
Chapter 1308 Mind

Chapter 1308 Mind

Han Chang's urgent letter for help also spread to Daming City. Wan Yanchang's subordinates had different opinions. Some generals asked to send troops to meet Han Chang's [-] army, while some generals opposed sending troops, thinking that the risk was too great, and suggested that Han Chang's army You can go north.

Pucha Abusu, who had just arrived at Daming Mansion with [-] reinforcements, advocated going to support him.

In the lobby, the generals who asked to respond and the generals who opposed the response quarreled.

Pucha's rough voice reverberated in the lobby, "Our strength is already insufficient. It is a good thing that Han Chang's 20 troops came to supplement it. Our strength can reach [-], which is completely capable of confronting the Western Army. If we don't In response, the [-] troops will definitely be wiped out by the Western Army, which will seriously affect morale, and we will not be able to explain to the emperor!"

Wan Yanchang's son-in-law, Pucha Furbaru, who is also the commander of the Wanfu, objected: "Could it be that the 15 troops of the Western Army can't defeat Han Chang's army? They have been waiting for us for a long time. Send troops to respond. Once we send troops, we will definitely be cut by the Western Army, and it is impossible to come back. In fact, we will be divided into two. Besides, the Han people are unreliable. If they say surrender, they will surrender. He became a subject of Chen Qing, tens of thousands of troops all surrendered, and Han Chang’s men were fifty thousand Han, would they be loyal to the Kingdom of Jin? Is it worth it to take the risk of sending troops to save them?”

The idea of ​​Pucha Falcon Baru has won the approval of many Jurchen generals. The Han people are unreliable and not worth saving them. At this time, all the generals turned their eyes to Wan Yanchang. he.

Wan Yanchang said for a while: "Let me think about this matter! Everyone go away first."

Seeing that Marshal Du refused to make a statement, everyone dispersed separately.

Cui Jiu, the chief aide, remained silent and did not express any opinion. He returned home and sat in the study for a long time without saying a word. At this time, his son Cui Hao hurried to the door and said, "Father, are you looking for a child?"

Cui Jiu had two sons, but the eldest son died of illness three years ago, leaving behind a daughter, and the daughter-in-law also remarried. Now Cui Jiu has only his second son, Cui Hao. Later, Cui Hao fled back to Daming Mansion with his wife and children, and has not been an official for the time being.

"You come in!"

Cui Hao walked into the room and stood in front of his father with his hands down. Seeing his father's solemn expression, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Cui Jiu said slowly: "Just now everyone was arguing whether or not to send troops to meet Han Chang's [-] troops. It was a fierce battle, but I didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. Do you know why?"

"The child doesn't know!"

"Because I know Wanyan Chang more and more now, what he's thinking about now is not how to defeat the Western Army and keep Hebei, but now he only thinks about one thing, how to bring his [-] Jurchen troops back to Jinan safely. With these [-] troops as the foundation, he will not lose his status in the Jin Kingdom, and he knows better than anyone else that Hebei will not be able to keep it."

"The boy is confused. If this is the case, why does he still insist on Abusu's [-] troops to support him? There are also [-] troops from Hejian Mansion."

Cui Jiu sneered and said: "What is Jin Chan's escape, it is to leave a shell for the Western Army, and he escapes by himself. Abusu's [-] troops and Hejian Mansion's [-] troops are the shells. He needs such a shell." Shell."

"Wouldn't the shell be thicker when Han Chang's army came over?"

"But what if you can't handle it?"

Cui Jiu asked back: "He will definitely not send his own army to meet him. It must be A Busu's army. If Abusu is cut off by the Western Army, or he simply takes the opportunity to withdraw to Yanshan Mansion, wouldn't Wan Yanchang even have a shell?" there is none left?"

Cui Hao was stunned, "What does father mean to say, Ah Busu will run away?"

Cui Jiu nodded, and said with a sneer: "This Abusu looks very rude, but I have long since discovered that he is actually extremely shrewd. He will not be able to see Wan Yanchang's intentions? He found himself on Wan Yanchang's thief ship, I was also thinking about how to jump ship and escape, and it was an opportunity to meet Han Chang.

