
Chapter 1312 Wax Pills

Chapter 1312 Wax Pills
Chen Qing took the map given by Cui Jiu and compared them to make their own city model, and found that there were many discrepancies in many places. The biggest difference was the location of the warehouse. The warehouse in the model was located in the southwest of the city wall, close to the city wall, while the warehouse in the map was located in the southwestern part of the city. In the center of the city, there should be a residential area.

Liu Qiong asked doubtfully, "Your Highness, is Cui Jiu's map reliable?"

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "This is his certificate of exoneration, do you think it is reliable?"

"But our intelligence shouldn't be wrong!"

"Of course our information is credible, but there is a time issue. It took half a year to make this wooden city alone. That is to say, the information is at the latest half a year ago. Many changes will occur in half a year. It’s not that Yan Chang doesn’t know that warehouses are easily attacked by fire if they are arranged on the edge of the city, and it’s believable that they recently moved the warehouse to the center of the city.”

Tang Qian next to him laughed and said, "It would be easy if the warehouse was on the edge of the city. We can quickly burn the warehouse to cleanliness with fire oil projection. We can do this in normal times, but we will definitely move it to a safe place in wartime. I think Cui Jiu's map is credible, just like we were in Ganquanbao back then."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "If we can burn all the fodder in the warehouse, it will change the situation."

Liu Qiong also said: "You can notify the intelligence scouts in the city to see if they can do anything."

Chen Qing sighed, "The problem is that you can't enter the city!"

Tang Qian smiled and said, "What if the Cui family is asked to think of a way?"

One sentence reminded Chen Qing, he hurried to the tent and asked, "Is Cui Yuan gone?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, I just left."

"Hurry up and chase him back to Ali, just say I have something to do."

Several soldiers rushed to catch up, and soon, Cui Yuan, who had just left for a while, was chased back again.

Chen Qing invited him to the big tent and said, "Cui Yuanwai, can you go and see Cui Jiu?"

Cui Yuan reacted very quickly, and said with a smile: "Your Highness wants me to send a letter to the city?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Exactly!"

Cui Yuan smiled slightly: "I can try it, but I can't guarantee that I can enter the city."

The gate of Daming City was closed tightly, and there were signatory soldiers pacing back and forth on the top of the city. At this time, an ox cart slowly approached the south gate, and a man on horseback followed the ox cart. When the guarding soldiers saw it, they immediately shot arrows to warn them. .


The bullock cart stopped, and the man following the bullock cart urged him to go forward and said to the leader of the city: "My master is the elder brother of Chief Cui, and I need to talk to Chief Cui for important matters!"

Director Cui is Cui Jiu, and the soldiers in the city know that he is the elder brother of Director Cui. They dare not neglect, and hurriedly said: "Please wait a moment, we will report!"

The soldiers rushed to report, it was very late at this time, it was almost two o'clock, Wan Yanchang had already fallen asleep, he got the report, and said after a long while: "In the middle of the night, the city gate should not be opened, you can inform Director Cui to go to the top of the city to say Talk, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

The soldiers ran to inform Cui Jiu again. Cui Jiu had just fallen asleep and was woken up by the servants. He heard that the eldest brother was coming. He didn't know what happened, so he quickly put on his clothes and rushed to the south gate.

Cui Jiu came to the top of the city, looked down, and asked loudly: "Is the big brother down here?"

"It's me, Ah Jiu, can you let me go to the city to talk!"

Cui Jiu asked the guarding general next to him, "Can you open the city gate and let my elder brother come in?"

The city guard general shook his head, "Director Cui, I'm sorry, we asked Marshal Du for instructions, and he said that the city gate cannot be opened in the middle of the night."

"This is so unreasonable!"

"Director Cui, I'm really sorry, if I can help, I will definitely help."

Cui Jiu thought for a while and said, "Let's do it this way! Open the outer city gate, but keep the inner city gate closed. I'll go to Wengcheng to see my brother."

The general who defended the city still smiled wryly, Cui Jiu suddenly said angrily: "How can there be such a troublesome person, I will go to Marshal Du!"

The general guarding the city hurriedly said: "Don't bother Marshal Du any more, how about this! We can put the general manager down in the city, and the city gate will not be opened, but the general manager can still see his brother!"

Cui Jiu snorted extremely dissatisfied, "Alright then!"

There is a well-like wheel on the top of the city, and there are hanging baskets underneath. When it is inconvenient to open the city gate, people are sent out temporarily to do errands. Cui Jiu sits in the basket and is slowly lowered into the city by the rope.

The general guarding the city watched them, saw them talking, said something, and the two hugged and said goodbye.

After the bullock cart left, Cui Jiu went to the city in a basket. He was a little depressed, thanked the generals who defended the city, and then returned to his mansion.

Back in the mansion, Cui Jiu went to his study room, lit the lamp, closed the door, took out a small knife from the drawer, thought for a while, opened the window and looked to make sure there was no one outside, then took out a knife from his pocket. A hard wax pill, cut open the wax pill with a knife, and inside is a note full of words.

When he opened the note, he was startled. It turned out to be written by Chen Qing himself. He opened it and read it silently, then threw it into the incense burner together with the wax shell and burned it. The letter gave him a promise.

Early the next morning, when Cui Jiu came to the government office, Wan Yanchang said with concern: "Last night, the city gate cannot be opened. This is a strict order. I asked someone to open the city gate in the morning, but your brother has already left. I'm sorry!"

Cui Jiu bowed and said: "Thank you Marshal Du for your concern, I fully understand that it is a principle not to open the city at night, and my brother just came to say a few words to me."

"Is there something wrong at home?"

"My second brother passed away, and the funeral will be held tomorrow. My eldest brother hopes that I can go back and take a last look. I have already declined, let my son take my place!"

"Hey! If it's not a special situation, you can actually go back and have a look. A big battle has changed too much."

Cui Jiu resigned and went to his own office, Wan Yanchang pondered for a moment, and then sent someone to find the general on duty last night.

Not long after, the general on duty guarding the south gate rushed over last night, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Marshal Du!"

Wan Yanchang said in a low voice: "You tell me the details of the meeting between Mr. Cui and his brother last night, and you must not hide anything."

The general on duty explained what happened last night in detail, and finally said: "Because the Marshal Du is strictly forbidden to open the city gate, no matter what Mr. Cui asked, the humble officer did not agree to it. In the end, we had to work around it and put him in a hanging basket." down town."

"Did you see any correspondence between them?"


"Are you sure?" Wan Yanchang asked again.

"Xiaozhi has been staring at them and can see clearly. They are talking, and the other party seems to be asking for something, but Manager Cui keeps shaking his head. Later, they have no choice but to hug and say goodbye."

Wan Yanchang nodded, "You go!"

The general on duty saluted and left. Wan Yanchang knew the virtues of these families very well, and would dodge to avoid danger. He also knew that Cui Jiu sent his son away. He suspected that Cui Jiu's elder brother wanted Cui Jiu to come back. Home, Cui Jiu did not agree, obviously out of fear of revenge.

Wan Yanchang shook his head and said, "It's just a dream come true to want to gain the loyalty of these guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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