
Chapter 1307 Retreat

Chapter 1307 Retreat
The two stood in front of the sand table, Yang Zaixing sighed, and blamed himself: "Your Highness told me before that Han Chang is our old opponent, we know each other very well, and he told me not to underestimate the enemy, but I still... , the essence is a kind of underestimation of the enemy!"

Wang Duo persuaded: "It's enough to learn a lesson from a pitfall. Fortunately, the loss this time is not too big. It's just that I don't understand the humble position. Han Chang deliberately set up a trap, and in the end he only hurt our three thousand brothers. We But he didn't hurt his bones at all, so what's the point of him doing this?"

"To boost morale!"

Yang Zaixing said slowly: "The retreat of the [-] Jurchen troops to the east this time has dealt a great blow to the morale of the signing army. In order to boost morale, Han Chang needs a victory, so he doesn't need to wipe out many of our enemies. The key is to win. , he just wants to tell the soldiers that an army of [-] can defeat us!"

Wang Duo shook his head, "Unfortunately, he is delusional!"

"He is indeed delusional!"

Yang Zaixing said with a sneer: "He wants to use 12 troops to defeat [-] troops. He must be thinking about using surprise troops to win, but I won't give him any chance, or he is waiting for Sima An's army to go south to join him. He has [-] troops." , but he forgot that we also have an army of [-] in the north."

"Does Dutong want to wait for Sima An's army to go south?" Wang Duo asked again.

Yang Zaixing shook his head, "Whether Sima An's army is going south or not doesn't mean much to me. I'm actually waiting for news from His Royal Highness King Yong. His Royal Highness suddenly led his troops northward and approached the Daming Mansion. There must be deep meaning. I have to wait until His Highness hears." , to take further action!"

At noon, the messenger soldiers sent by Chen Qing arrived at Yang Zaixing's camp. In the big tent, dozens of generals separated to the left and right. The messenger soldiers saluted and handed King Yong's letter to Yang Zaixing.

Yang Zaixing took the letter, opened it and read it again. He cheered up, and smiled at everyone: "There is good news. Niu Dutong has wiped out [-] troops in Anyang County. Sima An surrendered. Now Niu Dutong's army is rushing Going south, cutting off the retreat of the signing army, and receiving news from Niu Dutong, it is time for us to attack on a large scale."

Han Chang also received urgent information from Anyang when he signed the army camp. It was the news from the spies he sent to Anyang, which surprised Han Chang. Sima An's surprise attack failed, so he surrendered to the Western Army in Kaesong.

This news also shattered Han Chang's only hope. He hoped to join forces with Sima An so that he could command an army of [-]. Not afraid at all.

But now it's the other way around, the opponent's strength has increased by [-], while he still only has [-] troops, and the opponent's strength is three times his.

Han Chang knew very well that the next step for Niu Gao's army was to cut off his retreat, and then the Seventeenth Army began to encircle and suppress him, and he was bound to lose.

After all, Han Chang is an experienced veteran, and he is very familiar with the combat style of the Western Army. They must launch an encirclement campaign against him after the deployment is completed. The time left for him is almost running out, and the chance to retreat is fleeting.

Han Chang immediately made a decision and shouted: "Order the whole army to assemble!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The rapid drum sounded.

The [-] troops ran out of the tents and quickly lined up on the square, with bright armor and murderous aura.

Han Chang yelled: "Daming City is in critical condition, we have to rush to Daming City to support immediately after receiving the order from Marshal Du!"

Of course he wanted to pass on false orders. If the three armies knew that they were about to be wiped out, the morale of the army would completely collapse.

"Give everyone a quarter of an hour, go back to the account to get your belongings, and set off immediately!"

The soldiers rushed back to the big tent to get their personal belongings, mainly money and things. After a quarter of an hour, the [-] troops left the camp and quickly retreated to the east.

Han Chang deserves to be a famous general of the Kingdom of Jin. He is courageous, resourceful, and resolute in his actions. Once he finds that the situation is unfavorable, he immediately retreats to the east, and even abandons the camp and supplies. All discarded, just for quick evacuation.

Which is more important, Han Chang's heart is like a mirror, the most important thing is to keep his vitality, everything else is secondary.

As soon as Han Chang's army left the camp, they were immediately spotted by the scouts of the Western Army, and the scouts rushed back to the camp ten miles away to report.

In the camp of the Western Army, Yang Zaixing was discussing the deployment of troops with several important generals, including the commanders Li Fuxing and Wang Lun, the deputy commanders Wang Duo and Hu Yanyun, and Yang Zaixing's confidants Sun Jian and Zhang Wu.

