
Chapter 1336

Chapter 1336
After the negotiations with the imperial court broke down, it is not that nothing will happen. In fact, the independence of Prince Yong's Mansion has been in full swing. This is not only a matter of Chen Qing's personal ambition, but also concerns the personal interests of Chen Qing's tens of thousands of subordinates. Interests are also related to the legitimacy of Yongwangfu's local rule.

For example, local states and counties belong to the imperial court, and they are officials of the Song Dynasty, so they should be managed by the imperial court in Lin'an, but in fact they are managed by the Yongwang Mansion in Jingzhao, and the Yongwang Mansion is not the imperial court, so theoretically they have no right Jurisdiction states and counties.

As a result, Jingzhao manages all prefectures and counties in the name of the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Commissioner, and the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Commissioner is appointed by the imperial court. to manage.

But in fact, the imperial court did not entrust the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Commissioner, which led to the illegal jurisdiction of the Yongwang Mansion or the Sichuan-Shanxi Xuanfu Commissioner over various places.

Therefore, at the end of the year, two major events will happen in Jingzhao. One is that the local governments will restore the Tang system, Zhizhou will be renamed Cishi, Tongju will be renamed Changshi, and other official positions will be renamed Sima, Biejia, Recorder and Join the Army, etc. At the same time, The county magistrate was also renamed the county magistrate, and a county worker was added to stand side by side with the master book, and three judges were promoted to nine-rank officials, so that the number of officials at the county level in the Yongwang Mansion increased from four to eight. Strengthened the control of Yongwang Mansion over the county.

Don't underestimate this small name change and restructuring. It directly decouples the states and counties under the jurisdiction of Yongwang Mansion from the imperial court from a legal point of view. The government has nothing to do with the imperial court. You appointed Zhizhou, but I don’t have the position of Zhizhou here. When Zhizhou takes office, he can’t even touch the door, and the appointment becomes meaningless.

The second major independent event of Prince Yong's Mansion was the founding of the country. The founding of the country is not the establishment of a new dynasty, but the establishment of a kingdom, which is equivalent to the enfeoffment system. The Han Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, and Ming Dynasty all had enfeoffment systems, and the clan children were entrusted to various places. Establish a kingdom, so there is the theory of cutting the vassal.

There was no enfeoffment system in the Tang and Song dynasties. The court granted Chen Qing a Yongwang and allowed him to build a palace. This is actually a false title, just the title of a prince. What Chen Qing has to do now is to put the prince on the throne. In fact, that is, to build a kingdom.

Of course, the imperial court would not recognize the kingdom established by Chen Qing, but his officials, the army, and the prefectures and counties under his jurisdiction all recognized it, and the imperial court had no way to stop it.

A kingdom is not a dynasty, but it is only one step away from a dynasty, and it is just one step up.

On the first day of October, Chen Qing promulgated the Yong Wang Decree, officially restoring the Tang system to the prefectures and counties in various places, and at the same time reorganized the county level.

This major restructuring was quickly reported by the "Beijing News". In the turmoil of Jingzhao, officials all took the restructuring as a matter of course, but felt that it was too late and should have been changed long ago.

But in Lin'an, it caused an uproar, especially the faint mention of the word "Yongguo" in the King Yong's decree, which is even more imaginative.

But unexpectedly, the emperor Zhao Gou was very calm, he didn't fly into a rage, he didn't fly into a rage, and he didn't even summon the ministers for emergency military affairs, which made the ministers confused.

In the Hongyan Teahouse, the academicians Tao Lin and Xu Xiantu drink tea together.

"What's going on with the officials? There's no movement at all? Doesn't he know?" Tao Lin asked puzzled.

Xu Xiantu sighed and said, "How could he not know? He also subscribed to the "Beijing News" and read it every day! He read it more seriously than anyone else. It's no wonder he didn't know about such an important event and the headlines on the front page. Probably pretending to be calm! Or he doesn't know what to do."


"I guess there will be a little bit. It can be seen from the breakdown of the last negotiation that he is worried about Chen Qing's further actions."

Tao Lin frowned and said, "Then it's better to agree to give up Fujian Road to Chen Qing, and there won't be so many worries."

Xu Xiantu was surprised and said, "You haven't noticed it for a long time?"

"See what?"

"Even if an agreement is reached and Fujian Road is given to Chen Qing, he will still introduce these reforms and establish the Yong Kingdom. This does not violate the agreement, does not overstep, and does not add a yellow robe. Haven't you noticed?"

Tao Lin gasped, "It turns out that the other party has already prepared!"

Xu Xiantu smiled and said: "They have indeed been prepared for a long time, step by step, reforming the official system, and establishing the Yong Kingdom has been brewing for a long time. No matter whether they have reached an agreement with us or not, they will definitely launch it. I don't think there is any need to make a fuss. They just It’s just a name for what you’ve been doing.”

"But still different!"

Tao Lin shook his head and said: "In the past, there were many things that people couldn't think of, but now once it is renamed the Yong Kingdom, everyone thinks of the Yong Dynasty. In fact, there is no difference between the two. At most, Chen Qing did not ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. I guess the Counselor of the Internal Affairs Hall The name will be changed to political affairs, the chief political affairs officer is Yong Wangcheng, and there are three provinces, six ministries and nine temples, which must be implemented at any time. Doesn’t he follow the Tang system? There are all governors, and they still care whether they are lower than the imperial court?
The most important thing is that once the names are rectified, ordinary people will recognize that they are parallel and independent dynasties parallel to the Song Dynasty, not the Yong Kingdom under the Song Dynasty. "

Xu Xiantu nodded, "You are right. Officials and scholar-bureaucrats know that they are not dynasties, but ordinary people don't care about these things. Kingdoms and dynasties are the same thing to them."

As he was speaking, an eunuch ran into the teahouse out of breath, and ran up to Xu Xiantu, panting heavily: "Our family is looking for Mr. Xu everywhere, please enter the palace immediately, the official has an important matter to summon!"

Xu Xiantu and Tao Lin looked at each other, and the officials really couldn't hold their breath anymore, Xu Xiantu got up and said, "I'll go right away!"

In the imperial study room, Zhao Gou was indeed extremely calm. It wasn’t that he wasn’t in a hurry, that he wasn’t angry, that he wasn’t afraid, or that he wasn’t anxious, but that he was anxious, angry, afraid, anxious, and bewildered. Timidity has turned into avoidance, or into numbness.

He is like an ostrich, as long as Chen Qing doesn't announce his enthronement as emperor, then he can pretend not to see it.

This is Zhao Gou's character, he is weak in his bones, stern and timid, he will be furious and preoccupied with small problems, and he will run away from big problems.

Unless the ministers forced him to deal with it, he really couldn't escape, so he had to face it.

At this time, Zhao Gou was reading another secret report, which was written by Yushi Zhongcheng Zhao Xing, accusing Xu Xiantu's son, Xu Shou, to be the county magistrate in Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture under the alias of Xu Shou.

This report made Zhao Gou startled and angry. He never dreamed that his most trusted confidant would secretly take refuge in Chen Qing.

But he still restrained his anger, and he wanted to confirm this to Xu Xiantu himself.

At this time, the eunuch reported at the door, "Your Majesty, Mr. Xu is here!"

"Show him in!" Zhao Gou said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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