
Chapter 1309 Fierce Battle

Chapter 1309 Fierce Battle

Han Chang's 150 troops have already retreated to Wei County in Daming Prefecture, about [-] miles away from Daming City. He originally wanted to retreat to Daming City in one go, but the soldiers were exhausted and hungry, and they couldn't move. Han Chang Had to order to rest in place.

At this time, several generals under his command stepped forward to surround Han Chang, and asked in a hurry, "Du Tong, will Marshal Du send troops to support us?"

"Soldiers should be sent to respond, but I'm worried that they will come late."

Another person said: "Dutong, the troops of Yang Zaixing and Niu Gao are still only ten miles away from us. If they attack at this time, I'm afraid the brothers will be hard to resist!"

Han Chang nodded, "It's possible, so take the time to rest and let the soldiers recover their strength!"

Wu Suiqing, the commander, also suggested: "We are only ten miles away from Wei County. It is better for the whole army to rest in the county town. Once the enemy comes, we can also rely on the county town for defense!"

Han Chang hesitated for a moment, this suggestion is not bad, at this moment, a low-pitched horn suddenly sounded in the distance, "Woo———"

The sound of the horn came from ten miles away, and all the generals stood up and looked to the east, only to see two black lines faintly appearing in the east, one in the northeast and one in the southeast.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised: "This is the army that supports us!"


Han Chang immediately realized that the responding army would not adopt such a combat formation, "This is most likely the cavalry of the Western Army, order the whole army to stand up and form formation immediately!"


The signing army also blew the horn, and the army was in chaos, and they stood up one after another.

At this moment, there were also continuous horn sounds from behind, as if echoing the horn sound just now.

Everyone turned around, feeling a little scared, and saw a black cavalry group appearing several miles behind them, in the northwest, west, and southwest directions.

They were flanked back and forth, surrounded by [-] cavalry, but the opponent seemed to have left a hole for them. They could still withdraw from the north, but twenty miles to the south was the Yongji Canal, and they could not cross the river.

"Dutong, let's retreat north before they are completely surrounded!" Several generals suggested.

"Can't withdraw!"

Han Chang immediately vetoed everyone's request. He has rich combat experience and knows the opponent's intention to make an opening. Once the army retreats, the formation will disintegrate. If they can't outrun the cavalry, they will be slaughtered by the cavalry.

Han Chang immediately ordered: "The second and third armies line up to the east, the fourth and fifth armies line up to the west, and the cavalry of the first army is under my personal command."

Han Chang quickly deployed. He deployed [-] infantry back to back, [-] against the [-] army in the west, and [-] against the [-] army in the east. He himself commanded the only [-] cavalry for mobile reinforcements.

Fifty thousand cavalrymen of the Western Army arrived as promised according to Chen Qing's order, and wiped out Han Chang's army in Wei County. Yue Yun and Zhang Xian each led [-] cavalrymen to the east, while Yang Zaixing personally led [-] cavalrymen to the west. Niu Gao's fierce general Shao Jichun led [-] cavalry.

Although [-] cavalry were enough to defeat the opponent, Wang Duo and Li Fuxing each led [-] troops to follow closely behind the cavalry.

The [-] cavalry army was getting closer and closer, and it was only two miles away from Han Chang's [-] army. The sky was dark, the cavalry was overwhelming, and the spears were like forests.

"Archer ready!"

Twenty thousand archers lined up, aiming at the cavalry on the east and west sides.

At this time, Yang Zaixing ordered: "Beat the drums and attack!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A hundred drums sounded at the same time, and the sound of the drums was earth-shattering, and five cavalry troops of ten thousand people were launched at the same time.

Yellow dust rolled over the vast wilderness, fifty thousand cavalry spread like a huge black carpet on the ground, gold and iron horses swallowed thousands of miles, arrows rained in the sky, and countless cavalry fell from their horses. The five directions entered the enemy's formation, and a tragic battle with no suspense about the outcome kicked off.

At the same time, this is a war of time and space. The scouts and spies of both sides are constantly running, spreading the progress and news of the war.

At night, more than a dozen cavalry scouts rushed to the Western Army's camp, and were soon led to the king's tent. The lights in the king's tent were brightly lit, and Chen Qing was discussing the siege strategy with the main generals.

On the big table in front of them, there was a huge wooden model of the daimyo city, including the city wall, moat, official roads and terrain outside the city, as well as the streets and alleys inside the city, as well as warehouses and offices.

Daming City was named Beijing in the Northern Song Dynasty. It was one of the four capitals of the Great Song Dynasty. It built the city according to the standards of the capital. Firstly, the city wall was tall and strong, and the moat was wide. Secondly, it had two city walls, the outer city wall and the inner city wall. The distance between the two city walls is fifty steps, and the middle is also called Wengcheng.

Often the siege soldiers took down the city wall with heavy casualties, only to find that there was a taller inner city wall inside, which was really desperate.

It was this strong defense system that made Wan Yanchang put his official government in Daming City instead of other cities.

How to capture Daming City is also a severe test for the Western Army.

"My idea is to besiege the city and trade time for space!"

Chen Qing smiled and said to the generals: "Besieging the city is also the best way to kill morale. As time goes by, their morale will be exhausted day by day. Let them taste the burning fire every day. Once the time is right , we will attack with all our strength, they will not be able to defend the city.”

All the generals were a little disappointed. His Highness finally decided to adopt the method of besieging the city. When will he go?

Seeing that everyone was disappointed, Chen Qing smiled and said, "The siege does not have to take a long time, the key is to see the effect. He also ambushed intelligence scouts in the city. If they can bring surprises, maybe the siege will be completed in a short time." In the end, if you want a specific time limit, I can tell you clearly, the longest will not exceed one month."

It's only been a month, that's not too long, and everyone ordered to rest assured.

At this time, a soldier reported at the tent door, "His Royal Highness, news from the battlefield has arrived!"

Chen Qing hurriedly said: "Show them to come in!"

After a while, a scout commander quickly walked into the big tent, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Your Highness, see you generals!"

"How is the battle going?" Chen Qing asked.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the fierce battle has ended at dusk. Fifty thousand enemy troops were defeated. Except for thousands of cavalry who fled northward, the rest of the soldiers either died in battle or surrendered."

Chen Qing frowned. The battle started at noon, but it didn't end until dusk. The fight lasted for more than two hours. The opponent's combat power is not weak!This also means that the casualties of the Western Army are also not small.

"How many casualties did we have?"

"We haven't figured it out when the humble staff left, but it looks like there were nearly [-] casualties."

Chen Qing nodded, "I see, let's investigate again!"

(End of this chapter)

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