
Chapter 1319

Chapter 1319
It was mid-June, and it was the hottest time of the year in Jiangnan. The sun was so hot that the earth seemed to melt. Even the dogs were hiding in the shade and sticking their tongues out. There were only coolies and hawkers on the streets. They are busy, under the scorching sun, sweating profusely carrying goods or selling along the street.

On such a hot day, poor people generally stay at home to enjoy the cool, while those with a little money like to make teahouses. Many teahouses have their own ice cellars to attract customers, not only for selling iced drinks in summer, but more importantly, like rich people, in Place ice cubes in the sandwich wall to cool down.

It was scorching hot outside, but the cool breeze was blowing in the teahouse. Of course, the tea drinkers flocked to it, wishing to stay in the teahouse all day.

"Have you heard that Xu Xianggong's son is serving as the county magistrate in Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture!"

"real or fake?"

"I don't know. It is said that someone saw it, and it looks like Xu Xianggong's youngest son."

"Isn't this normal? Everyone has seen the situation now. The country will change its surname, and the world will change its master. At this time, who doesn't arrange a way out for themselves first?"

"Keep your voice down, if Plum Blossom Guard hears it, you will be overwhelmed and walk around!"

"I don't care! Who lost the country of the Han people, and who won it back? Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts, and they want to use power to persecute everyone to shut up. How is it possible?"

At this moment, the door was slammed open, and a few Plum Blossom Guard soldiers walked in aggressively from the outside. The leader of the escort glanced at everyone, and asked coldly, "Are you talking about the court?"

There was no sound in the teahouse, everyone was drinking tea with their heads bowed, the shopkeeper of the teahouse hurriedly said with a smile: "Everyone is chatting about Fengyue and discussing the room!"

The leader of the escort pushed the shopkeeper away, and said coldly to everyone: "I warn you first, don't talk about the court if you are underestimated, and you will have to suffer if you arrest the Plum Blossom Guard."

Everyone still bowed their heads and drank tea, pretending not to hear anything.

At this moment, there was a loud sound of running outside, followed by a tabloid shouting in a crisp voice, "Beijing News! Beijing News! The latest news is that the Western Army wiped out 20 golden soldiers and recovered Hebei Road."

The news was so shocking that everyone ignored the presence of the Plum Blossom Guards and ran out to buy newspapers. For a moment, almost everyone in the teahouse had a copy of the "Beijing News" and were reading the newspapers. The Plum Blossom Guards were quite boring. After asking for two pennies from the shopkeeper, he waved his hand, "Let's go!"

He led his men away in a hurry. As soon as the Plum Blossom Guard soldiers left, the teahouse couldn't help cheering.

"Recover Hebei! Take back our Han country!"

"The golden man is finally gone!"

The cheers in Lin'an City were one after another. Many people ignored the hot weather and ran to the streets to beat gongs and drums to celebrate the victory. Many people from their hometown in Hebei knelt down and cried bitterly. There were more and more cheers, and the whole Lin'an City seemed to be boiling. up.

The parade of Tai students came out, bringing the spontaneous celebrations to the climax. Thousands of Tai students walked in front, holding high banners and slogans, "Expel the Tartars, restore the mountains and rivers!" 'Eight vigorous characters.

There are many banners at the back, such as 'Suddenly heard that Hebei has been recovered, the Zanxi Army poured down tears', 'The blood of the soldiers of the three armies casts a new tripod' and so on.

More and more people joined the parade, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands, and finally to 10,000+ people. They cheered and marched on the street, beat gongs and drums, sang and danced, and celebrated the victory of regaining Hebei.

Some people are happy while others are disgusted. For example, Qin Hui is extremely disgusted. Today happened to be a holiday. Qin Hui stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back. Hearing the cheers outside, he snorted heavily, turned and walked into the study, and closed the door heavily.

"Master doesn't seem to be worried at all!" There was a trace of worry in Wang's eyes.

"What am I worried about?" Qin Hui asked a little displeased.

"If Chen Qing replaces Da Song Jiangshan, will Chen Qing let the master go?"

"That's for the future. When he comes from the west, I will go east. I won't be his official, I won't eat his salary, and I won't be his citizen. What can he do to me?"

"Master has arrangements?"

Qin Hui said indifferently: "People have no long-term concerns, and they must have near-term worries, but it is best to keep it secret. Don't send your son to King Yong to be an official like some people, and this side is still pretending to be loyal to the king and patriotic!"

"Are the rumors true?"

Wang asked with great interest: "Did Xu Xiantu really send his son to King Yong to be an official?"

