is the enemy's defense?"

"The number of patrols in the enemy camp is twice as high as usual, and the security is so tight that we cannot get close to investigate."

"Is there any sign of withdrawal?"

"There is no sign of the enemy retreating!"

At this time, more than a dozen scouts came to escort an enemy spy. He was blindfolded and his hands were tied behind his back. He was escorted to Yang Zaixing.

"Your Majesty!"

The soldier bent his leg, and the spy plopped down on his knees, bowed his head and said, "General, spare me!"

Yang Zaixing said coldly: "I don't have to kill you, but you have to be honest!"

"The villain's status is low, and he doesn't know many secrets."

"I don't ask you any secrets, just some common sense, how many troops are there in the barracks now?"

"Reporting to the general, there may be 7000 people. The villain knows that an army of 3000 people is going to escort food and grass."

Yang Zaixing asked a few more questions, then waved for the spies to be taken down.

At this time, Wang Duo rushed over, clasped his fists and said, "Yang Dutong, please send someone to investigate the fire in the distance immediately, I feel a little strange!"

"What does General Wang think is wrong?"

Wang Duo is Wang Yan's younger brother and Niu Gao's lieutenant general, and his qualifications are very old. Although Yang Zaixing has a higher military rank than him, he is quite polite to him.

"The distance is wrong!"

Yang Zaixing was taken aback, "Is the distance not right?"

Wang Duo said to Yang Zaixing: "Perhaps Yang Dutong can't see it, but I have been the chief shooter for a long time, and I dare not say that no one can measure the distance, but I also have the ability to judge the distance. Thirty miles away, but the food and grass camp is fifty miles away, the two are not the same place."

Of course Yang Zaixing knew Wang Duo's ability, and he also became worried, but it was wrong!When the spies were interrogated just now, they didn't send troops. Could it be that they encountered Sima An's army?
Yang Zaixing immediately sent a scout team to investigate the situation.

When it was almost dawn, Yang Zaixing got up to wash up, when suddenly a soldier came to report, "Report to Dutong, General Cao's men have fled back. They said they were ambushed and the whole army was wiped out!"


Yang Zaixing was so startled that the cup in his hand fell to the ground, "What's going on, where are they?"

After a while, a man covered in blood was led into the big tent, knelt down and cried loudly, "Dutong, we were ambushed by tens of thousands of people in the scalper, the whole army was wiped out, and General Cao was unfortunately killed!"

Yang Zaixing was too shocked to say a word, and asked for a while, "What happened to the fire last night?"

The commander said tearfully: "We were ambushed by thousands of enemy arrows. In order to escape, General Cao ordered to spray fire oil to burn the forest, and then break out, but there were too many enemy troops, and we were surrounded. First five or six thousand, and then nearly 2 people increased the encirclement, we fought desperately to open a bloody road, and only 33 of the [-] brothers killed, General Cao was shot in the neck by Han Chang with an arrow, fell off his horse and died, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Han Chang?" Yang Zaixing was stunned. Wasn't Han Chang in the camp last night?

At this time, the commander couldn't hold on any longer and fainted. Yang Zaixing urgently ordered him to be carried to the medical camp for treatment.

Yang Zaixing immediately sent someone to bring the spies arrested last night. The spies' statements were questionable.

Not long after, the soldiers came to report, "The spy who was arrested last night took poison and committed suicide. I don't know where he hid the poison?"

Yang Zaixing suddenly understood that last night the Jinbing camp was empty, and Han Chang led the army to ambush, but he was worried that he would attack the camp at night, so he pretended to let a spy be caught to confuse him.

In the first battle, he was severely fooled by the enemy and lost three thousand brothers. Thinking of the dispute with Wang Duo yesterday, Yang Zaixing's face burned hotly, and he was extremely ashamed.

He sighed and said, "Go and invite Wang Dutong to come and meet me in my handsome tent!"

Soon, Wang Duo hurried to the tent of the Chinese Army, and he also got the news that the Western Army was ambushed last night and the entire army was wiped out.

When he entered the big tent, Yang Zaixing bowed to him, "A certain family apologizes to the general for what happened yesterday!"

Wang Duo hurriedly said: "You don't have to be like this. In fact, the humble official is also responsible. Last night, the fire broke out. The humble official should lead the army to attack the enemy camp, but the humble official still hasn't made up his mind and missed an opportunity."


Yang Zaixing also sighed and said, "Last night was really a chance, and I was deceived by Han Chang's cunning."

【Two updates today】

(End of this chapter)

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