
Chapter 1316 Forced Withdrawal

Chapter 1316 Forced Withdrawal
At dusk, Cui Jiu brought a clear answer to Wan Yanchang. Forage and black beans are only enough for one meal. If the horses are allowed to eat wheat, they can last for about ten days. After ten days, there will be no food for humans and horses. up.

The situation was very serious, Wanyanchang immediately invited Abusu to discuss countermeasures.

Abu hurried over. He listened to the situation report and said without hesitation: "Marshal Du, since we have no hope of defending the Daming Mansion, why don't we retreat now? Don't we have to wait until ten days later when we run out of food before thinking of retreating?" ?"

A Busu's question was very sharp and aggressive, he was still fed up with Wan Yanchang's hypocrisy and incompetence, and he stopped speaking politely.

"Please forgive me for my frankness. If Marshal Du doesn't want to fight the Western Army, then retreat quickly, the sooner the better. If you want to fight the Western Army, then make a good plan. In short, waiting for nothing to do can only be Sit and wait!"

Pointing at the map, Wan Yanchang hesitated for a moment and said: "I'm considering a battle with the Western Army, otherwise I will have no face to face the Son of Heaven when I go back, but how to fight this battle is very particular, the opponent has two armies, one Eastern Army Yixi, then shall we concentrate our forces for one battle, or divide our forces into two routes and fight one army each?"

A Busu saw that the map was full of various battle plans, and he also believed that Wan Yanchang really wanted to fight the Western Army. He thought for a while and said: "The two armies are actually not far apart, only twenty miles away. The cavalry can be killed very quickly. If we concentrate our forces to fight one army, the likely situation will be that we are flanked by two armies. I think it is better to fight separately."

Wan Yanchang nodded, "The hero sees the same thing, I think the same way, Chen Qing is not a fool, he deploys troops like this because he wants us to attack the army in the west, and then he leads the army to kill us from the east, flanking us Surrounded, I also consider attacking them separately, how about this! My troops are a little stronger, I will lead the army to attack the main camp in the east, and the general can lead the headquarters and [-] troops to attack the western camp. Return to the city!"

"Agree with Marshal Du's opinion!"

The two reached an agreement and made an appointment to lead the army to attack at the fourth watch.

Wan Yanchang put on his armor and came to the camp. His son-in-law Pucha Ubalu stepped forward and said, "Father-in-law, are we really going to attack the Western Army's camp?"

"What are you talking about?"

Wan Yanchang glanced at him coldly. "These [-] troops are my foundation in the Kingdom of Jin. Without these troops, I would have been killed by the emperor long ago in the Kingdom of Jin. If I wanted to fight the Western Army, would I have waited until now?"

"My son-in-law knows his mistake!"

Wan Yanchang said again: "After leaving the city, retreat directly to the north, don't worry about Ah Busu's army, I will explain to the Son of Heaven!"

At this time, Chen Qing was also nervously dispatching troops. From Cui Jiu's letter, he knew that Wan Yanchang would not fight him decisively. He would definitely return to the Kingdom of Jin with [-] troops. is his political foundation.

If Wan Yanchang wanted to use the golden cicada's plan to get rid of the shell, he would definitely keep the shell. This shell was A Busu's [-] troops plus the Hejian Mansion's [-] troops.

This army will be left to Yang Zaixing and Niu Gao to deal with, he will finish Yan Chang
At one watch, Chen Qing led the 20 troops into three routes and headed northward.

His plan is very risky. If Wan Yanchang finds out that he is leading the army northward, then he will definitely join hands with Ah Busu's army to wipe out Yang Zaixing and Niu Gao's army, so Chen Qing left a few scout teams. Once he finds that the situation is not right, He immediately notified Yang Zaixing's army to retreat.

It was also because Chen Qing's scouts had wiped out the enemy spies left outside the city, at least all the enemy spies near the Western Army had been wiped out, so they dared to make this risky move.

But everything is not absolute, if there are one or two Jinbing spies left, if they leave the camp and go north, Wan Yanchang will definitely know.

At four o'clock, Abusu's army and Wan Yanchang's army left Daming City at the same time, and rushed towards the Western Army camps ten miles away from east to west.

