
Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322
Three days later, Chen Qing arrived at the Juma River. The Juma River has always been the boundary river between the Song and Liao Dynasties. During the long years of confrontation, the states along the Juma River have built a large number of military facilities, including military cities, military villages, trenches, etc. , most of which are still available.

The states along the line include Cangzhou, Xiongzhou, Bazhou, Baozhou, Dingzhou, Xin'an Army, Ansu Army and Guangxin Army, etc.

Chen Qing has appointed Niu Gao as the defense envoy of Hebei, leading an army of [-] to garrison along the Juma River.

On the south bank of the Juma River in Xiongzhou, Niu Gao accompanied Chen Qing to inspect the defense. Chen Qing boarded a military city, which was one mile long and wide, and a thousand soldiers were stationed there.

Niu Gao introduced to Chen Qing: "This was built during the reign of Emperor Taizong. The successive emperors have repaired it, and it was rebuilt during the Zhenghe period, so it is very strong. When we moved in, the military city was only covered with weeds. It is found that it is still extremely strong, and each of our military cities is equipped with a large amount of fire oil, and it is difficult to capture it unless we use iron fire mines."

Standing at the top of the city, Chen Qing looked at the white Juma River a mile away, and asked again: "How many military cities are there?"

"There is a military city every [-] to [-] miles. There are about [-] along the Juma River, and there are military villages in the mountains to the west."

At this time, a fleet of dozens of ships appeared in the distance, sailing on the river, Chen Qing asked: "Is that our navy?"

"Exactly, the Kingdom of Jin doesn't have a navy on the Juma River. They usually build pontoon bridges. With a navy, they can block the Juma River and prevent the Jin soldiers from crossing the river, but..."

"But what?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"I want to say that I am humble, but we are now on the offensive, and the opponent is on the defensive. Isn't it a bit exaggerated for us to attach so much importance to defense?"

Chen Qing shook his head, and said lightly: "I believe that Wanyan and Lisa will never attack Hebei Road, but the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin might not."

At this time, a soldier rushed over and reported loudly: "His Royal Highness, Niu Dutong, the scouts have returned from the other side!"

Niu Gao was overjoyed, and said to Chen Qing: "The humble officer sent a team of scouts to the other side to investigate the situation a few days ago, and now they are back, His Highness just happened to come down!"

"Bring them here!"

Not long after, a young general led a few men into the military city. The general was called Huang Dong. He was the fastest-promoting scout of the Western Army. He was still a soldier when he attacked the Central Plains. Keqiu was promoted to the capital, and later made many military exploits, and was promoted by Yang Zaixing to be the deputy commander. Then he found the hiding place of the Jin Kingdom's navy when he attacked Shandong Road, and was promoted to the commander after his meritorious service.

This time he was favored by Niu Gao, and he was sent to the opposite bank to investigate the enemy's situation. He had been there for several days, and he just came back when he happened to meet Chen Qing to inspect the defense.

Huang Dong stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, clasping his fists in a military salute, "See Your Highness for humble positions, see Du Tong!"

"Please get up!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Tell me about your investigation!"

"Humble job draws a map."

Huang Dong took out a map from his pocket and handed it to Chen Qing. Chen Qing took the map and handed it to Niu Gao.

Studying the map requires time and patience. Chen Qing just wants to hear the general situation, so he nodded and said with a smile: "Talk about it roughly, don't need to go into too much detail."

"Follow the order!"

Huang Dong thought for a while and said, "I heard that Yanshan Prefecture has about [-] troops."

Eighty thousand?Chen Qing was stunned for a moment, didn't he say fifty thousand?He interrupted Huang Dong and asked, "Apart from the [-] Jurchen army, are there [-] other troops?"

"Exactly! There are also [-] miscellaneous troops, including Khitan people, Xi people, and Han people from Yanshan Prefecture. They were originally stationed in Pingzhou, and they were not under Wanyan Helisa's jurisdiction. They were handed over to Wanyan Heli soon after. spread."

"You keep talking!"

