
Chapter 1311 The Cui Family

Chapter 1311 The Cui Family
Yang Zaixing reported the surprise attack to Chen Qing, and he blamed himself all over his face: "The lowly job is too eager for merit, and I didn't listen to Wang Duo's repeated persuasion, and in the end all [-] brothers died in battle, and Cao Qing also died tragically. This is a lowly job." The responsibility of the humble official is extremely painful."

Chen Qing was silent for a moment and said slowly: "We are the generals, and one decision can determine the lives and deaths of thousands of soldiers, so we must be careful when considering issues and listen to other people's opinions. But if a decision is made wrong, the general will be held accountable. Responsibility, no one dares to make decisions in the future, so there is no need to pursue responsibility. No one dares to say that he is a long-victorious general. Since he is on the battlefield, every soldier must have the consciousness of death. I think failure is not shameful. The key is to learn a lesson, not to make the same mistakes again and again, I have seen this, if you encircle and wipe out [-] enemy troops, you have done a good job and are worthy of praise.”

"It's just General Cao Qing."

Chen Qing interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "I will explain the situation to Cao De. His nephew died for fighting against gold, and he died for what he deserved. I will explain to Cao's family. Don't blame yourself anymore. It's the same sentence, learn from it." lesson."

"I have learned my lesson. I am really nervous about besieging and annihilating Han Chang's army. I am afraid that he will flee back to Daming City."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "To be a qualified general, the most important thing is to be able to control the battlefield situation and the timing of the battle, just like you said in the battle to encircle and wipe out Han Chang's army, the timing is really difficult to grasp, or in other words, there are still some problems in this battle." There is some element of luck, because Wan Yanchang did not send troops to respond, if he did, the encirclement and suppression would probably fail, do you understand what I mean?"

Yang Zaixing nodded, "I understand that the timing is still not right, it's a bit late, luckily I'm lucky!"

"Exactly, you should have a bottom line on when to send troops. I think the bottom line is in Xiangzhou. No matter whether I send troops to support or not, you must launch an attack on the border of Xiangzhou. It's hard to say after entering the Daming Mansion. There will be reinforcements coming."

"Remember the humble job!"

Chen Qing immediately found Wang Duo, praised him, promoted him to a higher rank, and rewarded him with 1000 taels of silver.

At night, the northeast corner of the Western Army’s camp shone like daytime. Hundreds of craftsmen were busy assembling heavy-duty trebuchets. This was a heavy-duty trebuchet that had just arrived. There were 48 seats in total. It was the latest trebuchet developed by the Western Army. Eighty catties of heavy stones were thrown 350 steps away, which is [-] steps higher than the old trebuchet.

Don't underestimate the fifty steps. This is because the craftsman has tested various materials and carried out more than twenty optimizations before increasing the fifty steps, which happened to avoid the enemy's crossbow arrows.

The second major feature of this batch of heavy-duty trebuchets is that they are relatively easy to install and fit very well. As long as they are installed in place, there is basically no need to adjust them.

Chen Qing also inspected the installation of trebuchets. He pointed to a row of tall trebuchets next to him and asked, "Is it all installed here?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it has been installed, a total of fifteen!"

"It's so fast!" Chen Qing was very amazed, and fifteen of them were installed in one afternoon.

"Exactly! This batch of catapults is relatively easy to install, and we have enough manpower, so we can complete the installation tomorrow morning."

Chen Qing was overjoyed. He thought it would take at least three or four days to install, but he didn't expect it to be completed in one night. He asked again: "How long can one installation last?"

"About [-] times, but Beizhi recommends updating the leather goods every [-] times."

Chen Qing came to a giant trebuchet with wooden wheels underneath, which could be pulled by oxen.

At this time, a soldier came to report: "Your Highness, the patriarch of the Cui family asks to see you!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Ask him to sit in the big tent!"

The Cui family is naturally the Cui family of Boling. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Cui family of Boling was one of the five surnames and seven kings in the world. Although it had declined by the Song Dynasty, the starved camels were bigger than horses. The Cui family of Boling was still in the Hebei area. Has a lot of influence.

