
Chapter 1318 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 1318 Chasing and Killing

After running for a day, more than [-] Jurchen troops came to the north of Raoyang County, and another big river appeared in front of them. This is the North Hutuo River. Its width and depth are similar to those of the South Hutuo River, and the water flow is not smooth.

Wan Yanchang was depressed all day long, watching the [-] troops slaughtered, but he was powerless, which made him heartbroken, especially the [-] troops were his foundation, most of which were destroyed, how could he gain a foothold when he went back?

All kinds of troubles and inner sadness were intertwined, which made Wan Yanchang's mood very low.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion in front, and a soldier shouted, Wan Yanchang hurriedly urged his horse forward, his heart suddenly became cold, and more than a dozen large ships appeared on the river. How to build a floating bridge?

All the generals looked at each other and looked at Wan Yanchang together. Wan Yanchang pondered for a moment and said: "Send an army to build a pontoon bridge fifty miles to the west, and notify us to cross the bridge after the construction is completed."

This is a good idea. Let an army go to build the pontoon first. They will drag the enemy warships here, and the army will go there after the construction is completed.

Puchaful Baru hurriedly arranged for an army of 3000 to install the pontoon bridge, while the rest of the army rested and waited.

Time passed little by little, and soon, an hour and a half passed, and the spies sent news that the Western Army's [-] cavalry had chased them fifty miles to the south.

This news made everyone angry, and the western army rushed to kill them all, which made everyone feel humiliated. Puchafulbaru said angrily: "Marshal Du, I am willing to lead an army of [-] to ambush the opponent. It is a big deal that everything will be destroyed, and we cannot allow it to be slaughtered." !"

Wan Yanchang was silent for a moment, then sighed, "Let's see how the bridge is built!"

The [-] army turned their horses and galloped west. An hour later, the [-] army arrived at the bridge. The soldiers moved quickly, and a pontoon bridge had been built. Wan Yanchang immediately ordered the army to cross the bridge.

Puchaful Baru stepped forward again and said in a low voice, "Father-in-law, I'm afraid the [-] troops will not be able to cross the bridge completely. We must reserve some troops to stop the enemy!"

Wan Yanchang said coldly: "I know that part of the army must be left behind, but why didn't I agree just now? Don't you understand?"

Puchafulbaru understood that his father-in-law just didn't want him to lead the army to the end, so he backed away silently and stopped talking.

Wan Yanchang looked at the speed of crossing the river, and estimated in his mind that it could pass about 2 people.

Wan Yanchang ordered: "Where is General Wen Yamu?"

"The last general is here!" A senior commander stepped forward to salute with fists in his hands.

"Lead [-] cavalry to intercept the western army's pursuit and cover the retreat of the army. If the bridge breaks, you can lead the army to go west and look for a bridge across the river!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Mr. Wan's eyes were a little sad, but he still took the order.

The Jurchen army accelerated the speed of crossing the river. Wan Yanchang and other generals also crossed the river first. The army had just passed 1 people. At this time, the warships of the Western Army appeared on the river. Hit hard.

The Jurchen soldiers on the bridge were in a mess. After several heavy impacts, the pontoon bridge broke into several pieces. More than 1000 people on the bridge fell into the water, and the 1 soldiers on the south bank were startled and shouted.

But this time, Wan Yanchang was mentally prepared and arranged in advance. Mrs. Wan Wen Yamu shouted: "Brothers follow me, let's go to the west to find a way out!"

The [-] cavalry who had never crossed the river reorganized their troops and rushed westward following Wen Yamu like a gust of wind. The [-] troops parted ways, and Wan Yanchang didn't know whether the [-] cavalry could escape back to Yanshan Mansion. The cavalry continued to flee in the direction of Yanshan Mansion.

After half an hour, Chen Qing led 1 cavalrymen to the place where the river was crossed. Tang Huai got off the warship and reported to Chen Qing: "His Royal Highness, about [-] enemy troops escaped across the river, and the remaining [-] cavalrymen were unable Crossed the river and fled west."

"How long has it been?
"About half an hour, I have sent ten warships to follow westward."

"Did Wan Yanchang cross the river?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Should cross the river and head north."

