
Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310
The war is over, the battlefield is full of blood, corpses are everywhere, and there are groups of exhausted soldiers, including the Western Army, who are also exhausted from fighting. Groups of signed soldiers are sitting on the ground, too tired to move no.

The tenacity of this signing army was beyond the expectation of the Western Army. They collapsed completely when their casualties were nearly [-]%, and usually [-]% or [-]% of casualties, and the soldiers lost their fighting spirit.

But this signed army persisted until half of the casualties, and completely collapsed with the escape of the coach. Of course, what defeated them was their own exhaustion. Moved, had to kneel down and surrender.

The 9000-strong army killed more than [-] people and injured nearly [-]. In the end, Han Chang fled north with more than [-] cavalry. The soldiers who were not killed in battle, including the wounded, all chose to surrender.

The Western Army also suffered close to 9000 casualties, with more than [-] killed and more than [-] injured.

Although this battle was tragic, the number of casualties on both sides was not too many. This was mainly due to the Sanqi in the wound medicine, which had a very good hemostatic effect.

In the era of cold weapons, armor will protect the vital parts. As long as the head is not chopped off, most of the injuries are almost flesh wounds, and the deaths mainly come from excessive bleeding or wound infection.

The Jinchuang Hemostatic Ointment and Feilong Baoming Pill of the Western Army are aimed at timely hemostasis and antiseptic disinfection of wounds. After the formulas of these two military medicines were leaked, the Jurchen Army and the Signing Army also equipped them in large quantities. The death toll was greatly reduced.

The infantry was cleaning the battlefield and escorting the captured soldiers to Wei County for temporary resettlement. The temporary camp of the Western Army was arranged in Wei County. Of course it was not inside the city, but outside the city. The main reason was to get some manpower and material support from the county.

After dawn, Yang Zaixing and Niu Gao's army had assembled, and the army escorted the prisoners of war and continued to march eastward.

The complete annihilation of Han Chang's army had no effect on the Jin soldiers in Daming City, and they were even calm. At noon the next day, under Cui Jiu's suggestion, the Jin soldiers opened the city gates and let the people out of the city. Crowds of people helped the old and the young, and their families fled outside the city.

Cui Jiu's suggestion is very reasonable. The population is too large, not to mention the consumption of food, and it is easy to break out the plague. Letting a large number of people out will greatly reduce the food consumption. It will also reduce the population and reduce the possibility of the outbreak of the plague.

This suggestion was approved by Wan Yanchang, especially the worry about the plague, it even touched Wan Yanchang's heart.

He immediately ordered the gates of the city to be opened to let the people out of the city, and at the same time sent someone to deliver a letter to Chen Qing, hoping that the war between the two sides would not harm the people and let them leave the city smoothly.

Hundreds of thousands of people fled Daming City, more than half of the city's population, which made the originally prosperous and lively Daming City deserted all of a sudden, the shops were closed, and the streets were sparsely populated.

Of course, Cui Jiu's suggestion was selfish. He actually let his son and his family escape from Daming City.

Chen Qing approved Wan Yanchang's release measures, and never sent troops to harass him.

The city gate was opened for two days, and the people who were about to leave had almost left. At this time, 15 Western troops led by Yang Zaixing and Niu Gao arrived and began to build a barracks ten miles to the west, and the city gate was completely closed.

There is a pharmacy near the east gate of Daming City, called Renhetang. The shopkeeper is Liu Zhen, who is rich and handsome, and the scout commander of the Western Army. He was originally the shopkeeper of Yuanhe Restaurant. Soon he made a comeback and opened a pharmacy.

Liu Zhen also knows some medicinal materials. After introducing two sitting doctors and training some of his subordinates, he also turned into a medicine catcher and began to sell medicine in a decent manner. The business is very good, and there are long queues of patients every day.

Although the business in Daming City is sluggish and most of the population has run away, most of the shops are closed, but some shops are still open for business, such as rice shops, vegetable shops, grocery stores, and drugstores.

It is related to the normal life of the people, and these shops are needed, so they are not closed.

In the afternoon, a military official came in, followed by a few signatory soldiers. They were [-] troops who had withdrawn from Hejian Mansion to Daming Mansion. The Jurchens also needed an auxiliary army to run errands and patrol to maintain order. Guarding the city gates during the day and night, carrying items, etc., the [-] signatories were fully utilized.

"Which of you is the big shopkeeper?" The civilian officer asked as he entered the gate.

Liu Zhen hurriedly stepped forward with a smile and said, "That's the villain!"

"Where's your boss? Let him speak out."

"The proprietor left with his family a few days ago, and left the pharmacy to the villain."

"You tell everyone to stop what they are doing and concentrate on it. I have important things to do, so don't waste my time!"

"Everyone, including the old guy who guards the medicinal material warehouse?"

The civilian military officer was dissatisfied: "Don't you understand what I say? Everyone except cats and dogs, including women, children and the elderly, all come here!"

Liu Zhen hurriedly asked his staff to call the old man from the medicinal materials warehouse, and after a while, everyone arrived, a total of eight people, four young men, one old warehouse man, two sitting doctors and the shopkeeper Liu Zhen.

Civilian officers registered their names and places of origin one by one, and naturally they were all from Daming Prefecture.

"Listen, Marshal Du wants to recruit a group of useful civilians to serve in the army. The money will not be small. You know medicinal materials and can cure diseases. Those are useful people. I will give you a quarter of an hour. Go and pack your things quickly. , and follow me to the barracks."

Liu Zhen was stunned, "What about the patients outside?"

The civilian military officer said dissatisfied: "Life and death have their own destiny, how can they control them now, pack up quickly, close the shop and leave in a quarter of an hour."

The patients clamored, but it was useless. After a quarter of an hour, all eight of them were taken away, and the pharmacy was also closed by the soldiers. Liu Zhen apologized to the patients repeatedly, and then followed the civilian officers to the barracks.

"What is the general's name?"

Liu Zhen quietly stuffed an ingot of ten taels of silver into the hands of the civilian officer. The heavy silver dissipated the anger of the civilian officer. He immediately changed his face and said with a smile: "I am not a general, I am a logistics officer in the army. My surname is Shi, you just call me Shi to join the army, you don’t have to worry, there are thousands of people recruited this time, and you are just one of them, I will take care of you when I work in the military medical room.”

They came to the southwest corner of the barracks, and here was the barracks, which consisted of dozens of large tents. There was a serious shortage of military doctors, so they were temporarily arrested by Zhuang Ding. Two sitting doctors became military doctors, and four assistants continued to be in charge Grabbing the medicine, Liu Zhen and the old man were sent to the medicine storehouse to take care of the medicine.

The old man is called Jiang Tao. He looks five or sixty years old, but in fact he is not old. He is only 60 years old. He just looks old. He is also a scout of the Western Army and Liu Zhen's subordinate.

They entered the medicinal material warehouse, and Jiang Tao asked in a low voice, "Boss, what should we do now?"

Liu Zhen said indifferently: "It's a good thing to be able to enter the barracks. We just need to listen more, watch more and pay more attention. We will definitely get important information!"

(End of this chapter)

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