
Chapter 1317 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 1317 Chasing and Killing

Hutuoshui is a large river in the middle of Hebei Road, spanning the entire Hebei Province. It is divided into South Hutuoshui and North Hutuoshui. The two large rivers merge into one in the north of Qingzhou, and soon flow into the Juma River and finally into the Bohai Sea.

The South Hutuoshui River was hundreds of feet wide. It was midsummer and the water was turbulent. In the afternoon of the next day, [-] Jurchen cavalrymen arrived in Xindu County in the north of Jizhou. Hutuoshui was in front of them.

The Jurchen soldiers built a pontoon bridge with leather rafts, and connected hundreds of medium-sized rafts with ropes to form the bridge body, and then put wooden boards on it to form a simple leather raft pontoon bridge.

Three thousand soldiers were busy building the bridge, and the rest of the soldiers rested where they were. Many soldiers opened their bags of wheat, let the horses eat the wheat, and went to the river to fetch water for the horses to drink.

Wan Yanchang sat on a boulder, feeling really humiliated in his heart, Hebei Road was lost like this before the First World War, how could he explain to the emperor when he went back?
But he was also fortunate that this battle would definitely be defeated, and it was a great achievement to keep [-] precious Jurchen soldiers for the court. If the land was gone, it could be retaken, and if a person died, he would have nothing left.

In the past few days, Wan Yanchang has a new idea. If the Kingdom of Jin cannot win the Great Song Dynasty, it can seize the Kingdom of Koryo. If the Kingdom of Korea is captured, there will be enough resources to recharge and recharge after ten years. After returning to Beijing, , I need to discuss this idea with Tianzihao.

After resting for more than an hour, the three simple pontoon bridges have been built. Wan Yanchang immediately ordered the army to cross the river, and the [-] troops began to line up to cross the river. Because it is a simple pontoon bridge, the stability is not very good, and walking on it is very unstable. You need to be careful to lead the horse Fortunately, the war horses have been trained and have good obedience. Although the pontoon bridge shakes badly, they can still walk across the pontoon bridge slowly.

It would take at least three days for the [-] troops to cross the river at the current speed, but there was no way. Wan Yanchang sent people to plunder the grain and waited patiently.

Chief Wanyan Yinduo led [-] soldiers into Xindu County, burned, killed, looted, and raped women in the county. The whole county seemed to have become a purgatory, with corpses everywhere, children and women crying.

Carts were full of food and belongings, and many young women were sitting on the carts with their hands tied behind their backs, crying dry.

At this moment, a western army + cavalry of [-] people swept in from the Nancheng Gate. There were more than a thousand Jurchen soldiers on the Nanchengmen Street. , but the western army came fiercely and cut off the opponent's head while the horse was galloping. After a while, the streets were full of people's heads rolling around and lying full of headless corpses.

Ten thousand cavalrymen of the Western Army rushed into the county seat. Seeing the miserable scene in the county seat, their eyes were red and their hearts were burning with anger. When they saw the Jurchen soldiers, they killed them without mercy, and they would not accept surrender.

The Jurchen soldiers were so frightened that they left the food and belongings and the young women and fled. Thousands of soldiers fled the county. , Immediately afterwards, the cavalry of the Western Army began to attack one after another. The surrounded Jurchen soldiers were powerless to resist, and they became less and less. Finally, they were all killed. Wanfu Wanyan Yinduo also died under the sword of the Western Army.

Chen Qing issued an order to kill all the Jurchen soldiers who raped and looted, leaving no one behind.

At this time, 20 Jurchen soldiers had crossed the river and more than [-] people, including generals such as Wan Yanchang, had crossed the river. At this time, [-] Western Army soldiers came from the south, and [-] Western Army cavalry rushed to the front.

There was overwhelming shouts of killing all around. The Jurchen soldiers panicked and scrambled to cross the river. The pontoon bridge began to shake violently. Groups of soldiers and horses were pushed off the pontoon bridge, struggling and screaming in the water, and were swallowed up by the river in a short time.

The cavalry of the Western Army came to hide and kill them. Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the Jurchen soldiers began to resist desperately. However, they had no formation, no fighting spirit, and no morale.

The western army's timing was extremely ingenious. When the enemy generals almost crossed the river and launched a half-cross attack, Chen Qing issued an order to kill them all without leaving any prisoners of war.

