
Chapter 1324 Asking Price

Chapter 1324 Asking Price
Zhao Gou narrowed his eyes, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "Want me to move the capital to Jingzhao? Does he want to treat me as Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty? He can think of such a condition!"

Wan Qixie sighed and said: "Yes! Moving the capital to Jingzhao is equivalent to handing over Jiangnan to him, and he will also hold the 20 army in his hands. It's a good idea, and he treats others as fools gone."

Zhao Gou glanced sideways at Zhang Jun, saw that he was silent, and asked lightly, "Zhang Aiqing, what do you think?"

Zhang Jun bowed and said: "Your Majesty, the so-called asking for a lot of money and paying back the money on the ground, since he is writing to Hu Yun, there must not be only one plan. My minister's opinion is, don't rush to reject it, you can continue to talk. Let's see what their final terms are before considering whether we accept."

Zhao Gou was right when he thought about it. Chen Qing knew that he couldn't agree, but he wanted to raise this condition. Obviously, it was asking for a price, not his real condition.

"You continue to negotiate with the other party, just say that this condition is unacceptable."

Wan Qixie was taken over by Zhang Jun, feeling a little unhappy, he quickly said: "Your Majesty, can we also propose a plan, such as making concessions on the etiquette system?"

Although the concessions in the etiquette system do not involve actual benefits, and the benefits are not costly, the etiquette system also has a bottom line. For example, the emperor's etiquette system cannot be overridden. , but that was only a verbal agreement, this time I can agree in the form of an imperial edict."

Zhang Jun secretly sighed in his heart. This plan was too insincere. It was just a verbal approval replaced by an imperial edict. However, Zhang Jun also knew that both sides were testing and would not come up with a real bottom line.

"The minister obeys the order!"

The two saluted and exited the imperial study room. Zhao Gou walked to the window with his hands behind his back, thinking for a long time without saying a word. He was thinking about Chen Qing's real bottom line and his own bottom line. What can he come up with?
Zhang Jun and Wan Qixie sat with Hu Yun again, and Zhang Jun smiled slightly: "Special envoy Hu, relocation is a matter of shaking the foundation of the country. Even if the emperor agrees, the officials and ministers will not agree. I suggest to mention some Realistic conditions."

"This condition is actually very realistic. Compared with King Yong's abandonment, this condition is really nothing, isn't it?"

Wan Qixie coughed and said, "Once the capital is moved, it will be a foregone conclusion. If you want to change it, you can't change it, but King Yong wants to change it, but it's in the middle of the second thought. The contributions of the two parties are completely unequal."

"Wouldn't there be an agreement? There will be an agreement, and neither party can overthrow it easily!"

Wan Qixi sneered, "If the agreement is useful, what's the need for war?"

Hu Yun said coldly: "If Prime Minister Wan Qi said so, then there is no need to talk about it, and we can simply resort to war to resolve it!"

After speaking, Hu Yun got up to leave, Zhang Jun hurriedly said: "If you have something to say, don't be annoyed, special envoy Hu, calm down, please sit down! Please sit down!"

Hu Yun sat down again and said: "Since you don't want to accept moving the capital, then say it's your plan and see if Prince Yong's Mansion can accept it!"

Hu Yun specially bit the word "Yong Wang's Mansion" very hard, telling the other party that this is not something that Yong Wang can decide alone, and there are hundreds of officials under Yong Wang.

Zhang Jun pondered for a while and said, "The emperor's plan is to give the etiquette system to King Yong's East Palace."

Hu Yun laughed, "It's the first time I've heard that one fish can be cooked twice. The East Palace etiquette has been confirmed as early as when King Yong came to An. Doesn't it count as that time and needs to be confirmed again?"

"That's not what it means. The last time it was confirmed verbally, but this time it was issued an edict and officially confirmed. It's completely different."

Hu Yun shook his head and said, "I can give you a clear answer, we reject this proposal!"

Wan Qixi couldn't help but said again: "It's better for Special Envoy Hu to ask for instructions!"

"No need to ask for instructions!"

Hu Yun took out a document, put it on the table and pushed it to the two of them, "This is a power of attorney from His Royal Highness King Yong. I can negotiate with the imperial court on his behalf."

Zhang Jun looked at the power of attorney, returned it to Hu Yun, and said with a smile: "It is unrealistic to move the capital itself. I believe His Highness King Yong also understands this. He should have other alternative conditions!"

"Other conditions may be difficult for you to accept!"

"You might as well tell me!"

"It can also be in the form of monetary compensation."

Zhang Jun and Wan Qixi lifted their spirits, so we can talk about this.

"I don't know how much His Royal Highness King Yong is asking for?"

Hu Yun pointed out a finger, "200 million taels of silver, or 1000 million copper coins, every year!"

Wan Qi stood up abruptly, glared at Hu Yun and said, "It's simply too much. The imperial court's annual fiscal and tax revenue is less than 1000 million yuan!"

Zhang Jun was displeased, so he quickly smiled and said, "Don't be angry, Mr. Wan, this is just the offer made by Special Envoy Hu, right? We can talk about it again!"

Wan Qixi sat down resentfully, Zhang Jun smiled and said to Hu Yun: "We have to drink the northwest wind for 1000 million Guan, and we have to drink it every year, so let's do it! According to the amount of Xixia in those years, the annual silver is 3 taels, and the silk is 5 taels. How about it?"

Hu Yun shook his head, "Xixia has long been wiped out, and we are not Xixia. Zhang Xiangguo's price is unrealistic. Since he wants sincerity, I might as well say the bottom price. King Yong wants a million taels of silver every year."

Zhang Jun's face changed slightly, a million taels of silver?This is too cruel.

Negotiations broke up badly, one million taels of silver per year, not to mention that the imperial court couldn’t get it out at all, even if they could get it out, they wouldn’t be able to give it to them. Their annual tax revenue is only 800 million guan, and they gave more than half of it to the Yong Palace. They drank the northwest wind. ?

Hu Yun was not in a hurry at all, the negotiation was requested by the other party, and that was their business. Of course, what His Royal Highness King Yong really wanted, Hu Yun hadn't presented yet, so the negotiation had to be done step by step.

When it was almost noon, Hu Yun got into the carriage and came to Changfeng Teahouse, and sat down at his old seat. Wang Mu had already come first, and he was sitting opposite him to read today's "Beijing News".

Hu Yun ordered a lunch, glanced at Wang Mu and said with a smile, "This is a newspaper you edited and edited by yourself, and you are still so interested in reading it?"

"It feels different!"

Wang Mu put down the newspaper and said with a faint smile, "Now I read the newspaper as a reader, which is completely different from reviewing manuscripts."

"And then? Do you feel that some articles are inappropriate?"

"That's not true. I don't feel right. It doesn't mean that others feel wrong. Just like you like salty dishes, I like sweeter dishes. The taste is different, so as long as I don't make mistakes in principle, I can pass the review. "

"My own child! How can there be anything bad."

At this time, the clerk brought the food. The two of them were in the AA system. They each ordered their own food and paid their own money. Hu Yun poured himself a glass of wine and asked, "Is there any important news in the newspaper?"

"There is no important news, but there is one news that you may be interested in."

"what news?"

"Let's talk after dinner, don't affect your appetite."

The two ate in silence, the waiter took away the dishes, and Cha Ji served them freshly made tea. Neither of them liked ordering tea very much, mainly because it took too much time and affected their conversation.

Hu Yun took a sip of hot tea and asked with a smile, "Guanzi is almost sold, let's talk! What's the news?"

(End of this chapter)

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