
Chapter 1313

Chapter 1313
At noon, Cui Jiu wandered to the east of the city in a bullock cart, and found the Renhetang medicine store. He knew that there used to be an Anjiantang medicine store owned by intelligence spies of the Western Army, but it was closed down later, and now another Renhetang medicine store opened.

When I walked to the pharmacy, I saw that the door was locked, and a notice was pasted on it, which said, "The personnel of the pharmacy have been requisitioned by the military, and the business is closed!"

It turned out that they were captured by the military camp. Cui Jiu went to the military camp in a bullock cart and went directly to the military medical camp in the southwest corner. The other party was a pharmacy, so he must be working in the military camp.

Not long after, a soldier brought Liu Zhen to Cui Jiu. Liu Zhen knew Cui Jiu, and this was the number one staff member in front of Wan Yanchang. He quickly bowed and saluted, "See Director Cui!"

Cui Jiu waved his hand and told the soldiers to go down. He asked with a smile, "Is Renhetang your shop?"


"I want to ask, is there any ginseng in your store's medicine store?"

"There should be a few good ones, decades old!"

There were soldiers standing outside the tent, and they could hear their conversation. It sounded like Cui Jiu was asking about ginseng, but he quickly dipped his fingers in water and wrote two lines of poems on the table, "The sun is gone by the mountains, and the people are gone Off'.

Liu Zhen was taken aback, this was clearly his scout code, only he knew it, and none of the guys knew it, this Cui Jiu was one of his own?
Cui Jiu smiled and said again: "I don't want your things for nothing, I will pay according to the market price. I want a hundred-year-old ginseng, do you have it?"

"There is indeed one century-old ginseng, but it is not cheap. It costs three hundred guan."

"Three hundred guan is just three hundred guan. I'll give you the silver. You still have a few decades-old ones. I'll take them too."

Cui Jiu wrote another sentence on the table, "Under the big table in the living room!" '

He got up and said, "That's it! I'll come and pick it up tomorrow."

He ignored Liu Zhen and walked away quickly.

The handwriting on the table had disappeared, Liu Zhen walked out of the big tent, and Shi Yuan, who joined the army, stepped forward and said with a smile: "I heard that Director Cui asked you to buy medicine?"

"Director Cui wants to buy some ginseng. I need to go back to the store to get them. Can I go out?"

In normal times, Shi Yuan would definitely refuse, but now that he is working for Director Cui, Shi Yuan dare not make things difficult.

He handed Liu Zhen a bronze medal, "Use this sign to go out, but only one person is allowed, hurry up and go back!"

"I know, promise to come back soon!"

When Liu Zhen returned to the pharmacy, the front door was deserted and there were no more patients. He entered the pharmacy through the side door in the alley and went all the way to the lobby, which was covered with a thin layer of dust. There were three tables in total, two It is the doctor who sits in the hall to see the doctor, and there is a long table in the middle, waiting for the patient to see the doctor.

Liu Zhen took a glance and saw the target, there were footprints on the ground, he went directly to the doctor's table on the left, he went forward and knelt down on one knee, looked under the table, and sure enough, he saw a folded branch sticking to it. under the table.

He took out the note, read it carefully several times, and memorized all the contents above, and then chewed the note in his mouth and swallowed it.

Liu Zhen went to the warehouse to get some ginseng, and left the pharmacy.

Liu Zhen was really under a lot of pressure. Through Cui Jiu, he found out that His Highness had given him the latest mission, which was to let him burn the forage warehouse. Cui Jiu also promised to help him, but the mission was difficult!

At noon the next day, Cui Jiu sent someone to fetch ginseng. According to the price of one to seven, he gave Liu Zhen 60 taels of silver, and Shi Yuan extorted another ten taels of silver.

Of course, Shi Yuan didn't dare to go too far. Liu Zhen knew Manager Cui, and if he sued him, he would be overwhelmed.

