
Chapter 1326

Chapter 1326
Hu Qingfeng came back slowly when it was getting dark. He went to borrow money, but unfortunately everyone knew about his family's predicament and couldn't repay it. I don't want him to pay back a hundred coins.

Hu Qingfeng came back with two or three pennies, which was not enough for the medicine money owed by his mother. The financial crisis of the imperial court made all the officials unable to receive their salaries for several months. Everyone could only live on their savings, but there was no way to save money. Officials are miserable, and they can only borrow money to survive.

Hu Qingfeng was one of them. He had owed rent for three months and had no salary for several months, so he had to owe rent again. The landlord finally couldn't bear it anymore and found some strong men and drove his family of five to the street. I went, and this matter was published in the "Beijing News". Although he didn't name him, everyone who knew him knew it was him.

Even the monastery refused to take them in. If the colleagues took pity on them and took them in, their family would really have to live in a bridge hole.

His wife, Wu Shi, rushed out to greet her, "Husband hasn't eaten yet!"

"not yet!"

Hu Qingfeng handed the cloth bag to his wife, and said apologetically, "I can only borrow so much today, and I will think of a way tomorrow."

"Husband, someone came to look for you today and gave me some money."

"Who?" Hu Qingfeng was extremely sensitive to money at this time.

"I left a post, also surnamed Hu, could it be a relative of our family?"

"It can't be a relative, if it's a relative, how could mother not know!"

Hu Qingfeng took two steps, then suddenly stopped and asked, "What's his name Hu?"

"It's called Hu Yun, what kind of special envoy of the king!"

"Hu Yun, special envoy of King Yong! Hu Qingfeng was stunned.

"Husband, is this money a disaster?" The husband's expression made Hu a little scared.

Hu Qingfeng's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "How much did you pay?"

"20 taels of silver!"

"Ah!" With a loud cry, Hu Qingfeng hugged his wife and laughed loudly: "We are rich! We are rich!"

"Brother Hu Xian, congratulations!"

The owner of the house, Liu Zhen, walked out with a smile. Liu Zhen was also an official of Taichang Temple, and he was a Jinshi in the same discipline as Hu Qingfeng. His family was not well-off, but his mother was in good health and did not drag them down, so he could rent a cheap small courtyard to live.

Liu Zhen also just came back, and learned from his mother that someone sent Hu Qingfeng money, which seemed to be quite a lot. He was happy for Hu Qingfeng, but also a little sour, and his life was also embarrassing!
"Brother Liu, wait for me a moment."

Hu Qingfeng rushed into the hut like a gust of wind, picked up the 20 taels of silver that his son was playing with on the bed, and was so happy that he was about to explode. The black market is 160 taels of money!

He touched his son's little head, took the post, and quickly walked out the door. He saw clearly in the yard that it was indeed the post from King Yong's special envoy Hu Yun.

"My dear brother, let's go to the hall for a drink!"

Liu Zhen prepared food and drink, and invited Hu Qingfeng to have a drink in the living room, man!It's just so realistic, Hu Qingfeng's family lived here for two days, not to mention drinking a sip of wine, it would be good if they don't make faces.

Liu Zhen originally looked down on Hu Qingfeng's shabbiness from the bottom of his heart, but Hu Qingfeng was actually taken by Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong, and Liu Zhen immediately changed his attitude towards him.

The two sat down in the lobby, Liu Zhen filled a glass of wine for him, and asked with a smile, "How did Hu Yun know about my virtuous brother?"

Hu Qingfeng blushed, and said for a while, "He should have read the newspaper!"

The story of Hu Qingfeng being driven to the street by his landlord was published in the newspapers, and many colleagues laughed at him behind his back, which really made him feel ashamed, but he didn't expect this incident to make him famous and make him lucky.

Liu Zhen chuckled, "It should be!"

The two drank a glass of wine, and Liu Zhen said again: "I heard that if officials go to Jingzhao, Hu Yun will give 20 taels of silver as money. Does this mean that you want to go to Jingzhao?"

"This... probably not! I didn't even agree to go to Jingzhao, what did he give me money for?"

