
Chapter 1314 Fire Attack

Chapter 1314 Fire Attack
The bed crossbow shot from the top of the city is not a bed crossbow in the true sense. A real bed crossbow can only fire a big arrow, which is three feet long and has a range of two miles. Its power pierces gold and cracks stones.

Strictly speaking, the bed crossbow that shoots five jackdaw arrows at a time is more like a continuous crossbow. The killing range is not as good as the real bed crossbow. The range can reach 350 steps, but it is more than enough to deal with heavy trebuchets [-] steps away.

Moreover, the Jackdaw Arrow is an iron arrow, and its lethality is equally astonishing. It can penetrate the armor of an enemy army at a distance of [-] paces.

It is precisely because of fear of bed crossbow arrows and jackdaw iron arrows that giant shields were gradually formed in actual combat to protect trebuchets and manipulate soldiers.

This kind of guard plate is made of logs directly nailed, and the bark is not even peeled. It is very rough, but it is also very strong. It can withstand the powerful force of the bed crossbow, and it can also block the heavy blow of the boulder.

Outside the North City, four hundred bed crossbows fired two thousand Jackdaw Arrows at one time, shooting at eighteen heavy trebuchets outside the North City like a storm.

"Dodge!" A commander shouted, and the soldiers hid behind the one-foot-high baffle.

After a round of arrows, neither the trebuchet nor the soldiers suffered any losses, but unfortunately dozens of cattle fell from the arrows, and the remaining cattle were sent to the rear in time by the soldiers of the Western Army.

The craftsman seized the interval and began to quickly adjust the trebuchet. Sixteen soldiers pushed the winch, and the long throwing pole was pulled down. Two soldiers placed an eighty-jin thin-skinned clay pot on the throwing pocket, which was filled with fire. Oil, this kind of clay pot shatters when it falls to the ground, and the outside of the pot is also coated with kerosene. Soldiers light it with a torch, and the whole pot burns.


The commander shouted, and the heavy-duty trebuchet threw a pole, and the burning clay pots flew towards the top of the city. The flames swept across the sky with thick smoke and tails, and hit the top of the city.

"Marshal Du quickly retreat!"

The soldiers shouted, and hundreds of guards raised their shields to guard Wan Yanchang's retreat towards the inner city wall.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The large clay pots fell to the ground and smashed to pieces, black kerosene splashed, and was immediately ignited by the burning fragments, burning rapidly.

Some clay pots fell on the top of the city, some fell on the inside of the urn, and some smashed on the city wall. There was smoke and fire everywhere, and many soldiers were splashed with kerosene, screaming and running away.

Hundreds of bed crossbows were ignited by the kerosene and began to burn, "Dang! Dang! Dang!" The bell rang loudly on the top of the city, and the soldiers retreated to the inner city wall.

Immediately afterwards, several consecutive rounds of kerosene were projected, and the entire city was blazing with flames, thick smoke billowed, and even the city tower was engulfed in flames.

Chen Qing watched the fireworks billowing from the top of the city, Liu Cui said in a low voice, "I feel that if we attack the city now, we should be able to capture the city wall."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "There are no soldiers on the top of the city. A large iron fire mine is enough to blow open the city gate, but this is not what I want. In the street fighting in the city, the enemy army has far more advantages than us."

"Your Highness wants to force them out?"

"Yes, but not necessarily with kerosene."

Looking at the city, Chen Qing said slowly, "It all depends on Cui Jiu's sincerity."

The fire attack of the Western Army was more of a deterrent or a warning. It hit the morale of the Jin soldiers. After a morning of attack, fires ignited inside and outside the three city walls, including hundreds of residential buildings.

The city was filled with thick smoke, and the scorching heat of the fireworks could be felt everywhere, and both the people and the soldiers felt frightened.

It was not until noon that the Western Army finally launched its fire attack and retreated slowly.

There was chaos in the military medical camp. Thousands of soldiers were burnt and urgently needed medical treatment. The military doctors were busy. At this time, Cui Jiu brought dozens of carts of medicine with the soldiers, all of which were collected from the pharmacies in the city. herbs.

"Warehouse, send it to the warehouse!"

Cui Jiu commanded the soldiers to send dozens of carts to the warehouse, and Liu Zhen hurriedly greeted them and said, "Director Cui, there are too many medicinal materials here, and they can't be put in the camp here, and they have to be sorted, and they have to be collected from the warehouse. Get some medicine for burns, we don't have enough stock here."

