
Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321
Zhao Gou stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back. Last night he almost stayed up all night, thinking repeatedly about the failures of these years. Whether it was Chen Qing's separatism or Liu Guangshi's and Zhang Jun's rebellions, the root cause was that he had betrayed the Taizu According to the teachings of the generals, generals cannot be allowed to control military power, which will cause the generals to expand their ambitions and cause disasters.

But if civil servants are allowed to command the army, it seems that they cannot be reused. This kind of contradictory mentality tortured Zhao Gou, but the key is to have a general who can fight. Liu Ziyu seems to be good, but Liu Ziyu's two sons and nephews are in Chenqing How can one of his subordinates serve as an important civil and military minister?

Zhao Gou thought of Han Shizhong again. Han Shizhong was good and was very loyal to himself, but Han Shizhong's two disastrous defeats on Jiangnan East Road made Zhao Gou doubt his ability.

I really need a general who can fight and is capable. At this time, Zhao Gou suddenly thought of Yue Fei. He is a general who has never let himself down on the battlefield. If he trains troops and leads them to fight.
Zhao Gou was really moved, but he didn't know that Yue Fei's eldest son, Yue Yun, was also one of Chen Qing's fierce generals.

He pondered for a long time, and pulled the rope. A guard outside walked quickly to the imperial study room, bowed and said, "See Your Majesty!"

"Go to Zhangzhou and learn more about Yue Fei's situation in Zhangzhou, especially whether Yue Fei has continued to have contact with the Western Army. You must report the truth to me!"

"The humble staff must understand the facts and report them truthfully!"

The guard saluted and hurried away.

Zhao Gou knew very well that if he reactivated Yue Fei, Qin Hui, Zhang Jun and others would firmly oppose it, so he had better investigate first.

Chen Qing has been rectifying the administration of officials in Hebei during this period. At the same time, Zhou Kuan and Zhang Miao rushed to Hebei with more than [-] officials from the Finance Department, the Official Department Department, and the Supervision Department.

Hebei Road is different from other places. The Kingdom of Jin has deeply cultivated Hebei. Almost all state and county officials are from Yanshan Prefecture. Although they are all Han Chinese, they are deeply influenced by the Liao Kingdom and have no sense of identity with the Central Plains Dynasty. .

On the contrary, the oppressed people at the bottom have a sense of identification with the Song Dynasty. These scholars are basically the beneficiary class, and they identify more with the Jin and Liao Dynasty.

Therefore, the first thing Chen Qing did after he seized Hebei was to clean up the administration of officials. He did not force or hurt these officials.

On the contrary, Chen Qing paid more attention to the gentry with deep background in Hebei prefectures. The prefects he appointed were basically famous gentry from each prefecture, such as Cui Yuan from Daming Mansion, Cui Li from Enzhou, and Gaoqu from Cangzhou. Hejian Mansion sentenced Zhao Sinan, Zhending Mansion sentenced Bai Jingran and so on.

There are advantages and disadvantages to reusing these famous noble families, and the disadvantages are visible. These famous noble families will form interest groups of officials and officials. When power and money are combined, they will control the local government. It is widely supported and consolidates Chen Qing's rule over Hebei from the root.

The advantages and disadvantages are relative terms, at least for now, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. After the rule is stabilized in the future, the official group in Hebei will be slowly eliminated.

In Daming City, soldiers are carrying a large amount of material and wealth onto the ship. This time they seized Hebei and wiped out more than 24 enemy troops. They also seized a large amount of property, including 380 taels of gold, 2000 million taels of silver, 200 million copper coins, and silk. [-] million horses, and a large amount of precious jade, bronze, porcelain, lacquerware, play stones, spices, wood, pig iron, rough copper, medicinal materials, tents, armor, weapons, bows and arrows, battle flags and drums and other materials.

The harvest was beyond Chen Qing's expectations. The reason is that a lot of wealth here was plundered from Bianliang in the past, including the accumulation of Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyanchang, the two generations of Hebei lords. The ability of Jin to create wealth is very weak , As a result, the looted gold and silver wealth could not be used, and it had been deposited in the warehouse, and finally Chen Qing was cheap for nothing.