But Wan Yanchang managed to trick him, how could he run away, so I know that Wan Yanchang will never send troops to rescue Han Chang, the reason is very simple, in the words of Fulbaru, they are all Han Chinese, It's not worth saving them. "

Cui Hao said for a long time: "They have their own thoughts, how can Daming Mansion keep it?"

"Yeah! It's a bit difficult to be united in good faith, not to mention we still have our own ideas!"

Cui Jiu sighed and said, "That's why I asked you here."

Cui Jiu dragged out a large heavy box from the closet behind him, put it on the table and said, "This is the 500 taels of gold I have saved. There will be a chance to open the city tomorrow. You will leave Daming City with your wife, children and niece, and return to the blog." Go to Ling's hometown."

"What about father?"

"I can't go, I'm going, Wan Yanchang will not let the Cui family go, don't worry, if the city is broken, I will surrender, it doesn't matter if the Western Army wants to kill me, if I let me go, I will rush to join you reunion."

Cui Hao nodded silently. He understood his father's decision. After a moment of silence, he asked again: "Bo Ling, will uncle accept me?"

Cui Jiu's eyes flashed a look of displeasure, and he said displeasedly: "How can he not accept it? It is the family's decision that I work for Wan Yanchang. I gave up my reputation to protect the family from the Jurchens. How can they let go of the trouble?" Kill the donkey?"

Cui Hao nodded, "I'll pack up and leave tomorrow."

"No! Let's go tonight. I have prepared a yard and an ox cart next to the city gate. The old housekeeper will also go with you. You will leave as soon as the city gate is opened. There are not many opportunities. Only those who are closest to the city gate can seize the opportunity." .”

In the afternoon, Wan Yanchang's order came from the Marshal's Mansion, ordering Han Chang to lead his army back to Daming City immediately, but he didn't mention whether he would send troops to respond.

This is actually not going to send a response.

Pucha quickly learned that Wan Yanchang refused to send troops to support him, and was immediately disappointed. He came to find Wan Yanchang and had a big fight, and the two confronted each other.

"Han Chang is the commander of ten thousand men. He is loyal to the emperor. If Marshal Du does not respond to him, he will surely die in battle. His [-] soldiers are also well-trained and well-equipped. Marshal Du turns a blind eye to such a precious resource. , Let it be annihilated, how will Marshal Du explain to the emperor?"

Wan Yanchang heard that the emperor was on the left and the emperor on the right, using the emperor to suppress himself, he was annoyed in his heart, and said coldly: "I am Marshal Du, I will explain to the emperor, there is no need for General Abusu to teach me how to do it. ?”

"Hmph! Of course I can't control Marshal Du, but Marshal Du had better not force me. I have something to say first. If there is a crisis in Yanshan Mansion, I will immediately lead the army to rescue Yanshan Mansion. Marshal Du please don't stop me at that time!"

After finishing speaking, Ah Busu turned around and rushed away angrily, and the two broke up unhappy.

As soon as Ah Busu left, Puchagubalu hurried over to see Wan Yanchang. Puchagubalu was Wanyanchang's son-in-law, who was once captured by the Song army, and was later captured by Wanyanchang with several Song officials. He redeemed them, including Qin Hui.

In the back hall, Wan Yanchang was still angry. Although he and Pucha Abusu were not in the same system, Abusu was much lower than himself in terms of qualifications and status. The emperor backed him up.

"Father-in-law, what does this Abusu mean?"

Wan Yanchang snorted, "He wants to leave, he's looking for an excuse!"

"Keeping him is always a hidden danger, why don't you let my son-in-law send him on the road! Pretend to be an intelligence agent of the Western Army, kill him without anyone noticing, and collect all his troops."

Wan Yanchang was a little tempted, but he was also worried that once the assassination failed, it would be difficult to stop Ah Bu from leaving.

"There is no rush for this matter, and a long-term plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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