
Chapter 1344

Chapter 1344
After sending the four of them away, Chen Qing heaved a long sigh of relief, as if he had relieved a heavy burden. He no longer considered technology matters, but began to think about the restructuring of the army wholeheartedly.

The Song Dynasty learned the painful lessons of the Tang Dynasty's Anshi Rebellion and the separatist rule of feudal towns, and thus formulated a system in which civilian officials controlled military power, which eventually led to the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty.

However, if the Tang system is restored and military generals are allowed to hold military power, stability can be maintained in the early days of the dynasty, but once it reaches the middle and late stages of the dynasty, ambitious generals will inevitably appear. The ambition of self-reliance has been like this in all dynasties. The key is not because of the generals, but the decline of the dynasty itself.

The rulers of the Song Dynasty couldn’t see through this, and always put the blame on the generals. Why An Lushan didn’t have the idea of ​​rebellion in the early days, and it gradually emerged in the later period. It is because the military system of the government has completely disappeared, and the national strength cannot afford the huge military salary of the frontier army. , The imperial court continued to delegate government and financial power to Jiedu envoys, allowing them to raise military salaries by themselves, so that An Lushan had its own army.

Therefore, it is not whether civil servants or military generals control the military power, but whether one's own national strength can control the frontier army.

In the reform of the military system, Chen Qing still considers the establishment of three systems, one is the local state military system, one is the frontier garrison system, and the other is the Chinese military system. The military positions will be controlled at the top, and many will be controlled in the future. The biggest benefit It is to disperse military power.

But we also need to appease Yang Zaixing and Liu Cui, the early generals who commanded the army, so that they can leave the army, continue to be promoted in ranks and titles, serve as the generals of the twelve guards in Jingzhao, and set up a general's mansion. Once there is a need for war , they will lead the army to go out, this army does not belong to their army, but is temporarily dispatched and arranged by the Privy Council. After the war, the soldiers return to the camp and the general returns to the government. separate.

The key is to give them honor and status. You can imitate Li Shimin's Lingyan Pavilion and keep portraits of the heroes forever, so that they can surrender their military power with peace of mind, leave the army, and even let them serve as civil servants, such as serving in the Privy Council.

Another thing is to clarify the relationship between the military department and the Privy Council. The military department is in charge of the local state military system, in charge of recruiting and retiring soldiers, as well as pensions for soldiers killed in battle, in charge of awarding honorary officers, in charge of martial arts and military academies, as well as recruiting civilians and temporarily requisitioning civilian supplies , in charge of the real estate of the army, and also responsible for the army's farming.

The Privy Council is equivalent to the military secretariat of the emperor, controlling the frontier garrison and the central army, managing documents and files of soldiers and generals, taking charge of the attendance of soldiers and generals, military training for promotion, army mobilization, management of money and food, storage and distribution of military materials, and distribution of military salaries , war staff planning, and military intelligence systems.

Chen Qing then held a discussion with the generals, and all the generals basically agreed with Chen Qing's restructuring plan. In fact, the generals paid more attention to their own personal interests, the succession of titles, the official position and salary system, and the issue of children's shadowing officials. On the contrary, they don't care much.

In addition, Chen Qing plans to introduce an account system for the distribution of salaries. The Privy Council will establish an account for each soldier in the government-run cabinet, and deposit their salaries into the account every month. Money, so that there is no need to distribute cash money layer by layer, avoiding layers of exploitation by the boss and empty pay. This is the best measure to protect the interests of soldiers.

This has also won the unanimous support of the generals. Everyone knows that soldiers are the foundation of the army, and protecting the interests of soldiers is related to the morale of the army. This is the key to winning battles.

Now they have an army of 60, and no one can guarantee that the middle and low-level generals will not deduct the soldiers' salaries, so Chen Qing's plan won the unanimous support of the generals.

After full communication with the generals, the reform of the military system began, but this is not something that can be promulgated and implemented immediately. It needs to be done step by step, and the time for implementation is not yet fully ripe.

The most urgent task now is to take down Fujian Road.

At present, Fujian Road has been driven into a deep nail by Chen Qing. That is Quanzhou. After several years of governance, Quanzhou has become the state with the largest population in Fujian Road. Due to low taxes, cheap prices, and many opportunities to earn money, A large number of people from Fujian Province poured into Quanzhou, bringing sufficient labor, making Quanzhou's shipbuilding, tea making, cotton rolling, textiles, oil pressing, sugar pressing, porcelain making, and various planting, commerce, storage, Overseas trade and other industries are showing a thriving scene.

Of course, Chen Qing did not dare to take it lightly. In order to prevent the imperial army from repenting and taking Quanzhou, Chen Qing sent troops to Quanzhou three times. At present, the garrison in Quanzhou has reached 3 people, and the chief general is Hu Yantong.

The imperial court's army on Fujian Road has 2 troops, led by Liu Ziyu, the comfort envoy of Fujian Road. Liu Ziyu also serves as the governor of Fuzhou, and the [-] troops are stationed in Fuzhou.

It is actually easy to seize Fujian Road, defeat Liu Ziyu's army and capture Fuzhou, then the entire Fujian Road will be at your fingertips.

This morning, a huge ship appeared in the sea off Quanzhou. It was an army of [-] soldiers heading south from Shandong Road, led by Liu Qiong and Tang Qian. Chen Qing originally wanted Gao Ding to lead the army south to capture the main general of Fujian Road Liu Qiong asked for orders again and again, and issued a military order. He would never miss the military affairs just because Liu Ziyu was his uncle.

Chen Qing considered again and again, and finally appointed Liu Qiong as the general who conquered the South, Tang Qian and Hu Yantong as the left and right deputy generals, and led an army of [-] to capture Fujian Road.

One after another the big ships came up to the pier, groups of soldiers dismounted from the big ships, and lined up quickly on the pier. At this time, Liu Qiong and Tang Qian also got off the big ships. Hu Yantong rushed to meet them, cupping his fists and saluting: " Refer to the general for the humble position!"

Although the two had a deep friendship in martial arts back then, but now it is a formal occasion, with so many soldiers watching, Hu Yantong still has to meet each other with the etiquette of superiors and subordinates.

Liu Qiong smiled slightly and said: "Brother Huyan, it's been a long time, it seems to be darker a lot!"

Seeing Liu Qiong's relaxed tone, Hu Yantong also relaxed his emotions, and said with a smile: "Quanzhou is by the sea, and the sea breeze blows every day, so of course the skin is easy to darken. I don't believe it. After a while, my virtuous brother will realize it."

"Men! Black spots don't matter. Where is the barracks? Let the soldiers go to the barracks to rest first. On the way here, the sea is relatively rough, and many soldiers are seasick. General Tang and I also vomited in the dark."

"The big camp is three miles ahead. You can see it when you walk straight ahead. Let the soldiers go first! The two generals also go to rest."

Liu Qiong turned around and shouted: "The soldiers of the first battalion will go to the barracks to rest after they line up, there is no need to wait."

Basically, the soldiers of a large ship are a battalion, led by a commander, and [-] soldiers follow the commander to the camp to rest, led by special soldiers.

Liu Qiong was also really seasick and mentally weak, so she went to the camp with Tang Qian to rest.

At this time, on the mountain a few miles away, a middle-aged man led a few young men who looked like clerks and watched the soldiers of the Western Army disembark and line up, and the teams were marching to the camp. They counted the number of soldiers , At this time, a fellow ran up the mountain and said to the middle-aged man, "I found out that the leader of the Western Army is Liu Qiong."

The middle-aged man nodded, "Ready to send the pigeons to Fuzhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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