"However, going to Jingzhao is very good! I heard that many people are doing well. There are official residences in Jingzhao, and their lives are rich, and many people are out of town. There is a real shortage of county magistrates, especially for the recovery of Hebei, and a large number of magistrates are needed. This is a great opportunity!"

Hu Qingfeng sighed and said: "If I could go to Jingzhao, I would have gone a long time ago, but you also know that my old lady's body is full of illnesses, and I can't stand the tossing on the road. I was dragged back."

"Are you going to visit Hu Yun tomorrow?" Liu Zhen asked expectantly.

"Why don't you go?"

Hu Qingfeng drank the wine in the glass, and said after a long while: "Give me 20 taels of silver to solve my urgent need, how can I not visit others."

"Why don't I go with Brother Xian tomorrow!"

This is Liu Zhen's purpose. He wanted to rub off on Hu Qingfeng's enthusiasm. He smiled awkwardly and explained: "After all, he came to my house today, and my master is not here. My old lady is not good at hospitality, and I am a little rude!"

Hu Qingfeng said happily: "Okay, let's go together!"

Early the next morning, Hu Qingfeng and Liu Zhen came to the special envoy's office. Hu Yun invited them to the living room. Hu Qingfeng's nose felt sore, and he gave a deep salute, "Thanks to Special Envoy Hu for his righteous action and saving my whole family!"

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to thank me, I personally don't have that much money to give you, this is His Highness King Yong's plan to help the poor and the needy, to help the widowed elderly, orphans, scholars and low-level officials in trouble, the plan has just begun Implementation, you are the first batch."


Hu Qingfeng had a sore nose, choked up and said, "I will always remember the kindness of His Royal Highness King Yong."

Liu Zhen next to him asked nervously, "Could it be that I have a part too?"

"The place you live in is too bad. If you change to a clean place, we will give you a certain rental subsidy!"

The surprise came unprepared, and Liu Zhen was so grateful that he saluted repeatedly.

"Sit down and talk!"

Hu Yun asked the two to sit down, and asked: "You are all Jinshi, and your life is not satisfactory. Why don't you consider going to Jingzhao to take up a job? We have just recovered Hebei, and most of the local officials have resigned. Almost all of them are The Jin Kingdom or the Han people of the Liao Kingdom in the past did not want to be loyal to His Royal Highness King Yong. Now there are many vacancies in Hebei. Both of you are eighth-rank officials. You both have three or four years of political experience. You can be the county magistrate or county magistrate. Why not seize the opportunity of local experience?"

Hu Qingfeng sighed, "I've heard that too, of course I really want to go, but my mother is not in good health and can't stand the long journey, so there's nothing I can do!"

"You don't have to worry about this, Qin Mao, a member of the military department, and Wang Fang, the chief secretary of the military department, have you heard of these two people?"

Hu Qingfeng nodded, "I've heard of it!"

"The situation of these two people is the same as yours. One is poor and cannot afford the rent, and the other is because the mother is seriously ill and bedridden, but now they and their families have gone to Jingzhao. The supervisory department, especially Wang Fang, his mother went to Jingzhao lying down, and there was no problem at all on the way."

"Ah! How did he do it?" Hu Qingfeng asked anxiously.

Hu Yun smiled slightly and said: "By boat, start from Lin'an, let us arrange the boat, don't worry about it, take the boat all the way to Shangzhou, and then take a special government transfer ox cart, and arrive in Guanzhong five days later. Slow, but very wide, very stable, and the road conditions are good, basically not bumpy. The patient is more comfortable lying in the bullock cart. It is completely possible to go to Jingzhao. I remember that you are in the top ten of the imperial examination. You are a talented person. Yong According to Wang Weicai, you can fully display your talents in Jingzhao and get a relatively rich life.”

Hu Qingfeng was very excited, "I will go! I am willing to go to Jingzhao!"

"I'll register you later!"

Hu Yun smiled and asked Liu Zhen again, "What about you?"

Liu Zhen nodded, "I'm willing to go too, the two of us will go together."

(End of this chapter)

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