
Chapter 1337 Denial

Chapter 1337 Denial
Xu Xiantu quickly walked into the imperial study room, bowed and saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

"Xu Aiqing is free!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Gou walked a few steps and suddenly asked, "How is the situation at home?"

Xu Xiantu was a little puzzled. He thought that the officials would ask Chen Qing about his countermeasures, but he didn't expect to ask about his own family situation. He could only answer in a daze, "Weichen's family is fine, thank you for your concern!"

Zhao Gou asked again expressionlessly: "I remember Xu Aiqing has three sons!"

Xu Xiantu brain 'hum! With a bang, he knew what the officials were going to ask. It must be his third son Xu Shou. Various news had been spreading before, and he was quite panicked. He turned to Hu Yun for help. Fortunately, Hu Yun did it for him. a plan.

He has never tried this plan, and now he can only bite the bullet and give it a try.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, among the three sons of Weichen, the eldest son and the second son are all officials in the imperial court. The eldest son is serving as Yuanwailang in the Duzhi Division, and the second son is serving as the magistrate of Qingtian County in Chuzhou. Only the third son is not an official at home."

"Oh? Where is your third son now?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the third son, Xu Shou, is currently in Mingzhou. I felt that he had nothing to do at home, so I found something for him to do. Last year, I took over a shop selling spices. My son took care of it. He went to Guangzhou to buy. The ingredients are gone."

Zhao Gou was taken aback, why is it different from what was written in the report?
He picked up the report and said calmly: "Someone impeached Xu Aiqing's third son to serve as county magistrate in Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture, so I want to ask clearly."

Xu Xiantu showed a wry smile on his face and said: "Your Majesty, this rumor has been out for a few months, I don't know who made up this rumor, and I just scoff at it and ignore it. In the past, the rumors were spread to His Majesty, I want to know, who fabricated the rumors? Who wanted to stab Weichen in the back?"

Zhao Gou hesitated and said, "It was the report from Yushitai. I didn't know it was a rumor!"

Xu Xiantu said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, since Yushitai is going to sue the imperial court, saying that Weichen's son is an official under Chen Qing, please show them evidence, why do they say that the county magistrate of Yuchi County is my son? Is it because they look alike? Is it because Wei Chen’s ancestral home is Yuchi County? Wei Chen wants evidence!”

Xu Xiantu flatly denied it, and his attitude was firm. Zhao Gou was a little shaken. After all, the report on Yushitai meant that they did not have conclusive evidence. If the evidence was conclusive, it would not be a report, but an impeachment letter.

"Let's do this! I will ask Yu Shitai to clarify the matter. If they make a mistake, I will ask them to apologize to you!"

Xu Xiantu knew the officials too well, and knew that there should be no concessions at this time, and the emperor would be more suspicious if he eased the concessions.

He did not give in and said: "Your Majesty, Yu Shitai's reputation cannot be slandered wantonly. If Yu Shitai has no evidence and talks nonsense, Zhao Xing must be held accountable, then I will resign!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Gou lost all his doubts. He began to suspect that Yushitai was ordered by Qin Hui to bring down Xu Xiantu by means of catching wind and shadow.

Zhao Gou nodded, "Don't worry, Aiqing, if Yushitai is a false accusation, I will give you an explanation!"

Xu Xiantu retreated, Zhao Gou immediately ordered someone to find Zhao Xing, Yushi Zhongcheng, and after a while, Zhao Xing rushed over and bowed to salute, "My minister Zhao Xing, see Your Majesty!"

"Zhao Zhongcheng, I want to ask you, in your report, it is said that Xu Xianggong's third son is the county magistrate in Yuchi County, Kaifeng Prefecture. What evidence do you have?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, when Yushitai heard about this, he immediately sent people to Yuchi County to check, and found that the Yu County Prime Minister was indeed Xu Xiangguo's third son, Xu Shou!"

"Who did you send to check?" Zhao Gou asked.