"Currently Wanyanhelisa has deployed [-] troops on the north bank of the Juma River, and they are mainly concentrated in seven counties: Daxing County, Yi County, Rongcheng County, Xincheng County, Fanyang County, Yongqing County and Wuqing County , I don’t know how the specific troops are distributed, I only know that they are very strict, and everyone who enters the city must be carefully checked to prevent our intelligence scouts.”

"It's hard work, go down and rest first!"

Huang Dongxing bowed and retreated, Niu Gao smiled and said: "Wanyan Holisa actually divided up the seven counties, isn't he afraid that we will concentrate our forces to defeat them one by one?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "Wanyan Holisa is our old opponent. He is very cautious and will withdraw his troops at the slightest sign of disturbance. So don't look at him dividing his troops into seven counties now, but only once we cross the Juma River , he must immediately shrink his forces to Daxing Mansion."

"Your Highness is right, but considering the humble position, can we recover the remaining power in Hebei and take Yanshan Mansion in one go?"

Chen Qing shook his head and said with a smile: "Of course I know very well that it would be easy for an army of 30 to take Yanshan Mansion in one go. Why didn't I take it? Has Niu Dutong thought about this problem?"

"Humble and dull, please tell your Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded secretly, this Niu Gao is really old and knows how to advance and retreat, he shouldn't be silent when he speaks, and he should become dull when he understands. In contrast, Yang Zaixing only understands military affairs, but I don't understand officialdom.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Our goal is not the Yanshan Mansion, but the Kingdom of Jin. The biggest problem of the Kingdom of Jin is the lack of population. He has to collect manpower from all over the place to put on the battlefield. This will consume a lot of national power. I will use everything Opportunity to destroy the vital forces of the Jin Kingdom and consume the national power of the Jin Kingdom, I am now waiting for the deployment of the Jin Kingdom to see how they send troops to the Yanshan Mansion?"

Niu Gao nodded, "I understand, in the eyes of His Highness, Yanshan Mansion is just a mill, use it to grind away the military strength and national power of Jin Kingdom!"

"Well said, that's what it means!"

Chen Qing said again: "You lead an army of [-] to defend here, and at the same time, you must strengthen intelligence collection. Once you find that the Jurchens have increased their troops in Yanshan Mansion, you must notify me immediately!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing smiled and said, "Go to the county seat! You send someone to find Tang Huai for me."

Chen Qing left Juncheng and went to Ba County to rest.

At dusk, Chen Qing was studying sand tables and maps in the lobby. At this time, Tang Huai rushed over and knelt down on one knee in front of the hall to salute, "Your Highness, I see Tang Huai!"

"General Tang, please come in!"

Chen Qing ordered his soldiers again, "Go and invite Niu Dudu!"

The soldiers rushed away.

Chen Qing smiled at Tang Huai: "I just discovered some omissions on the sand table!"

Tang Huai hurriedly walked to the sand table, Chen Qing pointed at Bohai Sea with a wooden pole and said, "General Tang found out that there is no island in Bohai Sea, isn't it a bit strange?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, in fact, Beizhi also discovered that there should be a string of Penglai Islands above Dengzhou, but there are no islands on the sand table. The surveyors and mapping soldiers probably have no way to go into the sea to find the islands. The entire sand table is very rough, the main reason is that this is the territory of the Liao and Jin Dynasties, and it is inconvenient for scouts to investigate."

"You're right! That's why."

At this time, Niu Gao also hurried over, and when he came to the sand table, Chen Qing gave him a brief introduction.

Niu Gao laughed and said, "If there is an island in the Bohai Sea, it will become the second East China Sea island!"

"There just happens to be an island!"

Chen Qing pointed to the northwest of the Bohai Sea with a wooden pole, close to the Liaoxi Corridor, and said to the two: "There should be an island here, called Huludao, and the navy can occupy this island. ambush."

Niu Gao nodded, "This is a good way. Once the enemy's main force passes through the Liaoxi Corridor, the scouts will find it, and then send an eagle letter through Huludao!"

Tang Huai immediately understood King Yong's intentions, bowed and said, "I understand, let's deploy immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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