Pieces of ornamental Taihu Lake stones wrapped in thick straw were carried onto the boat. Zhou Kuan directed the soldiers to move the boat and shouted: "Be careful! Don't bump into it."

Hu Yanlei, who was in charge of escorting the boat, said with a smile: "Don't worry, old man! We will ensure that it will be transported to Jingzhao safely."

Zhou Kuan blew his beard and said: "Not only must it be safe, but it must also be completely indestructible. If a piece is broken, I will beat you to death, you little bastard!"

At this time, Chen Qing came over and said with a smile, "Since when did Lao Zhou like playing with rocks?"

"Where is the stone here? It's all money. When a stone is transported to Lin'an, it can range from a few thousand guan to as many as tens of thousands of guan. There are thousands of yuan here. Think about it, how much is it worth?"

Chen Qing was startled, "So expensive?"

Zhou Kuan said with a smile: "These are Taihu stones that were plundered from the imperial palace back then. Emperor Huizong loved them most in his life. The Huashi Gang transported this thing back then. It is said that there were tens of thousands of fine pieces back then, but unfortunately most of them were smashed by Jin soldiers. These more than a thousand pieces were collected by Wan Yanchang, and I have seen them, and they are all exquisite."

"Does Lin'an still play with stones?"

"Why don't you play? Fighting tea and playing with stones, reciting poems and painting are all elegant hobbies of aristocratic literati. Even the emperor of the Song Dynasty loved Taihu stones very much."

"It's good to be able to realize it. Replacing these stones with food will have a huge effect on restoring Hebei's social economy."

Although Chen Qing doesn't like playing with stones, he likes the fact that stones can be exchanged for food. For him, winning the hearts of the people in Hebei and consolidating his rule are the most important.

"Your Highness, is it still the old rules this time?"

Zhou Kuan said with a cheeky smile: "The money exchanged for these stones is included in the temple treasury. Your Highness has no objection!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Half of the exchanged money goes into the temple treasury, and the other half is bought into food. I have announced that Hebei will be tax-free for three years, and there are still a large number of disaster victims who need relief. You can't be a brave, you can only go in and out. "

"I've done the math. The Hebei salt tax alone can support the expenditure of the Hebei government. Their salt price is 120 Wen a catty, and ours is [-] Wen a catty. It is a tax reduction in itself."

"I see, let's follow the old rules! The temple treasury is divided into half, and the food in the warehouse is used to help the victims first. You are the God of Wealth, and it is up to you to decide how to do it."

Zhou Kuan sighed, "Your Highness is going to be the shopkeeper again."

"What is the shopkeeper who throws his hands away?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I'm both military and political. I talked with Zhang Miao about Hebei officials before, and now I'm talking about finances with you. What about the military? I'm going to Juma River to arrange defense. You can do more work here." !"

Zhou Kuan was just joking, King Yong is the monarch, and the monarch only needs to make a statement in principle, and the rest will be done by the following. King Yong has already stated that the temple treasury will be divided into half, and that is enough. You can't let King Yong lie in the pile of money and count the money!

"The humble office will make arrangements, Your Highness, don't worry!"

At this time, two soldiers came over with a box, "Your Highness, this is given to us by Counselor Zhou."

"Old Zhou, is this also a rule?"

"Of course, after a great war, the best treasures were not selected for His Highness. To be honest, this rule is criticized!"

Chen Qing said lightly: "It means that I shouldn't be rewarded?"

Zhou Kuan was taken aback. King Yong is the monarch. How can he interfere with what he wants?

He even forgot, so he wanted to give himself two slaps, he quickly remedied: "Your Highness has a different status, humble position means that the rules are rules made between equals, such as the division of wealth between the temple treasury and the treasury, It can be said in terms of rules, but what His Highness gets is not the rules, but the system, and when the system is established, no one dares to discuss it, and the status and treatment of His Highness should also be established."

Chen Qing's dissatisfaction dissipated in his heart, and he said with a smile: "The counselor is right, it's time to establish some rules."

(End of this chapter)

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