
Chapter 1315

Chapter 1315
As soon as Chang Song ran to the warehouse, a spear stabbed him head-on. Chang Song dodged the spear and swung the saber in his hand with incomparable speed. The opponent fell to the ground with a scream.

Two more soldiers came from left and right. He jumped up and slashed left and right with his saber. The two soldiers were stabbed in the neck and fell down screaming.

Arrows rain from the opposite 'whoosh!Whoosh! When the shot came, Chang Song rolled over, escaped the rain of arrows, leaned against the warehouse, lit the last two, and threw a torch into the intake window with a sudden throw.

When the soldiers saw the torches, they all shouted, "Here!"

Dozens of soldiers rushed towards him, and there were still more than ten steps away. Chang Song rolled over again, rolled to the opposite side, and threw the torch in his hand into the last transom.

Dozens of soldiers were less than ten steps away from him, shouting and killing him.

Chang Song rolled over and over again, pulled a little distance from the soldiers, got up and ran towards the depths of the warehouse, with hundreds of soldiers chasing after him.

At this moment, all sixteen forage warehouses were set ablaze, with hay inside, and the fire spread extremely rapidly, and the fire spread more than ten feet away in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers opened the warehouse door one after another, and others moved some of the fodder out, but as soon as they opened the warehouse, flames and thick smoke gushed out, like a fire demon engulfed in anger, engulfing dozens of soldiers in an instant.

The soldiers at the back retreated in fright. It was better not to open the warehouse door. Once the warehouse door was opened, a large amount of air would enter and the fire would become more intense, turning the warehouse into a fiery hell.

The fire was completely out of control, and it was impossible to close the door again. After a while, all sixteen warehouses were completely engulfed by the raging fire.

The fire in Cangcheng shocked the whole city, and the generals rushed out of the big tent one after another, looking at Cangcheng in astonishment. They couldn't believe that Cangcheng, which was so tightly guarded, was on fire. Could it be that it was attacked by the Western Army?

Wan Yanchang was furious and furious, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who did it? If I catch him, I will definitely skin him and stretch his tendons!"

Cui Jiu was more realistic, constantly urging the army to fight the fire, "All the troops go, don't let it spread, and control the fire!"

Countless soldiers rushed to put out the fire. Facts have proved that there is still a little effect, at least separating the burning warehouse from other warehouses. This is also due to the zoning system of the warehouse group. The entire warehouse group is divided into twelve districts. The districts are separated by walls, and the forage warehouses are all in the same district. In the end, the warehouses in the entire district are burned, but the warehouses in other districts are not affected.

The fire rushed to the sky thirty feet high, turning the sky red, and it was clearly visible dozens of miles away. Soldiers of the Western Army came out of their big tents one after another, looking at the raging fire in Daming City.

There was a smile on the corner of Chen Qing's mouth, Cui Jiu was really sincere, and he helped the intelligence spies in the city, and it really succeeded.

"Order the whole army to sleep wearing armor and not to take off their shoes and socks. Once there is an order, get up immediately!"

Most of the Jurchen army didn't realize the crisis and did not withdraw overnight. The fire burned until noon the next day, burning sixteen warehouses in the fourth district to the ground.

And Jin Bing has been looking for the person who set the fire since last night. All the people who came to the warehouse during the day were suspects, even the guards. Wan Yanchang heard that he was a man in black with strong martial arts skills. He suspected that they were soldiers guarding the city. Most people would not be familiar with warehouses, only those who patrolled the warehouses every day.

He ordered Cui Jiu to be fully responsible for this matter, and within three days the person who set the fire must be caught.

Cui Jiu was very serious. He first created a list of suspects, including those who came to the warehouse during the day to collect food and supplies and soldiers who were not on duty that night. He quickly created a list of more than [-] people. In Cui Jiu's words , the arsonist must be among them.

Cui Jiu led his subordinates to investigate one by one in a serious manner. All the people who were investigated must have alibi or witnesses, and half of them were quickly excluded, leaving only more than [-] people on the list.

But at this moment, the crisis of the fodder barn being burned began to emerge. A Busu's army went to the warehouse to collect horse feed, but was told that there was no horse feed.

Pucha was shocked when he heard the news, and hurried to find Wan Yanchang.

"Marshal Du, are we running out of fodder?"

Wan Yanchang was stunned, and quickly said: "Didn't you grab some black beans?"

"I don't know. The warehouse told us that the fodder and black beans are gone."

Wan Yanchang became anxious immediately, and immediately ordered someone to find Cui Jiu. Cui Jiu hurried to the lobby and said to Wan Yanchang: "We are still investigating the perpetrators of the arson, please give Marshal Du more time!"

Wan Yanchang waved his hand and said: "Ignore the arsonist, I want to ask about the forage, how much forage and black beans are there now, tell me I grabbed some black beans last night."

Cui Jiu bowed and said, "Reporting to the lord, it's not that the black beans were snatched from the fire warehouse. The fire warehouse was completely burned down. We found three thousand bags of black beans in another grain warehouse."

"How many black beans are in three thousand bags?"

"Report to the prince, 30 catties!"

30 catties sounded like a lot, but Wan Yanchang immediately realized that something was wrong. They had 10,000+ horses, so wouldn’t each horse only weigh more than two catties? What was that enough?

"Did you go to the city to find fodder?"

"Reporting to Marshal Du, General Falcon took people to look for fodder, and I heard that they found some straw."

Pucha suddenly dissatisfied and said: "You have taken away the black beans, and I have no part in finding fodder in the city. Do you want all my war horses to starve to death?"

Wanyan Changlian explained to him: "There is absolutely no such thing, but I didn't expect the consequences to be so serious. I thought that your camp has a little stockpile, so it can last for two days. It is absolutely not intentional not to give the general fodder."

Pucha quickly snorted and said, "It doesn't matter whether you give me fodder or not. The important thing is, how long can we last? Once the fodder runs out, what will we do with 10,000+ war horses? Why doesn't the marshal think about it?"

When confronted with the question, Wan Yanchang was a little embarrassed. He quickly said that he hadn't thought carefully, and that he could support it for a few days without digging into the fodder. Now he also realized the seriousness of the problem.

A Busu said coldly: "Marshal Du doesn't need to explain the reason to me. I only care about the result. How much fodder and black beans do we have? How long can the horse last? My horse is still hungry. I hope I can give some For food, wheat is also fine, this is the top priority!"

"Don't worry! I'll send someone to deliver food to the general right away!"

Wan Yanchang turned back to Cui Jiu and said, "Let's put aside the investigation of the arsonist for now. Sir, go and count all the fodder, black beans and wheat for a few more days. I hope you can give me an answer today!"

Cui Jiu nodded, "I will give the prince a clear answer before dark!"

(End of this chapter)

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