If Niu Gao's 12 troops cut off the enemy's retreat, then their [-] troops can attack the enemy from three directions: upper, middle, lower.

At this time, a soldier at the gate of Daying reported, "The scouts are urgently reporting that [-] signatories have left the camp and retreated quickly to the east!"

"not good!"

Yang Zaixing immediately realized that the other party must have also got the news of the collapse of Sima An'an's army, and the army retreated.

He hurriedly said to Sun Jian and Zhang Wu: "You two can each lead [-] cavalry to chase the enemy!"

"Wait a minute!"

Wang Duo shouted anxiously, "Dutong, don't pursue, you will be ambushed if you pursue!"

Yang Zaixing suddenly realized that he almost made the same mistakes again, he quickly said to Sun Jian and Zhang Wu: "Don't chase, follow the army."

Yang Zaixing immediately left Hu Yanyun and led [-] troops to deal with the aftermath. He immediately led an army of [-] to set off after an hour.

Nearly a thousand large warships appeared on the sea outside Cangzhou. They were the [-] water troops of the Western Army. Their task was to capture the northern part of Hebei Road, wipe out the remnants of the Jurchens who had retreated to Yanshan Mansion, and at the same time cut off the imperial court of the Kingdom of Jin. Contact with Hebei Road Jinbing.

The terrain along the west coast of the Bohai Sea is mainly dominated by tidal flats and salt pans, and most places are not suitable for landing. However, there is a section of coast in the middle of Cangzhou that is suitable for large ships to dock.

The fleet gradually approached the coast, but the leading warship did not dock directly, but was looking for the mouth of a river.

"There!" The watchman on the warship shouted, pointing to the front right.

The boatmen also saw the mouth of the river, turned their bows and headed towards the mouth of the river.

This river flowing into the Bohai Sea is called Fushui. It is the largest river in Cangzhou. It goes directly to Qingchi County, the capital of Cangzhou. Drive the donkey to pull the fiber.

The Western Army fleet sailed into the mouth of the river one by one, and sailed along the river to the hinterland.

Qingchi County is a large county with a population of nearly [-]. Cangzhou is a major salt-producing area in Hebei. The Hebei Road Salt and Iron Transshipment Division is located in Qingchi County. With the support of the salt industry, the financial income is good, and the lives of the people are decent. .

There is no army in Qingchi County, but there are hundreds of salt soldiers in the salt and iron transfer envoy. Twenty thousand western troops came to kill them.

The state officials and magistrates had no choice but to surrender to the western army in Kaicheng. Tang Huai ordered the army to carry the food and supplies off the ship. Then he ordered two thousand soldiers and boatmen to moor the boat to the sea. The reason why the fleet sailed to Qingchi County was because they wanted to To transport grain and supplies, but it is not safe for the fleet to berth by the river, and it is easy to be attacked by the enemy and destroyed by fire. It is safer to berth at sea.

At this time, Tang Huai got the news that the [-] signed troops of Hejian Mansion had been mobilized to go south, and there were no troops stationed in Hejian Mansion. Thousands of troops were stationed in Qingchi County, while Tang Huai led an army of [-] to continue the offensive to the north. Tang Huai's army swept across Xianzhou, Shenzhou, Qingzhou, Lizhou and Hejian Prefecture all the way. And down.

Chen Qing's 20 troops set up a large camp in the wilderness ten miles east of Daming City. It took ten days to complete the construction. Daying is comparable to a county seat, a county seat to the east of Daming City.

Chen Qing had already achieved his goal by attracting [-] Jurchen reinforcements to Daming City, which greatly relieved Yang Zaixing's pressure.

He needs a big battle to completely eliminate the enemy forces in Daming Mansion.

This morning, Chen Qing was inspecting the soldiers building the plank wall, which was made of wood and earth, and it was extremely strong. At this moment, a soldier rushed over and reported: "His Royal Highness, Yang Dutong sent an urgent report! "

"Where is the messenger?"

After a while, a messenger soldier was brought up. He knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

Then he presented a letter from Yang Zaixing to Chen Qing. Chen Qing opened the letter and read it. Han Chang led an army of [-] to retreat towards Daming Mansion. Yang Zaixing hoped that he could send troops to intercept him. , Annihilate the [-] signed troops.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered: "Bring me Yue Yun and Zhang Xian!"

(End of this chapter)

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