Shi Yuan then gave Liu Zhen a signboard. With this signboard, he can enter and leave the military camp at will, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't return at night. Anyway, this is a military medical camp, and the management is very lax, which is different from the real military camp.

Liu Zhen found his buddy Chang Song. The buddy was a scout with extremely high martial arts skills. He was originally a Taoist priest with the Taoist name Chang Song. His parents, brothers and sisters all died under the iron hooves of golden soldiers. At the age of 20, he went down the mountain to join the Western Army to avenge his parents, brothers and sisters.

Chang Song is taciturn, he is very proficient in medicinal materials, and has always been the backbone of the pharmacy for dispensing medicines.

Liu Zhen handed him the bronze medal, and said in a low voice: "His Royal Highness Yong gave us a task to burn down the fodder warehouse. You can go to the warehouse to check at night. With this bronze medal, you can enter and exit the camp at will to see if there is any chance. "'

Chang Song nodded and accepted the sign.
The warehouse was indeed moved to the center of the city. Thousands of private houses were demolished, and a warehouse city of two miles in length and width was built.

The warehouse was extremely heavily guarded. The city wall was two feet high, and five thousand soldiers patrolled and guarded it day and night. Even the waterway was blocked to prevent people from sneaking in from the river.

Chang Song looked at it for more than an hour, and saw at the top of Cangcheng city, soldiers at three steps and one post at five steps, and there seemed to be a secret sentry watching. Chang Song didn't find any chance, and he didn't dare to force his way in, as that would scare the snake away.

At three o'clock, Chang Song returned to the military medical camp and reported his investigation to Liu Zhen, "Commander, it is impossible to enter from the outside, and the sentry will notice any movement. The only way is to start from the inside."

Liu Zhen pondered for a moment and said, "Wait a little longer! Maybe there will be a chance."

Liu Zhen had no choice but to wait for Cui Jiu to create opportunities for him.

As the day dawned, the dull sound of war drums sounded outside the city, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" This was the drumbeat of the first attack. Tens of thousands of Jurchen soldiers rushed to the city one after another, waiting in full force.

At the same time, an overwhelming army appeared from the east and west, with banners like clouds, magnificent and majestic, heading towards the direction of Daming City.

An hour later, Western army phalanxes appeared in the east, west, and north directions of Daming City. They were located two miles away, and each phalanx had about 5 people. There is a long wall, the spears behind the flags are like forests, and the soldiers are brightly armored and murderous.

Wan Yanchang looked at the army outside the city with complicated eyes. He also had 15 troops inside the city. If the Western Army only had so many people, then if his army went out, he would be sure to win. Unfortunately, the opponent has a larger army hidden behind.

At this time, the drums sounded again, the team separated, and a huge trebuchet appeared, with tall and thick defensive baffles. Wan Yanchang gasped. This is a heavy trebuchet with a throw distance of at least three About a hundred steps.

They only had bed crossbows to fight back. Wan Yanchang yelled sharply: "Push up the bed crossbows, and install three hundred steps each in the east, west and north cities!"

There are a thousand bed crossbows in the city, with a horizontal structure, and they are quickly distributed on the top of the city. In addition, there are dozens of trebuchets on the top of the city, but this kind of trebuchet is used to deal with siege soldiers, and the size is medium It is a bit bigger, and it can project 150 catties of heavy stones [-] steps away. Of course, it is far inferior to the heavy trebuchets of the Western Army.

48 heavy-duty catapults slowly pushed toward the city wall from east, west, north, and east. Each catapult was pulled by eight bulls, and there were defensive baffles on the flat carts in front of them.

These trebuchets were all installed yesterday, but the defensive baffles needed to be made, which took another day and night, and the deployment was not started until today.

The craftsmen of the Western Army have already measured the points, and there is a wooden stake at each point, first to prevent the huge baffle, and then the huge trebuchet is parked behind the baffle.

One by one, they stood upright, facing the tall city wall ahead.

"Fire the arrows!" Wan Yanchang shouted at the top of the city, and a thousand bed crossbows were fired at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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