Zhao Xing hesitated for a moment. In fact, it was not Yushitai who sent people to check, but Xiangguo Qin Hui sent his confidant He Li to Kaifeng Mansion and recognized Xu Shou.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I did not send officials, but sent someone who knew Xu Shou to Kaifeng Mansion. He told me with certainty that he recognized Xu Shou, and it must be him."

Zhao Gou frowned, "Is this called evidence? There are too many people who look alike in the world, and you can be sure just by their looks. Mr. Xu denied it. He said that his son opened a shop." , his son has gone to Guangzhou to buy goods, who do you ask me to trust?"

"Your Majesty, I must have read the right person!"

"That's useless. I want evidence to prove that Yu Shou in Yuchi County is the third son of Xu Xianggong. If you can't find it, you don't need to be a censor Zhongcheng!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Zhao Xing was sweating profusely and retreated slowly, he hurried to find Qin Hui.

At this time, in the private room of Changfeng Teahouse, Xu Xiantu worriedly told Hu Yun about today's events. Hu Yun took a sip of tea and said with a slight smile: "Mr. Once His Royal Highness takes down Fujian Road, you can say that the son who bought spices in Guangzhou will not come back, and the way back will be cut off. If it is not possible, we can also find someone like your son to show up in the shop, so that the neighbors can see Look, then he will go to Nanyang to buy goods.

As for Yuchi County, you don't have to worry at all, the people who went to investigate will not come back. "

Xu Xiantu let go of his heart, nodded and said, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Hu Yun smiled again: "Let me tell His Highness, change your son to be an official in another county, so that this group of people won't stare at him."

"So much the better!"

Xu Xiantu didn't dare to sit for a long time, so he got up and left in a hurry.

Hu Yun pondered for a moment, then called the shopkeeper Dong An, and said to him: "Qin Hui will definitely send someone to Yuchi County, this time I have to keep an eye on him, let him go and don't come back."

Dong An nodded, "I'll arrange it!"

In the afternoon, as soon as Qin Hui returned to the mansion, the housekeeper told him that Yushi Zhao Zhongcheng had arrived and had been waiting for a long time.

Yushitai has always been controlled by Qin Hui. Over the years, he has used Yushitai to catch rumors and squeeze out dissidents.

Qin Hui drove to the guest hall, and coughed heavily in the hall, Zhao Xing, who was sitting in the hall drinking tea, stood up quickly, went forward and saluted: "See Mr. Xiang!"

Qin Hui asked slowly: "I heard that the officials summoned you today?"

"Exactly! I handed over the report to the emperor early this morning, and he summoned Xu Xiantu, and then I summoned me."

Qin Hui said in displeasure: "I told you to use the impeachment letter directly, but you don't believe it. You use the report to show that you lack confidence, and you can easily be caught by Xu Xiantu. Seeing your frown, you must have been counterattacked by Xu Xiantu. "

Zhao Xing said with a bitter face: "Actually, it has nothing to do with the impeachment paper or not. The key is that the officials asked me for evidence. I said that the person I sent had recognized the other party. The officials said that it was just a look. .”

"And then? Do you know what Xu Xiantu said?"

"The officials told me that Xu Xiantu's son opened a store in Lin'an, and his son himself went to Guangzhou to buy goods."

Qin Hui frowned, Xu Xiantu was prepared!But think about it, this rumor has been going on for several months, how could Xu Xiantu be unprepared?

"What evidence does the official want?"

"I didn't say the specifics, I just said that I need conclusive evidence, and I guess the officials don't know about it."

Qin Hui spread his hands, "Then how do we find evidence?"

Zhao Xing thought about it: "Thinking about it just now, censors pay attention to personal and physical evidence when handling cases, and we can only look for personal and physical evidence. Yu Shou must have servants around him, and he knows Yu Shou's bottom line. As for the physical evidence, if you can get the official document that Yu Shou has corrected now, and compare it with the previous handwriting, you can also confirm the same person, this is called complete physical evidence."

Qin Hui nodded. This idea is good and can be adopted. He immediately said: "I will arrange the manpower and go to Yuchi County again!"

(End of this chapter)

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