
Chapter 1323 Conditions

Chapter 1323 Conditions
Chen Qing began to return to Jingzhao. After more than a month of fierce fighting, he was really a little tired. He boarded a [-] stone boat from Jinan Mansion on the old course of the Yellow River. To his surprise, Li Qingzhao took a few maids on board too. As soon as the big ship goes to Jingzhao.

In the cabin on the third floor, several people were sitting at the table drinking tea, Chen Qing said with a smile: "I thought Mr. Yi An was going to stay in his hometown."

Li Qingzhao sighed, with some sadness in his eyes, "Everyone I know in my hometown is gone, and I am alone. I am afraid of being alone, so I should go back to Jingzhao! Where my relatives are, my hometown is where I am."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "This is the best way. The concubine and Qiaoyun have been thinking about you all the time. My two precious daughters also need to be enlightened by Master. I'm afraid I will have to work hard on you."

Li Qingzhao also said with a smile: "Although the two little guys are naughty, they are cute and smart. I also like them very much. I am in good health. There should be no problem teaching them."

After finishing speaking, Li Qingzhao yawned slightly. Chen Qing saw that she was tired, so he got up and said, "Mr. is tired, go to rest early! I will also go back and sort out the battle report."

"I'm going to rest for a while, Your Highness please!"

Chen Qing got up and went back to his own cabin. As soon as he entered the cabin, a soft and delicate body was thrown into his arms. The big white sheep, the two fell on the quilt, and became crazy.

I don't know how many times the flowers bloomed and faded, and it was getting late, the two finally had a rest. Chen Qing lay down exhausted, and Yao Mei lay on her husband's body, so tired that she couldn't move.

"What have you been doing for more than a month?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"I miss my husband most of the time, even in my dreams!"

"Dream what?"

Chen Qing teased and said, "Is it a spring dream?"

"I won't tell you!"

Chen Qing chuckled, "Okay! Let's be serious, I miss me most of the time, what about the small part of the time?"

"I also miss my husband a small part of the time!"


Chen Qing kissed her forehead and asked with a smile, "Didn't you read the book and practice calligraphy?"

Yao Mei nodded, pouted and said, "Auntie is too strict, people are a little afraid of her."

"You'd better go talk to Second Sister. She is Agu's closed disciple. That's strict. She was so sleepy at night that she practiced calligraphy while crying, but she didn't dare to sleep."

"It's not that strict with me. They even let me go to bed early, but when they find that I have not improved in writing, they will criticize me severely until they scold me to tears. I think I am her closed disciple."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Disciple is just a title, it doesn't really matter. If Qiaoyun is her closed disciple, then what is it if she has accepted hundreds of students later? As long as you recognize her as a teacher, then You are her disciple."

At this time, Chen Qing's stomach was rumbling, and Yao Mei exclaimed, "Ah! I forgot to prepare dinner for my husband."

She was about to get up, but Chen Qing didn't let her go, he got addicted to her hands enough, and then let her get up, Yao Mei gave her husband a white look, then put on her clothes, and went to prepare dinner.

Chen Qing also put on clean and fluffy underwear, and lay lazily on the bed halfway. He was a little amused in his heart. When the wives and concubines were alone with him, they would call him husband. What a woman thinks!Quite interesting.

Next time, should I bring Yu Lian with me? She and Yao Mei have a fight on the bed, and the two of them serve him together, enjoying the happiness of being equal to each other.

At noon the next day, the fleet arrived in Puyang, and Puyang's pigeon letter station sent two red letter boxes to Chen Qing, expressing very important news.

In the living room, Chen Qing opened two letter boxes, and took out two thin white silks, which were filled with small characters. Chen Qing smiled at Yao Mei: "Copy it on the paper for me!"

This is not the first time Yao Mei has done this kind of thing, she spread out a pen and paper, and copied it carefully.

Chen Qing saw that her small script was beautifully written, and secretly praised her. It's been more than a month since she saw her, and her writing has improved a lot, and she has a beautiful feeling.

This little girl is indeed very smart. When she first met her, she was illiterate. In a year and a half, she could not only read books and newspapers, but also write poems and lyrics. Her calligraphy is also very good, just like others have practiced for several years. It is spirituality. Yao Mei does have a kind of spirituality. No wonder I was attracted by her the first time I saw her.

"It's done!"

Yao Mei put down her pen and carefully dried the ink. Chen Qing then took the letter from the pigeon and read it carefully. It turned out that it was written by Hu Yun. The imperial court asked to negotiate with her.

What are these bastards thinking?He has won most of the country. As long as he wants to, Fujian Road and Lingnan Road can be easily obtained. In the end, they only have Jiangnan East Road and Liangzhe Road, which are a little bigger than the palm of their hand. He doesn't know Does everything depend on strength?
So what if I gave them a promise, these nerds really thought they would keep their promise?

Just as Chen Qing was about to put down the copy, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, maybe this is an opportunity!
Gradually, Chen Qing fell into deep thought, Yao Mei obediently brought a cup of tea, not daring to disturb her husband's thinking, and went to the next door to talk to Auntie.

After Hu Yun sent the pigeon letter, he waited for half a month, and the express letter from Bianliang finally arrived in his hands. It seemed that King Yong was just on his way, so he sent the express letter from Bianliang, of course it was not a pigeon letter. It is a handwritten letter signed by King Yong, which is the official order of King Yong.

Hu Yun read it carefully three times, and then he carefully put away the order of King Yong, so that he could continue to negotiate with the court.

The next morning, Hu Yun and his deputy Xie Shanhui came to the Zhizheng Hall. Zhang Jun personally invited them to the meeting hall. Fu went.

Zhang Jun officially took up the post of Deputy Prime Minister and Counsellor of Political Affairs, so today he negotiated with Hu Yun in the capacity of Deputy Prime Minister. In order to ensure that the interests of the imperial court are not damaged, there must be two prime ministers involved.

"Keep Zhang Xianggong waiting for a long time!" Hu Yun smiled apologetically.

"But His Royal Highness Yong replied?"

Hu Yun nodded, "Exactly, His Royal Highness King Yong was on his way back to Jingzhao from Hebei Road. He wrote a letter to me in Bianliang, giving me formal instructions. I can completely represent His Royal Highness Yong to negotiate with the court."

"What was the result?"

Zhang Jun tentatively asked: "Is there room for negotiation on the request made by the imperial court before?"

"I need to confirm first!"

Hu Yun asked: "The court's request is to be willing to be a Song official and never wear a yellow robe?"

"It is this request, can it be negotiated?"

Hu Yun nodded, "It can be negotiated, His Royal Highness King Yong has also put forward his conditions!"

Zhang Jun and Wan Qixi looked at each other, and they both leaned forward slightly at the same time, their expressions became very focused, Zhang Jun said: "Please tell us the conditions of His Royal Highness King Yong! We are willing to listen with all our ears."

Hu Yun said slowly: "His Royal Highness King Yong has only one condition, and the Song Dynasty must move its capital to Jingzhao!"

"What?" Zhang Jun and Wan Qixi were stunned at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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