"Then leave it to you. You classify the medicinal materials yourself, then send them to Cangcheng, and then get the medicine from Cangcheng."

Cui Jiu handed a signboard to Liu Zhen, "With this signboard, you can enter Cangcheng. You can only enter five people at most, and then all five people must come out. These carts can also transport medicinal materials, so make good use of them!"

After finishing speaking, Cui Jiu patted the cart again. Only then did Liu Zhen notice that the bottom of the cart was generally thick. He realized Cui Jiu's hint. Could it be that the bottom of the cart was empty?

After everyone had gone, Liu Zhencai and Jiang Tao checked carefully one by one. There were a total of more than [-] large vehicles, but they were basically solid floor without hollow, which made Liu Zhen really disappointed.

"Shopkeeper, come and see this!" Jiang Tao found out.

Liu Zhen walked over quickly and tapped the bottom with a wooden stick, making a hollow sound. The bottom of this cart was empty, and Cui Jiu really arranged it for himself.

In the afternoon, Liu Zhen took four of his men and followed a dozen carts to the warehouse.

When they came to the gate of Cangcheng, they were stopped by soldiers, and the leader of them stepped forward and asked, "Are you a military medical camp?"

Cui Jiu had already said hello, too many soldiers were burned by the fire, and the military medical battalion wanted to come over to fetch medicinal materials.

Liu Zhen hurriedly stepped forward and said, "We are the staff of the pharmacy in the military medical camp, this is the brand."

He took out the sign and handed it to the commander. The commander looked at the sign, then looked at the convoy and said, "Only five people can enter at most, the driver cannot enter, and wait outside!"

The coachmen got out of the car one after another and went to wait outside. The next part was the inspection and body search. All the medicinal materials on the car were unloaded.The bottom of the cart should also be checked to prevent people from hiding under the cart.

Then all four of Liu Zhen's subordinates were searched carefully, and the leader said: "No fire is allowed to enter, all operations must be carried out under the supervision of soldiers, at most one hour, this is the rule, very strict, understand?"

"we know!"

As soon as the commander waved his hand, dozens of soldiers drove the carriage into the warehouse, and they went directly to the medicine warehouse.

"Everyone unload the medicinal materials, and the cart is parked next to the warehouse!"

The medicinal materials were heavy, and all the soldiers helped to carry the medicinal materials into the warehouse. At this moment, a black shadow flashed in the carriage and quickly hid behind the warehouse.

Everyone found the medicinal materials they needed in the medicinal material warehouse, and loaded the medicinal materials into the carriage. The soldiers drove the cart out of the warehouse. Liu Zhen and others were also sitting on the cart. From the beginning to the end, their every move was under the supervision of soldiers.

After counting the carriages and the number of people, the commander waved his hand, and the warehouse door was slowly closed.

Liu Zhen returned to the military medical camp with the carriage, and the staff began to make medicines busy, sending the medicine for treating burns to the military doctor.

Liu Zhen found an opportunity and tapped the bottom of the special carriage with a stick. The inside was empty, and Chang Song hidden inside was gone.

Another two days passed, and everything was safe and sound, and people kept coming and going in and out of Cangcheng, carrying food and fodder.

In the middle of the night on the third day, the warehouse was silent. A black figure appeared behind the forage warehouse. It was Chang Song who had been hiding in the warehouse for three days. It was not until three days later that many people came in and out of the warehouse, covering up the traces of the military medical camp, that Chang Song began to act.

He has already figured out the location of the forage warehouses. There are a total of sixteen forage warehouses, all of which are close together. Each warehouse has 10,000+ tons of hay or black beans. It may not be possible to burn them all.

Chang Song's high-strength martial arts began to be fully demonstrated. He ran in the dark, lit two short torches, and threw them directly through the transom into the two warehouses on the left and right. He continued to run at an extremely fast speed, and he threw all the lit torches Entered Cangcheng.

But when he was throwing the seven torches and the eighth torch, he was discovered by the patrolling soldiers on the city, "There is a fire!" Someone shouted.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" The alarm sounded loudly on the top of the city, and soldiers began to rush down.

Chang Song had already thrown fourteen torches into the warehouse, thick smoke was billowing in the warehouse in front of it, the fire was burning, and tongues of fire spewed out from the transom.

Chang Song ran towards the last two warehouses.
(End of this chapter)

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