
Chapter 1325 Relief

Chapter 1325 Relief
Wang Mu opened the fourth page, pointed to the anecdote column below and said, "The bottom piece of news, you can read it for yourself!"

Hu Yun took the newspaper and read it carefully, only to see that the bottom line said, "The court officials have no money to pay the rent, and the whole family was driven to the street!" '

Hu Yun was indeed interested, and quickly asked: "Who is it? It wasn't written in the newspaper."

Wang Mu said indifferently: "I crossed out the name to save face for this person. It is Hu Qingfeng, the priest of Taichang Temple, and also belongs to your old Hu's family."

Hu Yun nodded, "I've heard of this person. He was in the top ten of Jinshi three years ago. How could he be so miserable?"

"Why it's so miserable, I don't know."

"When did it happen?" Hu Yun asked again.

"What happened the day before yesterday, Lao Hu, have you never considered winning over the hearts and minds of low-level officials? Their salaries are very low, and they can live well if they have money in their families. It is miserable if they are born in poverty, and the rent in Lin'an is so expensive."

"What I have considered is that the Battle of Hebei broke out and I cannot report to His Royal Highness King Yong. I plan to talk about it when I return to Jingzhao to report on my duties in autumn."

Wang Mu smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I think that as long as some things are in line with His Royal Highness Yong's principles, then you can do them freely."

Hu Yun smiled wryly, "I'm just asking about the principles!"

Wang Mu pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Have I told you that I met His Royal Highness King Yong when I went to Yangzhou to buy paper?"

Hu Yun glanced at him and said, "You mentioned this matter, but you didn't say what you were talking about specifically!"

"Actually, I just reported the situation of the newspaper to His Royal Highness King Yong. One thing was mentioned in it, that is, the handling of 30 copper coins. He asked us to use this money to help the orphans, the sick and the young, and buy people's hearts. I was thinking, those who are down and out Officials should also be included in this list.”

Hu Yun nodded, "Since His Highness told you this, I know what to do."

In the afternoon, Hu Yun brought a few men down to an alley in the southeast of the city. This area is a poor settlement in Lin'an, and the environment is not very good. The alley in front of him is called Wudafu Lane. Garbage is everywhere, feces and urine are flowing, and the smell is pungent, making people have to cover their noses.

"Is it here?" Hu Yun asked with a frown.

The subordinate nodded, "It's here, the one at the end!"

Hu Yun covered his nose and walked into this alley, trying to find a clean place along the way, until he came to the end, at the end was a dilapidated wooden door, which was also the home of a court official, of course it was a rented house, but For such a small courtyard with less than two cents of land, the rent also costs three yuan per month.

Lin'an is notoriously expensive for rent. The main reason is that the place is small and the population is large. People from all over the world come to Lin'an to plan for food, and the population expands rapidly.

Hu Yun gave his subordinates a wink, and his subordinates stepped forward to knock on the door. After a while, someone asked, "Who is it?"

"We are here to find Hu Qingfeng, does he live here?"

The door opened a crack, and an old woman poked her head out and said, "This is Liu Zhen's home!"

"We know, but Hu Qingfeng should be here too!"

There was a trace of disdain in the old woman's eyes and said: "They have nowhere to go, they just stay here for two days!"

"As long as they are here!"

"You guys are not here to ask for debts!"

The old woman suddenly became worried. The Hu family still owed his family some money for rice and vegetables these two days!
"Let me tell you, their family really has no money to pay off their debts!"

"We're not here to ask for debts, but to help them. Madam, hurry up and report!"

Hearing that she didn't come to ask for debts, the old woman let go of her heart, opened the door and said, "The smell outside is not good, you come in quickly! This is my home, what else do you need to report?"

Everyone walked into the yard. There were three tile-roofed houses on the front, and a small house on each side. The kitchen was on the left, and a dark, dilapidated room was on the right.

The old woman pouted towards the broken house on the right, "Their family lives there temporarily, what a crime! The landlord drove a family of five to the street. If my son hadn't kindly taken them in, I don't know which bridge hole to squat in." Woolen cloth?"

At this time, the door opened, and a young woman came out, wearing a coarse cloth dress, but it was very clean, followed by a five or six-year-old boy, and a little girl, a little older, about seven or eight years old.

"Ms. Hu, you came at a good time. They are here to find your husband."

The young woman hesitated and said, "My husband hasn't come back yet! He may come back later today. Do you guys have anything to do?"

Hu Yun nodded, "I just want to help him, since he's not here, forget it, you take this!"

The subordinate handed a cloth bag to the young woman, but the young woman took it hesitantly, her hand suddenly sank, and the cloth bag almost fell to the ground.

"What is this?" the young woman asked in surprise.

Hu Yun smiled slightly, "There is a post by me in it, your husband knows about it, we are leaving!"

After speaking, he left with his men,

The old woman closed the door, her eyes were about to grow out of her hands, she stared at the cloth bag in the young woman's hand, "What's in the bag?"

"I don't know either, it's heavy."

The young woman opened the bag, and the old woman rushed up to it, almost sticking her head into the bag.

The young woman suddenly grabbed the bag with panic on her face, and the old woman also exclaimed, "Ah! It's silver."

"Yes! How could it be silver?" The young woman panicked.

The old woman suddenly said seriously: "Who were those people just now, they actually gave you money, which is quite a lot!"

"I don't know, it's the first time I saw them, maybe my husband knows."

"Hehe! Madam Hu's family is rich now, let's count our rice money and vegetable money for the past two days! The rent should be cheaper, one hundred cash a day!"

The young woman said anxiously: "Didn't you say that the house was lent to us for two days, why do you ask for money again?"

"Didn't your family have no money before! I'm embarrassed to say it, but now that you have money, you are also embarrassed to live in vain!"

"But. I don't know if I can collect this money? I have to wait for my husband to come back and make the decision."

"The money is all in hand, can you not accept it?"

The old woman didn't care about it, and smiled again: "I'll prepare rice and vegetables for you, and it happens that there is still a piece of meat at home, so I'll give it to you together."

He turned and went to the kitchen. At this moment, there was a piercing cough in the small black room, and an old woman asked, "Zhuang Zhuang, what's the matter?"

"Grandma, I don't know what's going on?"

The young woman hurried into the room. There was a large bed in the room. At night, a family of five would squeeze into this broken bed.

Hu Qingfeng has fallen into such a predicament from being an eighth-rank official. It is hard to say. The key is that he has an old lady with a medicine jar, half of her monthly salary is used to buy medicine, and his family is poor. With a lot of debts, he was admitted to Jinshi with great difficulty, and got a lot of rewards, all of which were used to repay the debts.

Fortunately, he has a virtuous wife who ate bran and swallowed vegetables with him and gave birth to a pair of children.

The room was dark, and a bony old woman was sitting on the bed, her eyes were almost blind, she stretched out her hands and fumbled wildly, and suddenly touched the bag in the daughter-in-law's hand.

"What's in the bag?"

"It's silver. Someone gave it to my husband just now. I don't know it."

"How much silver?"

The young woman poured the silver on the bed, and there was a post inside, so she also took it out.

The old woman touched the silver with trembling hands like chicken feet. There were four ingots in total.

"Hurry up and put away the money and post, and show it to your husband. This thing is either a blessing or a curse."

(End of this chapter)

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