But Wan Yanchang's [-] troops left the city for five miles, and they turned northward without hesitation. Their speed was fast. Their horses' hooves were wrapped in thick cloth. Although there was no thunderous sound, they were still dense and dull. , rumbling soul-stirring.

Wan Yanchang wanted to lead his army to escape, so he relied on Pucha's unstoppable army to hold him back.

At the same time when Wanyanchang's army went north, Pucha Abusu also led an army of [-] troops to the Western Army camp. Although Abusu hated Wanyanchang very much and didn't want to help Wanyanchang, he always wanted to leave .

But A Busu never imagined that Wan Yanchang would be so shameless, betraying himself, but he escaped and retreated north.

The army arrived at the camp of the Western Army, only three miles away, and Ah Busu ordered: "Sign the army to attack!"

Of course, Ah Busu would not lead the army to kill himself. He ordered [-] signing troops to attack in the vanguard. The leader of the signing army was called Wei Guoming. Although he was extremely reluctant, he had no choice but to shout, "Assault!"

"Woo--" the horn sounded, and [-] signed troops rushed towards the Western Army's camp like a tide.

The camp of the Western Army was not a large camp with slab walls, but was surrounded by barracks, and the surrounding Western Army patrols retreated one after another.

The 150 army rushed closer and closer, like a surging tide, only [-] steps away from the Western Army. At this moment, there was a sound of clappers, 'Bang!Bang!Bang! '

The [-] Western Army archers and crossbowmen ambushing in the trenches fired ten thousand arrows, and the [-] arrows shot at the running signing soldiers. The signing soldiers were caught off guard, and the arrows shot into the crowd like a storm, screaming and wailing. Four times, soldiers fell one by one, and thousands of people were shot down in an instant.

The soldiers of the signing army were terrified, turned around and fled. Pu Chaa has sent three thousand knives and axes to supervise the battle. The soldiers are not allowed to retreat. Once they retreat, they will all beheaded and killed hundreds of people. The soldiers had to turn around and continue running.

The soldiers of the sign army were poorly equipped, wearing old leather armor eliminated by the Jin soldiers, without even a shield, holding a spear, bowing their heads and rushing forward.

This time, Abu Suo's troops broke into the barracks from north to south in two groups, bypassing the Western Army's bow and crossbow array.

More than 250 signatories lowered their heads and rushed, and entered the crossbow range of the Western Army again. This time, the Western Army started shooting from [-] steps away, and the [-]-step God Arm Crossbow fired at a long distance. Even the chief general Wei Guoming was caught off guard. He was shot through the body by dozens of arrows, and immediately fell off the horse and died.

The soldiers who kept falling, the tide of soldiers who continued to rush, [-] arrows shot again, this time like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves, enemy soldiers fell one by one, followed by the second and third rounds of arrow rain, dense The arrows were like a storm, and nearly [-]% of the [-] signatories were killed or injured.

Looking at the screaming and wailing companions everywhere, the signing army completely collapsed, turned around and fled in all directions, throwing away their helmets and armor, and even the swordsmen couldn't stop them. In the chaos, hundreds of Jurchen swordsmen were also angered. The soldiers were stabbed with spears.

The Jurchen cavalry who were about to enter the camp of the Western Army from the north and south were also ambushed. 10,000+ Western Army cavalry, spearmen, and chariots surrounded the two Jurchen cavalry from all directions. Hundreds of chariots were drawn by war horses. Pulling, the small trebuchet threw wooden barrels of fire mines into the enemy army group. The fire mines exploded, the poisoned iron nails scattered, and the horses neighed in horror.

At this time, a large iron fire mine exploded in the group of Jurchen cavalry, with a loud bang, flames rose, black smoke filled the air, hundreds of soldiers were blown to pieces, and several soldiers were blown into the air.

Ah Busu realized that he had been caught in the trap. The Western Army had already ambushed. Seeing that his army was not good at night battles in the dark and suffered heavy casualties, he felt extremely remorseful and shouted: "Break out!"

But this time, Chen Qing had ordered the Jin soldiers to be wiped out regardless of the cost. If they wanted to break out, it would be so easy.

(End of this chapter)

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