Even Wan Yanchang valued the Cui family, and his staff member Cui Jiu was an important member of the Cui family.

Although the Cui family works for Wan Yanchang, Chen Qing has no intention of angering the Cui family. He is very clear that a large reason why these families have survived for thousands of years is that they understand current affairs and the general trend. The imperial court is only loyal to its own family.

In the guest tent, Cui Yuan paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. Cui Yuan was the patriarch of the Cui clan and Cui Jiu's elder brother. He was about fifty years old. He also served as the general judge of Bozhou in the Northern Song Dynasty. After the fall of Hebei, he resigned. return home.But Jin Guo refused to let the Cui family go, invited them to come out as officials several times, and even threatened them with extermination.

Reluctantly, the Cui family put forward a condition that they should only serve as a staff member and not an official, and Jin Guo also accepted it. From the Jurchen's point of view, there is no difference between a staff member and an official position?
After consultation with several important members of the Cui family, it was finally decided to let Cui Jiu be Wan Yanchang's staff. In the past five or six years, Chen Qing in Sichuan and Shanxi has become more and more powerful, and he has continued to expand east. It can be concluded that it is the general trend for Chen Qing to replace Zhao Song.

The Cui family is also a little anxious. If they don't show some sincerity, the new dynasty will not have the Cui family's share.

So when he learned that Chen Qing was also in Daming Mansion, Cui Yuan rushed to see him.

At this time, a soldier reminded Cui Yuan that His Royal Highness King Yong was coming, and when the curtain was lifted, Chen Qing quickly walked into the big tent, and said with a smile, "Member Cui has been waiting for a long time!"

Cui Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "Boling Cui Yuan sees His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "You're welcome, please sit down!"

The two sat down as guests and hosts, and the soldiers came in and served them tea.

Cui Yuan said apologetically: "The news is relatively closed. I don't know that His Highness is in the Daming Mansion. I only got the news yesterday. Otherwise, I would have come to see you a long time ago."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "During war, it's better not to get too close to the battlefield, there will always be danger."

"Your Highness is right. It is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. For example, this time when a famous city releases people, I heard that [-]% of the people have fled the city. Everyone is afraid of being affected by the war!"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "Last year's imperial examination, I remember that a Jinshi surnamed Cui was also admitted. His native place is Boling, Bozhou, but he is a child of your family?"

Cui Yuan smiled and said, "Your Highness is talking about Cui Lian, who is Quanzi, my youngest son, who passed the No.19 exam."

"Not bad! To be able to get in the top [-] in the exam is an outstanding talent. If I remember correctly, he should work in Henan Prefecture!"

"Your Highness is right. He is the current Lord Gong County Bo, and his family fully supports him to be an upright and capable official, and he can go up step by step."

Chen Qing took a sip of tea, and asked lightly, "Is Cui Jiu still in Daming Mansion?"

Speaking of business, what Chen Qing meant was to imply that Cui Yuan and Cui Jiu were still by Wan Yanchang's side!Who is the Cui family loyal to?

"Your Highness does not know that Cui Jiu is my younger brother. The family made a decision six years ago to let him work next to Wan Yanchang. It was also the worst strategy the family had to adopt in order to protect themselves. He sacrificed his reputation for the safety of the family, just two days ago, he sent his son Cui Hao out of the city to return to the family, and wrote a letter to His Highness."

After finishing speaking, Cui Yuan took out a thick letter and handed it to Chen Qing. Chen Qing took the letter and read it carefully. In addition to a letter, there was actually a map. Chen Qing read the letter first. The conflict between intention and Abusu.

Wan Yanchang wanted to take [-] Jurchens back to Liaodong, and Chen Qing also realized it, but he was only guessing after all, and Cui Jiu's letter confirmed this.

Cui Jiu also pointed out in the letter that Jin Bing's biggest weakness is the fodder for the war horses. The food can last for three months, but the forage and black beans for horses can only last for 20 days at most. If the forage can be burned In the field, Jin Bing couldn't stay for a day.

Chen Qing opened the map, and it was the location map of the forage field.

(End of this chapter)

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