At this time, the three pontoon bridges were ignited by fire, and the pontoon bridges quickly broke. Thousands of soldiers and horses crowded on the pontoon bridges all fell into the water and were quickly swallowed by the river.

The soldiers on the south bank were crying loudly. Most of them were young Jurchen soldiers. Many of them had only been in the army for two or three years. I would rather die in battle than surrender, but unfortunately this generation can't do it.

Numerous Jurchen soldiers knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. However, the cavalrymen of the Western Army were all hard-hearted. They cut off their heads and pierced their chests without mercy. Tens of thousands of Jurchen soldiers were killed, and the Hutuo water was also stained red with blood. .

Wan Yanchang watched the soldiers on the other side fall down in batches like harvesting wheat, and were slaughtered by the Western Army. His heart was like a knife, and he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. He got on his horse, and they couldn't bear to watch any longer. More than 3 people continued to flee northward.

Two hours later, nearly [-] Jurchen soldiers on the south bank were slaughtered. Chen Qing left [-] soldiers to clean up the battlefield, take care of the wounded, and ordered [-] soldiers to build three pontoon bridges within two hours.

The Western Army usually used small boats to build pontoon bridges, but they couldn’t find a small boat temporarily, so the Western Army temporarily made thousands of large wooden boxes. The large wooden boxes were very rough, and the woods were not even stripped, but they were very strong. Make a pontoon.

In less than two hours, the construction of three pontoon bridges was completed, wider and more stable than the Jurchens' sheepskin raft pontoons. One hundred thousand cavalry and fifty thousand infantry began to cross the river. Hunted northward.

The great battle in Daming City ended at dawn. This time it was not a half-crossing of Hutuo River. Both sides were prepared for combat and their combat effectiveness was extremely strong. Except for the [-] signed troops who were defeated by the crossbow battle, the Western Army and the Jurchen Army The fierce battle was very cruel and tragic. In the end, the Western Army defeated the opponent with three times its strength.

Fifty thousand Jurchen soldiers were wiped out. According to the order of the coach Chen Qing, all of them were killed without leaving any survivors. However, the Western Army also paid a tragic price of 5000 deaths in this battle. This is also the Western Army's Eastern Expedition. Since then, the casualties are the heaviest.

This was also within Chen Qing's expectation, so Chen Qing's instruction was to wipe out the enemy at all costs. He knew that this battle would cost a terrible price, but this is war, killing three thousand enemies is self-defeating Eight hundred, in a head-to-head war where both sides are prepared and capable, there will be no victory without paying the price.

At dawn, the battlefield with a radius of more than ten miles was still filled with a pungent smell of blood and a faint smell of gunpowder smoke, which was the breath left after the explosion of wooden barrels, fire and thunder. The mutilated corpses were stripped of their armor and thrown into the cart, along with the scattered arms and broken legs.

Another group of soldiers put swords, spears, and armor in carts, and put gold and silver and other wealth in large boxes. Any army does not allow soldiers to embezzle spoils. Once found, it is a felony, and the same is true for the Western Army. Military discipline was strict, and embezzlement of booty was punishable by severe punishments ranging from rods to capital punishment.

Standing on a high place, Yang Zaixing said to Niu Gao: "If it was the iron fire thunder that was thrown, the damage would be greater, and our casualties would not be so heavy. To be honest, His Highness is a little too cautious on this point."

However, Niu Gao shook his head and said: "We have been relying on Tie Huo Lei, our soldiers may not even know how to kill the enemy in the end, just like the siege now, how long has it been since we used the siege ladder? If one day we use the siege ladder , the general thinks our soldiers can attack?"

"If you don't know how to attack the city, you can't do it!"

"Actually, these are not the key points. I also asked His Highness, and His Highness said that the iron fire thunder is not a profound thing. If the enemy gets it, it will be easy to imitate it. The Jurchens who have the iron fire thunder will be difficult to deal with. I think His Highness is right, he is very clear-headed on this point, he would rather destroy it than let the enemy get it, we only use it at critical times, General Yang, people have no long-term concerns, but near-term worries!"

Yang Zaixing was moved by Niu Gao's earnest words, and he said with shame on his face: "Niu Dutong is right, I am short-sighted!"

[The efficiency is not high today, I only wrote two chapters]

(End of this chapter)

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