Chen Qing was faced with a choice, either continue northward to chase after Yan Chang, or go west to wipe out the [-] Jurchen troops. Although the troops could be divided, the cornered beasts would still fight. If one's own army is insufficient in number and does not form a crushing force suppression, even if the opponent is wiped out, it will suffer heavy losses.

After pondering for a long time, Chen Qing resolutely said: "Follow west!"

Chen Qing temporarily gave up chasing and killing Wan Yanchang, but turned to completely destroy the Jurchens' vital forces. This was also an important goal of his attack on Henan Road and Hebei Road, and wipe out the population of Jurchens.

The [-] troops continued to pursue westward
Wan Yanchang led [-] cavalry like frightened birds, and rushed all the way to the north, not daring to stay any longer. Two days later, [-] arrived at Juma River in Bazhou. Crossing the Juma River means that it is temporarily safe.

Wanyanchang sent someone to deliver a letter to Wanyan Helisa in advance. When he arrived in Bazhou, he quickly found the pontoon bridge built by Jin Bing on the Juma River. It was not built with leather rafts, but with wooden boats.

Looking at the Jurchen soldiers standing guard on the pontoon bridge, Wan Yanchang finally heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that only [-] of his [-] troops were left, and the remaining [-] troops were still alive or dead, Wan Yanchang couldn't help feeling sad and burst into tears. .

At this time, Wanyan Helisa hurried up to meet him. He felt Wanyanchang's sadness, and hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him: "Chen Qing attacked with the power of the whole country, and it's normal that the marshal can't resist it. We can only cultivate our essence." Accumulate energy, accumulate enough strength and then go south to the Central Plains, we will still have a chance."

Wan Yanchang gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "We Jin Kingdom has hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, but in the past ten years, they have been consumed on the battlefield again and again, without a single victory, and every time they are defeated, Wanyan Wushu I have to bear the most important responsibility, and I have to settle this account with the emperor, he is the chief culprit who ruined our Jin country."

Wanyan and Lisa sighed secretly, it's already at this time, and they still have to criticize each other and fight each other. In such a state of disunity, how could the Jin Kingdom win on the battlefield? This is one of the most important reasons for the defeat.

Chen Qing's [-] army has been chasing westward, and both sides were exhausted. Two days later, the [-] western army finally caught up with the [-] Jurchen army in Gucheng County, Qizhou, and surrounded them without hesitation.

Chen Qing ordered Lu Liuqiong, Tang Qian, Lu Gui, Yue Yun, and Zhang Xian to lead [-] cavalry to attack the [-] Jurchens in the wilderness at the same time from five directions. Chen Qing also issued a killing order,' Surrender is not accepted, meritorious deeds will be counted on the head! '

This is a very cruel way of fighting. Merit is recorded by head, that is, no whole body is left, and all the heads of the enemy troops are cut off. It is usually used by the Jurchens to kill Song soldiers or kill the people of the Song Dynasty, but this time they fought back. to themselves.

The Jurchen cavalry also knew that it was difficult to survive, and they were desperate. The drums on the battlefield shook the sky, the shouts of killing continued one after another, plasma sprayed, human heads rolled, horses and human corpses piled up layer by layer, and many horses were pierced by spears. Convulsions before death.

There are headless corpses bleeding blood everywhere, all dressed in Jurchen cavalry uniforms, their heads have been chopped off by soldiers of the Western Army, and they are used as booty for meritorious service.

Although the Jurchen cavalry resisted desperately and erupted with stronger strength than usual, what they faced was the hundred thousand brave cavalry of the Western Army after all, not the weak and timid soldiers of the Song Army back then. With great strength, everyone is brave enough to kill the enemy bravely, and has formed a powerful crushing advantage with five times the number of people.

There was no suspense. After two hours, the Jurchen cavalry became less and less as they fought, and the last thousand Jurchen cavalry were swallowed up by the boundless cavalry crowd.

So far, in less than a month, the 35 Western Army launched five battles, wiped out the 12 Jurchen Army and 12 Signing Army entrenched on Hebei Road, a total of 24 Jinbing soldiers, and recovered the entire Hebei Province road.

(End of this chapter)

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