
Chapter 1342

Chapter 1342
In the past two days, Princess Lu Xiu found that her husband was messing around in the house when he came back, and he couldn't even shout for food, so he had to take it to his room.

She found a space and asked Yao Mei curiously, "What is the prince doing these two days? I haven't seen him come out yet."

"It seems to be drawing a picture, I don't know what I am drawing, one by one circle."

"You didn't ask him?"

Yao Mei shook her head, "Master is very focused, I dare not disturb."

"All right!"

Lu Xiu decided to take a look by herself. She brought a cup of ginseng tea and came to her husband's study.

In the study room, Chen Qing is concentrating on drawing on paper, and he is still about to finish the drawing. Of course, he is designing a gravity clock. Chen Qing attaches great importance to time, and he needs to check the time all the time. On the battlefield, especially at night, everyone Relying on the moonlight to estimate time often leads to mistakes due to inaccurate time.

It doesn't matter if the steam engine is developed in ten or eight years, but the convenient timer is urgent.

Western gravity clocks are basically products of the Song and Yuan dynasties. Since Europe can make them, they can too.

In fact, the principle is very simple. It is to find a driving force, and gravity is a very good source of driving force. Use gravity to make the pendulum swing back and forth, so as to obtain the power to drive the gear to rotate.

Chen Qing also only roughly drew a schematic diagram, but he didn't know how to do it. This required skilled craftsmen to study. For craftsmen in the Song Dynasty, these were minor problems.

The accuracy of Western gravity clocks was very poor at the beginning, and the difference was two hours a day.

Chen Qing put down his pen, but saw his wife standing aside looking at his painting in amazement, he explained with a smile: "I'm thinking about making a new clock leak for time keeping, and I just have an idea, draw it out and let craftsmen implement it. "

Lu Xiu sighed, and tried to persuade: "There is a specialization in art, and this kind of ingenious thing should be done by specialized officials. My husband can set up a department of industry, but there is no need to waste time on it. Now the Kingdom of Yong is about to be established. So There are so many military and state affairs waiting for my husband to handle and make decisions!"

Chen Qing was right when he thought about it. During this period of time, he was a little too obsessed. He wished that these things could be done in one day, so as to delay serious matters.

Chen Qing felt ashamed and said: "Madam is right, I really should set up a department of the Ministry of Industry, and leave these matters to the Ministry of Industry."

Lu Xiu laughed again: "Actually, it's okay for my husband to have this hobby. I'm just worried that my husband will be too addicted to it and delay the business. Yesterday Yang Zaixing's wife came to chat with me."

"Say what?"

"It's just to talk about real estate, talk about the types of new cotton cloth, but she seldom comes to see me. At this juncture, she comes to visit. Is General Yang reminding my husband of something?"

Chen Qing suddenly realized that when the Yong Kingdom was established, the official system of civil servants had changed, but military generals were not involved. So many generals under his command were waiting eagerly, how could they not be in a hurry?Yang Zaixing was indeed using his wife's visit to remind himself.

"I see!" Chen Qing nodded silently.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to the official room, and immediately summoned several politicians to discuss matters in his official room.

Not long after, the five political advisers rushed to Chen Qing's official room and sat down in the meeting hall.

"Everyone, please come here today. I have two things to discuss with you. It is rather hasty, and I didn't send you the information in advance."

Chen Qing smiled apologetically, and continued: "The first thing is about the establishment of the Ministry of Industry, such as building cities, shipbuilding, bridge building, dredging rivers, road repairing, mining, casting, and innovations in various tools and appliances. It is managed by a special government office. Currently, the Department of Government Affairs is in charge, and the Department of Government Affairs is temporarily too busy. The establishment of the Ministry of Industry Department is imperative. I invite everyone to discuss it today, just like a trade supervisor, and set the principles first , and then start preparations, and it is best to start operation after the New Year next year."

