
Chapter 1341 Teaching

Chapter 1341 Teaching
Taixue has been prepared, a hall that can accommodate hundreds of people, all the students and craftsmen of the Taixue sat on the ground, waiting for His Royal Highness King Yong to give a lecture.

At this time, Chen Qing stepped onto the podium. This was not his first lecture. Two years ago, he taught the craftsmen of the Firearms Bureau about the application of iron fire mines. It is the first time to give lectures in Taixue.

"I came to give you a lecture today because I saw a water-powered millstone. The use of water power is not new now, it has always been there. For example, our waterwheels used mountain streams to grind mills in the Tang Dynasty.

But you use the shaft to transmit hydraulic power, which is a huge breakthrough. It is for this reason that today I will talk to you about the use of power. First of all, where does the power come from?Let's talk about it!What are the sources of power we usually see? "

"Manpower and animal power!" some students shouted.

Chen Qing nodded, "Yes! The most basic power, human and animal power, what else?"

"And the water power brought by the river!"

"That's right!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Your hydraulic mill made full use of water power, what else?"

"The power of the wind, the power of the wind!"

"Yes! Wind power, what else?"

"During an earthquake, the earth shakes, the power of the earth."

"That's right, is there anything else to add?"

"Fire!" A thin student sitting in the front row whispered.

Chen Qing happened to hear it. He pointed to the thin student and said, "Stand up and speak louder!"

The student stood up and said timidly, "Fire!"

"Why do you think of fire?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"The marquee lantern on the Shangyuan Festival starts spinning after lighting a candle, so I thought of the power of fire."

"Well said, what's your name?"

"Student Song Zhu, the bamboo of bamboo, from Xiangyang."

"Sit down!"

The student sat down, and the other students looked at him enviously, His Royal Highness King Yong actually knew his name.

Chen Qing said to the crowd: "Actually, there are other forces, such as boulders rolling down from the mountain. The power is unmatched. Where does this power come from? I won't talk about it.

Today I will mainly talk about the power of fire. We all know that in the past, we used wood to cook with low calorific value. It takes a lot of firewood to cook a ton of rice and a pot of water, but firewood is so expensive that everyone They can afford rice, but they cannot buy firewood. Ordinary people cannot drink hot water at any time, cannot cook for three meals, and cannot boil water for bathing.

Now Jingzhaodu uses briquettes. Its biggest advantage is that it generates a lot of heat and is cheap. A piece of briquette can cook a meal for a few pennies, and it can also burn a pot of hot water. We have gradually entered the coal from the age of firewood. era.

You may be very confused, is this firewood, charcoal and power related?Of course it is related, as Song Zhu said just now, the marquee will turn when you light the candles, have you ever thought about Kongming Lanterns?How did it fly into the sky?If you also light a candle, it will fly, so why does it turn and fly when you light a candle? "

Chen Qing looked at the pair of eyes who were thinking, and continued to smile: "The reason is very simple. When the air is heated, it will go upward. When the air in the Kongming lantern is heated, the hot air will lift the Kongming lantern and fly. The same is true for the marquee. If it is blocked, the hot air can’t get out, it will flow to the side, making the marquee turn, if you understand what I just said, please raise your hand!”

The people below all raised their hands together, and they all understood that the air will go up when it is heated, and when it blocks the top, it will go to both sides.

Chen Qing continued: "Professor Yan told me that day that you invented a connecting rod device. I would like to ask who thought of it?"

The thin and thin Song Zhu raised his hand timidly again. It was this classmate Song again. Chen Qingxiao asked: "I saw the connecting rod you invented yesterday. Although it is not perfect, as long as you continue to improve it, it will become better." How did you come up with the connecting rod?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the student imitated the joints of a person, and thought of it a little bit. Unfortunately, there is no force to stretch back and forth. Otherwise, the connecting rod can directly drive the millstone to rotate."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Isn't Kongming Lantern the power to move upward?"

"Your Highness is talking about heat?"

Chen Qing nodded, waved him to sit down, and Song Zhu fell into deep thought.

Chen Qing said to the crowd again: "I prepared a prop today, let everyone take a look at the upward power, and then how to use it is up to you."

With a wave of Chen Qing's hand, the soldiers brought up a stove, the fire was raging, and the water in the iron pot was about to boil.

Chen Qing asked the soldiers to put the stove on a high place, and Chen Qing pointed to the stove and the iron pot and said: "Everyone, look out, I'll boil a pot of water with briquettes, it's a very simple thing, you do it almost every day, but I The iron pot is different, I sealed the spout, and the whole iron pot has only one upward outlet, everyone, it is starting to steam!"

Of course, Chen Qing had tried repeatedly at home, and it was foolproof before he took it to Taixue to give a lecture. The water was boiled, a large amount of water vapor rushed upward, and the lid of the pot began to move.

All the students and craftsmen stood up and stared at the kettle without blinking. At this moment, the water vapor continuously lifted the lid of the kettle, and the lid'poof!puff!puff! 'Ring.

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Did you see it? What force is pushing the lid of the pot upward?"

"It's water vapor!" A student shouted.

"It's water vapor!" The students and craftsmen suddenly realized and shouted. He remembered what His Highness said just now, air will go up when it is heated. Isn't water vapor the air that is heated?
"Everyone is right, it's water vapor!"

Chen Qing said loudly to the crowd: "It is a powerful force. If we use a large stove and burn a huge kettle, the water vapor produced is enough to push heavy objects weighing tens or even hundreds of catties. The key is that we To control this water vapor, let it generate a force of stretching back and forth, push the connecting rod, and the connecting rod drives the millstone, and drives the spinning machine, is it possible to obtain power without relying on the river?"

Everyone was lost in thought, and the hall was very quiet. At this moment, Song Zhu asked: "May I ask your Highness, steam is the power of up and down, how can it be turned into a power of left and right?"

"Do you think about how the revolving lantern is done?"

"Make a cabinet, seal the top, and it will go left and right!" Song Zhu suddenly realized.

Professor Yan at the side couldn't help asking: "Your Highness said that, it seems that there is a force to push, but what about the force to retract?"

"That's a good question!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The biggest advantage of steam is that it is not a substance like metal or stone, it is just a stream of hot air, you can let it go in any direction you want, you can let it push the connecting rod forward, You can also change the direction, let it push the connecting rod back, how to design an ingenious device, or you can use the method of opening and closing the door to change the direction of the water vapor, think about how to do it yourself?"

Song Zhu blinked, and he firmly remembered what Chen Qing said, "It's just a puff of heat, you can let it go in any direction you want, you can let it push the connecting rod forward, and you can also change the direction." Direction, let it push the connecting rod back, you can change the direction of water vapor by opening and closing the door. '

It was as if a window had been opened in front of him. With water vapor as the power, many things did not require manpower or animal power.

Chen Qing finally said: "I suggest that you set up several groups to compete. Only with competition can you be motivated. I can provide all the resources and money you need. I will also set up a lottery. I will reward the first successful group. 3000 taels of silver."

All the students and craftsmen are excited and can't wait to go back and start experimenting immediately.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "The stove and kettle are left to you. I suggest you start with the kettle to study what kind of kettle can produce the most powerful water vapor, but I also want to remind you not to let the water boil dry. It's not that simple to pay attention to replenishing water."

In Chen Qing's class, the seeds of the steam era quietly germinated in Taixue.

(End of this chapter)

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