
Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338
Zhao Xing left, Qin Hui returned to his study, Wang brought him a cup of ginseng tea, and asked with a puzzled face: "The officials don't care about such a big matter today, but instead pursue these trivial matters, he is not afraid of Chen Is Qing ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor?"

Qin Hui shook his head and said: "I have been the Prime Minister for more than ten years, and I have a good understanding of the character of the official family. He is timid, cowardly, and afraid of the strong. If it is something he can solve, he will definitely jump up. He yelled and ordered his subordinates to solve the problem. If it was something he couldn't solve, he would run away. He couldn't control Chen Qing's affairs. It can be said that as long as Chen Qing didn't ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, everything that happened would happen to him. They will turn a blind eye and turn a deaf ear.”

"Is it because there are too many lice and they don't bite people?"

Qin Hui laughed and said, "That's what it means, but according to a very vulgar saying in my hometown, it's called dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water!"

Mrs. Wang covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Master is so bad that he actually compares the official family to a..."

"It's okay for us to talk in private!"

At this time, the official reported in the courtyard: "My lord, He Li is here!"

"Let him in!"

Mrs. Wang nodded and left through the side door. After a while, a man in his thirties walked into the study quickly. His name was He Li. He went to Yuchi County and recognized Yu Shou as Xu Xiantu's son Xu Shou.

"See my husband!"

Qin Hui nodded and said, "Maybe you need to make another hard trip to Yuchi County!"

"It's not hard work in a humble job, please tell me!"

Qin Hui thought for a while and said: "I remember you seem to have said that there is a servant who has followed him for a long time in Yu Shou's mansion, and you still spend money to ask him for news, right?"

"That's right! This person's name is A Ping, and he came from the Xu Mansion in Lin'an. He knew that Xu Shou was renamed Yu Shou."

"You find a way to bring this person back to Lin'an, and then make an official document written by Xu Shou. We will check the handwriting as evidence, and Aping is the witness. Only when the witness and material evidence are complete can we file a letter of impeachment."

He Li bowed and said: "I understand the humble job, this Aping is more greedy for money, you can buy him with money, and even he can get the official documents for us."

Qin Hui happily said: "That's it, I'm going north with two warriors and 1000 taels of silver. Be sure to bring back the personal and physical evidence I want!"

Qin Hui immediately sent his confidant He Li to take two warriors to Yuchi County of Kaifeng Prefecture again, this time they were looking for witnesses and physical evidence.As soon as the three of them left Xiangguo's mansion, they were watched by the warriors sent by Dong An.

And Zhao Xing started to investigate Xu Xiantu's shop, but the emperor didn't tell him what kind of shop the Xu family opened?What kind of goods did Xu Shou go to Guangzhou to buy?Zhao Xing was really at a loss.

But if you want to find out, you can find out. Zhao Xing came to the county government early the next morning and explained his intention to the magistrate Wang Bo. Wang Bo immediately asked his staff Jia Yingfang to find Xu Xiantu's property for Zhao Xing.

In the room, Jia Yingfang took out a thick stack of land deeds and put the whole stack on the table, "That's about it!"

Zhao Xing was looking through one by one, but Jia Yingfang inadvertently put a piece of land deed on it, and said, "I remember seeing it somewhere, it seems to be in this pile!"

He flipped through it for a while, took out a title deed from it, and cheered, "I found it!"

Zhao Xing quickly took over the land deed, the name is Xu Xiantu, he looked at the address, Fuxinyuan store on Fangzhang Street.

"Is he the only shop?"

Jia Yingfang smiled wryly and said: "This is the only store registered under his own name, and the others may not be registered by him, so I don't know about the humble job."

This is true, these high-ranking officials are very cautious, and generally do not register with their real names, "Okay! Thank you very much."

Zhao Xing memorized the address and shop name again, then got up and left.

Fangzhang Street is not far from the county government. It took less than an incense stick to ride the bullock cart, and the bullock cart turned into Fangzhang Street. Fangzhang Street is not a small one. One, selling everything, and there are many pubs and teahouses.

Zhao Xing quickly found Fuxinyuan's shop, which turned out to be a spice shop. His attendant said in a small voice, "Zhongcheng, I know this shop. It turned out to be Uncle Zheng Guo's shop."

Zhao Xing immediately understood that he must have pocketed Zheng Tongquan's assets, or bought them at a very low price, or he was really a sanctimonious hypocrite.

But Zhao Xing himself was not much better. He also participated in the last time to clean up the merchant's property, and bought a three-acre house for a few hundred yuan.

Zhao Xing walked into the shop, and the shopkeeper greeted him with a smile, "Welcome the guest officer to the shop!"

"I'm looking for Xu Shou, is he there?"

The shopkeeper was taken aback, "The guest officer wants to find my proprietor?"

Zhao Xing's heart sank, could it be true?

He asked again: "I entrusted Xu Shou to keep an item. The time has expired. I want to get it back. It is a big copper incense burner. Has the shopkeeper seen it?"

The shopkeeper said apologetically: "I have not been here for a long time, and the proprietor's affairs are not very clear, but the proprietor has gone to Guangzhou to buy goods, and it may take a few months before he comes back. Why don't the officials leave a letter! I will hand it over to you later. Proprietor."

Zhao Xing saw that what he said was serious, so he couldn't help believing it a little more, and asked again: "Are you sure your proprietor is Xu Shou, not Master Xiangguo?"

"The officials are just joking! What is the identity of my master? How could he be the proprietor of the shop? Xu Shou is my proprietor, yes, he is 25 or six years old, of medium height, with a round face and fair skin. Let's see if the officials know him." Xu Shou?"

The description was correct at all, it was exactly what Xu Shou looked like, and his age was also right, so Zhao Xing had to leave with a confused face.

From Lin'an to Bianliang is usually by boat, first take the Jiangnan Canal to the Yangtze River, then take the canal from Yangzhou to the north, enter the Xinbian River, go all the way north to Bianliang, and then transfer from Bianliang to Yuchi County.

He Li took two warriors to the north on a five-hundred-stone passenger ship. This kind of passenger ship is a good-grade passenger ship with comfortable and spacious cabins. If it is a one-hundred-stone black-topped boat, the cabin is very small, and guests can only sit in the lower seats. Inside the low canopy.

Three days later, the five-hundred-stone passenger ship sailed into the Yangtze River, but they didn't know that a thousand-stone cargo ship followed them a mile away.

Wei Yanzong stood on the side of the cargo ship, staring sharply at the passenger ship ahead. Behind him, ten men squatted on the deck, each holding a crossbow in their hands.

When it reached the center of the river, the cargo ship speeded up and gradually caught up with the passenger ship. Wei Yanzong saw the situation in the cabin. The three of them were sitting at the table drinking tea and chatting, not aware of the danger coming.

At this time, the cargo ship passed by the passenger ship. Wei Yanzong gave an order, and ten of his subordinates stood up and shot arrows at the same time. , and was shot through the body by a crossbow arrow at the same time, screaming and falling down.

(End of this chapter)

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