Jiang Yan thought for a while and said: "The Ministry of Industry is one of the six departments. Of course it is necessary to establish it. In fact, we can't. We merged the functions scattered in each department to form a new department of the Ministry of Industry. Whether officials want to enter the internal government hall, and the official office is arranged here, if these few issues are clarified, the rest can be easily resolved."

Chen Qing had really thought about the establishment of the Ministry of Industry for a long time, and of course he had a plan in mind, he said slowly: "When I was thinking about rebuilding the official position, I said that there are only five people in the internal affairs hall, and there will be no increase for the time being. , but the head of the Ministry of Industry can be appointed as the head of the Ministry of Industry, that is, to attend the discussions of the Internal Affairs Hall, and can express opinions, but has no decision-making power. As for who will be the first head of the Ministry of Industry, I consider letting Lu Wei take the post. Any comments?"

Chen Qing considered Lu Wei because Lu Wei had been with him for more than ten years and was excellent in all aspects. Although his qualifications were a little short, the younger Chao Kun was able to break through the rules and be promoted to the Department of Maritime Trade Administration. The lack of qualifications that Lu Wei lacks is nothing.

No one objected, mainly because Chen Qing made his words very clear. Lu Wei is not qualified to participate in political affairs. Qingshan and Lu Wei, this is unacceptable to everyone.

The internal affairs hall walk is not a big problem. The deputies of each department are basically the internal affairs hall walks, mainly answering matters related to the department. It is necessary for Lu Wei to obtain the title of the internal affairs hall walk, otherwise who will respond to the matters involving the Ministry of Industry?Chen Qing also considered this point before allowing Lu Wei to be qualified to walk in the Internal Affairs Hall.

Everyone can understand it, and naturally they will not object.

Seeing that everyone did not object, Chen Qing said again: "As for the government offices, there is indeed no room left. There will be enough government offices when the Taiji Palace falls into the city next year. Now they can temporarily borrow the vacant house of Taixue."

Everyone agreed, and Zhang Xiao asked, "Your Highness, are the Weapons Department and the Firearms and Powder Bureau under the Ministry of Military Affairs also under the jurisdiction of the Department of Industry?"

"Of course, I will not consider setting up a Privy Council in the future. The burden of the Ministry of Military Affairs will be very heavy. We need to reduce the burden first. The Ministry of Industry will be more in charge of weapon manufacturing."

Zhang Xiao quickly laughed and said: "The humble position does not mean that we are reluctant to part with the Military Weapons Department. The humble position means that the Military Weapons Department has a relatively large official office, but if the Ministry of Industry's office is placed directly in the Military Weapons Department, Lu Sima may not even have to move the official building." .”

Chen Qing thought about it, and this is okay. He originally wanted the Ministry of Industry to be closer to the research of Taixue, but this is a bit different. It is not necessary, and it would be good to put it in the Ordnance Department for the time being.

"Okay, the government office will be temporarily placed in the Military Weapons Department. In addition, please ask Zhou Shenzheng to lead the preparations for the Ministry of Industry Division!"

Zhou Kuan was taken aback, and quickly said: "Of course there is no problem with the humble post, but does the humble post feel that it is more appropriate for the military department Zhang Shenzheng or Jiang Shenzheng to take the lead?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "The two of them are indeed more suitable, but Jiang Canzheng is leading the preparation of the trade supervision, and he can't get away, and Zhang Canzheng has other things, which involve some money allocation, so I think Zhou's participation in politics is more suitable."

King Yong's explanation was a bit far-fetched, but Zhou Kuan understood it as soon as he changed his mind. Apart from Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao, in fact, Lu Qingshan, who was in charge of supervising the criminal law, and Zhang Miao, who was in charge of the Ministry of Officials, were also perfectly fine. Lu Qingshan could not participate because Lu Wei avoided suspicion. , Zhang Miao is not in good health recently, so she can't be too tired.

In the end, only oneself can top it.

Zhou Kuan smiled wryly and said: "Understand, I must complete the preparations for the Ministry of Industry Division smoothly, so that His Highness will not be disappointed!"

(End of this chapter)

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