
Chapter 1339 Real Estate

Chapter 1339 Real Estate
The warriors jumped onto each other's ships one after another, rushed into the cabin, beheaded the three people who were still moaning and still alive, and threw the heads and bodies of the three people into the Yangtze River respectively.

The two boatmen were so frightened that they knelt on the deck and begged for mercy. Some of them were old and some were young. If they died, there would be no one to support their families.

Wei Yanzong stepped forward and asked, "Where are you from?"

"We are from Zhenjiang Prefecture, and we specialize in picking up passengers between Lin'an and Yangzhou."

"I don't have to kill you, but you don't go to Lin'an within a year, and you are not allowed to report to the government. If I know that you have reported to the government, I will kill your whole family!"

"The villain dare not! The villain will never dare to report to the official!"

His subordinates found the letters and the three people's personal packages. Wei Yanzong took his subordinates to board the boat and left. The two boatmen hurriedly fetched water to wash away the blood and fled back home.

When they got home, they found out that there was 1000 taels of silver left by a guest in the secret storehouse. They were so happy that they each shared 500 taels of silver, which really made a fortune.

The impeachment of Xu Xiantu was finally settled, and Xu Xiantu did not pursue the matter. Although he said very strongly that if the other party did not dismiss him, he would resign, but that was just a coping strategy. After all, the facts were the same, and he could not really use this If the matter and Qin Hui are done to the end, if the truth is leaked, he will not be able to bear it and walk around.

So the best way is to let it go, the emperor Zhao Gou didn't want to make a big deal out of it, and he didn't mention it anymore, but Qin Hui suffered a dumb loss, and the three followers disappeared, even though he knew that he would definitely be killed However, in order to keep Zhao Xing's position as Yushi Zhongcheng, he also chose to forbear.

A few months later, this incident was completely forgotten. At the same time, Yuchi County Prime Minister Yu Shou was transferred to Qinghe County, Hebei Road as the county magistrate, and Xu Pei, who followed Yu Shou as the prefect, was also promoted to Qinghe County Head. Bo, finally formally stepped into the official career.

When the time came to October, construction began on the large grassland in the north of the city that had been vacant for many years. The site where the construction started was the Taiji Palace in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It was destroyed by war at the end of the Tang Dynasty. After cleaning up, the Neizhengtang decided to build a palace on the foundation, and the name is still Taiji Palace.

The Tang Dynasty Taiji Palace covers an area of ​​about [-] hectares. Of course, the new Taiji Palace will not be built so wide. The main purpose is to build the new government office and the new Yongwang Palace. The initial construction will be [-] hectares, that is, [-] acres, and it will be gradually built in the future. expand.

Just south of the new Taiji Palace is the North Street. Once the construction of the palace started, the land price of the shops along the North Street skyrocketed, from [-] guan per mu to [-] guan per mu.

The biggest beneficiaries of the skyrocketing land prices on North Street are Princess Luxiu and her sisters. They have been buying land since the year before last, and they all chose the best locations. A few women have nothing to do at home, so they get together Researching real estate, they basically polished up all the land and houses in their respective hands, including Chen Qing's land in the new city in the south, and basically sold all the land in the North Street. They bought a total of nearly [-] acres of land. The newcomer Yao Mei Also because of the land replacement, I got two shops along the street, about eight acres.

In the living hall of Qifeng Pavilion, Yao Mei gently caressed a piece of red-skinned suet jade that her wife gave her. She has not yet recovered from the shock, and she never dreamed that her eight acres of land could be sold as soon as she changed hands. 16 guan.

16 guan!For her, a figure that was unimaginable two years ago, now as long as she is willing, 16 crowns will immediately become her wealth.

Lu Xiu glanced at her, and said with a faint smile: "I advise you not to rush to sell, the peak of [-] guan has not yet been reached, and the highest price per mu on East Street is [-] guan. The price per mu will also rise to [-] guan.”

Yao Mei whispered: "I just can't understand why the land price has risen so high?"

"What is incomprehensible about this? From ancient times to the present, wealth has been tied to power. The place where power is the most expensive, that is, the place where land is the most expensive. Next year, the Yong Kingdom will be established, and the palace will also start to be built. It means that Jingzhao will officially become the capital of the Yong Kingdom, and there will be no more suspense, so wealthy families from all over the world want to have a foothold in the capital, and their wealth will become the land of Jingzhao. Just see through that.”

"Madam, can I give these two pieces of land to my parents?"

Lu Xiu glanced at her approvingly and smiled: "You can give it to your parents. If your parents live in Jingzhao, the prince should give them a house. I suggest you sell the small one and use the money to build a house." Five acres of restaurants, but if you don't have the 16 coins in your hands, you will lose a lot of fun in creating wealth."

Yao Mei bit her lip and said, "It's still for the parents!"

Lu Xiu found that this little girl was actually very stubborn, and it was difficult for her to persuade her to come back. She smiled slightly and said, "Forget it! Anyway, King Yong will reward you with wealth, and you will know when you give birth to a child."

"Ma'am, when will I get pregnant!"

"I don't know about this, but I think it's not right for you to be pregnant now. You are a little younger. When you get pregnant around the age of 20, it will be the best for the child. I am the 20-year-old Ji'er."

"Ma'am, is your lord going to be emperor?" Yao Mei asked again in a low voice.

Lu Xiu shook her head, "Not for the time being, so now it is the Yong Kingdom, not the Yong Dynasty. The difference is to see if the prince becomes an emperor, but this day will come sooner or later. We are all mentally prepared, hey! We have lived here for so many years , this time next year, it is estimated that we will move to the new palace, so I am really reluctant."

At this time, Zhao Qiaoyun hurried over with today's newspaper and said, "Sister, the latest transaction price of Sister Bei has come out. The mu price is [-] guan. Longfeng Tea House has bought Juxianju Restaurant."

Lu Xiu quickly took a map and spread it out on the table: "Where is the Juxianju restaurant, please show me!"

Juxianju Restaurant is located in an excellent location, just to the left of the Tianjin Bridge to be built.

Lu Xiu suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile, "The Dragon and Phoenix Teahouse belongs to the Wei family, right?"

"Yes! It belongs to the Wei family."

"It seems that the Wei family is courageous. Seeing the future, they decisively bought the Juxianju restaurant covering an area of ​​five acres. It seems that we can't rush to sell the land, we have to wait!"

Lu Xiu and Zhao Qiaoyun started researching real estate, Yao Mei got up quietly, smiled and waved to Bing'er and Xue'er, holding one in each hand, and took them out to feed the deer.

At this time, Chen Qing led a large group of officials to inspect a large-scale hydraulic drive device developed by students from the Taixue Equipment Class and dozens of people by the Weihe River. There was a huge millstone in a large stone house. A thousand catties, the diameter of the grinding disc is six feet, and several people can lie on it.

The heavy mill was turning slowly, and a wheat hopper hung on the top. As long as the rope was pulled, the wheat would be poured into the mill. There was a fine sieve under the outlet of the mill, shaking constantly, and sifted the snow-white flour into the wooden box below.

There is only one person operating the whole noodle mill. A white-haired Taixue professor introduced to Chen Qing and the officials: "This is a hydraulic drive that we have successfully developed in two years. The principle is actually very simple. Everyone has seen the waterwheel in the river, the waterwheel rotates, and drives a long shaft to rotate, and the long shaft extends all the way to the house, that's it!"

Everyone looked in the direction of their fingers, and saw a very thick copper rod slowly turning, extending from the outside of the wall.

At this time, Chen Qing asked: "The stick rotates vertically, but the millstone rotates horizontally. How do you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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