"There is no evidence, but it should be true. That person is the magistrate of Yuchi County. Isn't Xu Xiantu a native of Yuchi County?"

"Is this evidence that the master took the opportunity to bring down Xu Xiantu?"

Qin Hui thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I don't intend to impeach Xu Xiantu!"


Wang was shocked and said: "Isn't the master always doing everything possible to impeach him? And he will oppose the proposals made by the master. Everyone is saying that he and the master are incompatible."

"There's nothing wrong with these statements, it's just a moment of time. I used to want to kick him to death, but now I want him to stay in the phase."

Looking at his wife's stunned expression, Qin Hui sneered and said, "Now that Xu Xiantu has fallen, the benefit is not me, but Zhang Jun. The emperor wanted to use him again, but there was no suitable opportunity for a while, so he demoted Xu Xiantu. , could it be that Zhang Jun happened to be in the position?"

Mrs. Wang nodded, "I understand, it's just because of Xu Xiantu's advantage. Back then, Zhao Ding was completely demoted because of Zhe Yanzhi's betrayal. Now Xu Xiantu has also betrayed, and he is still his son, but he is safe and sound. I really have nothing to say. Can say!"

"It won't be cheap for him!"

Qin Hui proudly said: "I have to hold on to this handle, if he dares to oppose me at a critical moment, I will warn him about it, but I still have to send someone to Yuchi County to make sure that the county magistrate is his son. "

"Has the master sent someone?"

"A few days ago I asked He Li to go. He is capable of doing things, and I believe there will be results soon."

Mrs. Wang nodded, she looked at the newspaper, and said: "The emperor read today's newspaper, will he ask the master to discuss countermeasures?"

"It should be possible, but what can be done? Attack the newspaper again? Chen Qing is just waiting for the opportunity!"

At this time, the butler's voice came from the yard, "Master, someone is coming from the palace!"

Qin Hui and Wang Shi looked at each other, and they really came.

In a waterside pavilion in the imperial palace, Zhao Gou sat on a large soft chair. There was a wooden stage in front of the pond. More than a dozen dancers were dancing on the stage. The melodious sound of silk and bamboo lingered around the stage. There were more than a dozen concubines, all of whom were colorfully dressed.

Zhao Gou's face was gloomy, he was still thinking about today's "Beijing News", the Western Army regained Hebei, and the thing he was most worried about was still coming.

He really hoped that the Western Army's conquest of Hebei would fail, preferably a disastrous defeat, but the Western Army still won, no matter if it won, so why can't it be silent, and insist on making the world known, so what's the face of the court?Where is my face?

The more Zhao Gou thought about it, the more angry he became, the original melodious sound of silk and bamboo became extremely harsh. He couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly shouted angrily, "Enough!"

The concubines were stunned. Seeing that the situation was not good, the eunuch immediately stopped the music, and the dancers also stopped.

Zhao Gou snorted heavily, got up and went to his inner study, leaving behind all the concubines who were looking at each other.

"Your Majesty is probably angry at the Beijing News at noon!" someone whispered.

The girls were relieved, they all subscribed to the "Beijing News", which was the only channel for them to understand the outside world, and they all knew that the Western Army had recovered Hebei.

Just as Zhao Gou sat down in the inner study, an eunuch reported, "Mr. Qin, please see me!"

"Acclaim him an audience!"

Zhao Gou also knew that Qin Hui often came up with bad ideas, but those bad ideas were all his own thoughts, so he still wanted to hear Qin Hui's opinion this time.

After a while, Qin Hui hurried into the inner study, bowed and saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

"It's a day off today, and I even called Mr. Qin to disturb Mr. Qin's rest!"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about it. Now that you are in the position of Weichen, there are no rest days."

"That's right!"

Zhao Gou took the "Beijing News" and put it on the table, "Did Mr. Qin read today's newspaper?"

"Wei Chen has read it. To be honest, Wei Chen is very angry. The whole article is extremely flattering to Chen Qing. It seems that he alone is responsible for regaining the country."

"Although I didn't go out of the palace, I can guess it. The people in Lin'an must be singing and dancing to celebrate the recovery of Hebei, there is nothing wrong with that!"

Qin Hui didn't say a word, apparently acquiescing to Zhao Gou's guess, Zhao Gou suddenly became furious, "This bastard is simply too deceitful. He insists on humiliating me constantly to show his brilliance?"

"Your Majesty, that's probably what Chen Qing meant!"

Zhao Gou put his hands behind his back and said coldly: "Mr. Qin, don't I have any way to fight back?"

(End of this chapter)

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