
Chapter 1345

Chapter 1345

In the official school of Minxian County, Fuzhou, the sound of reading was loud. Liu Ziyu, the magistrate of the state, was inspecting the official school at this time. A boy in his teens stepped forward and saluted, "My child sees the adoptive father!"

Liu Ziyu nodded and smiled and asked, "You're still used to studying here!"

"Reporting to foster father, I am very used to it!"

The boy was the famous Zhu Xi in history. His father Zhu Song and Liu Ziyu were close friends. Zhu Song died of illness at the beginning of the year. Before he died, he entrusted his son Zhu Xi to Liu Ziyu. Liu Mianzhi and other great Confucian scholars were teachers, and at the same time, they also donated their fields to Zhu Xi's mother, Zhu Shi, so that she had a source of income.

Liu Ziyu often came to inspect the state school, and visited Zhu Xi by the way.

"If you have time, you should visit your mother. Reading is important, but filial piety must not be forgotten!"

"My son understands, I will visit my mother tomorrow, just..."

Seeing that Zhu Xi hesitated, Liu Ziyu asked with a smile, "What do you want to say?"

"I heard that a war might break out, and I'm a little worried about the safety of my mother in the country. Do you want to take her into the city?"

Liu Ziyu smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, the opponent is the Western Army, even if there is a war, ordinary people will not be harmed, and most of the crops on the land will suffer a little loss, but if you are worried, you can also send your mother to her hometown for a temporary stay. Youxi County is much safer!"

"The child understands!"

"Go read!"

After Zhu Xi saluted and left, Liu Ziyu asked the soldiers next to him, "What's the matter?"

"Report to the pacifier, Quanzhou sent an urgent pigeon letter!"

The soldiers presented a pigeon letter to Liu Ziyu. Liu Ziyu opened the pigeon letter and read it quickly, his expression changed slightly. The Western Army sent 4 to [-] troops to Quanzhou, and thousands of horses. The leader turned out to be his nephew. Liu Qiong.

Are uncles and nephews going to fight each other?
Jingzhao, the news that Lu Wei is about to become the Minister of the Ministry of Industry has spread throughout the official circles. The Minister of the Ministry of Industry is the former capital supervisor. He was renamed the Minister of the Ministry of Industry at the beginning of the year. Shangshu and Sima, the second official, were promoted to ministers. Except that Chen Qing did not ascend the throne as emperor, everything else was no different from the dynasty.

This is a typical strategy of boiling frogs in warm water, so that people in the world can adapt a little bit.

Colleagues and friends came to congratulate him one after another. In the evening, a wretched and thin man appeared in front of Lu Wei's mansion. The man was Lu Hang. He was ridiculed by his colleagues, scolded by his superiors, and deducted money because of his lack of performance. He had no money and hadn't eaten all day. He really couldn't bear the hunger, so he had the audacity to ask Lu Wei for help.

"Please report to your master that his brother Lu Hang is begging to see him outside the door!"

The butler was new, and had never met Lu Tong. He heard that he was the master's brother. He didn't dare to neglect, so he asked Lu Tang to wait in the gatehouse, and immediately ran to report to his wife.

"He said his name is Lu Hang?" Li Mei asked.

"Exactly! Excuse me, madam, do you want him to come in?"

Li Mei hates this Lu Hang the most, who has been haunting her and came to harm her husband again. Her face darkened and she ordered: "Kick him out, I won't see him!"

The housekeeper didn't know what happened, so he quickly agreed to retreat. At this moment, Li Mei called him again, "Forget it, go and inform the master! His brother is here."

He is really the master's brother, the housekeeper hurriedly went to inform the master Lu Wei.

It wasn't that Li Mei showed kindness on the spur of the moment, but she suddenly remembered that her husband had told her that if Lu Hang came, he must be notified. This was an order from His Highness King Yong. Just now, she was so angry that she almost forgot about it. .

In the study, Lu Wei looked at this little uncle who was the same age as him wolfing down his meal. It seemed that he was starving.

Lu Wei found that Lu Tang had become haggard in body and spirit, and his whole body seemed to have lost his soul, like a walking dead.

Lu Wei secretly sighed, indulging in brothels for more than ten years, this person was completely ruined.

After eating enough, he drank the tea in one gulp, and Lu Ang hiccupped happily, eating to his heart's content.

"How did you get so miserable?" Lu Wei asked with a frown.

"Hey! I'm so poor that I can't get valuable information, I'm often scolded, my status is very low, everyone looks down on me, I have no money, and even food is a problem."

Speaking of this, Lu Xian couldn't help crying, "You are high-ranking officials and prime ministers, but I'm going to starve to death on the street. I'm all from the Lu family. Why is it so unfair?"

"Can anyone else be blamed for this? I arranged for you to be the secretary before. If you don't leave, you will be promoted to join the army now, at least an eighth-rank officer. You have a house and a salary. If you don't cherish it yourself, who is to blame?"

"Brother, help me again and give me another chance. I promise not to mess around."


Lu Wei refused straight away, "It's not that I won't help you, you have a criminal record with the Western Army, and it's impossible to be hired again."

"Then what should I do? Brother just watch me starve to death on the street?"

Lu Wei really hated this little uncle. His father's decades of accumulated wealth had been wiped out by him. His father died of illness at the beginning of the year due to poverty. He would not go back to see his father's funeral. Greedy and lustful, full of lies, despicable villain, as my grandfather said well, he is a cancer of the Lu family, and will kill everyone sooner or later.

If His Royal Highness King Yong had not ordered, Lu Wei would have kicked him out long ago.

"How do you ask me to help you? I can only give you a few taels of silver at most. You know that my wife is in charge of the money."

"No! I don't want your money, as long as you give me a useful information, I will get a reward."

Lu Wei sighed, "Okay, this is the last time I will help you."

"Good! Good! Guaranteed to be the last time."

Lu Wei whispered: "More than a month ago, His Highness wrote a letter to Liu Ziyu of Fujian Road, inviting him to come to Jingzhao to be the chief officer of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and at the same time replace Zhang Miao, who is in poor health and is about to retire, as a political officer. , Liu Ziyu replied to the letter in the past two days, but I don't know the specific content."

Lu Tang's spirit lifted, this information is important!He hesitated again and said, "Give me a few more taels of silver! I haven't been able to get any money these two days, and I still have no money to eat!"

Lu Wei couldn't restrain himself any longer, so he took five taels of silver and handed it to him, "Go quickly, if Li Mei sees it, she will definitely take the silver back."

Lu Tang was so frightened that he quickly put the money into his arms and ran away.

After Lu Hang walked away, Lu Wei ordered: "Prepare the carriage and go to Yongwang's Mansion!"

After listening to Lu Wei's report in the outer study, Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "He came in time!"

"When the news of the lowly promotion was published in the "Beijing News", I knew he would definitely come. This bastard has no other skills. As long as it is profitable, he will definitely come after hearing the news."

Chen Qing walked a few steps and said: "This matter is done very well, try to keep as little contact with him in the future, he will affect you, unless I arrange for you to contact him."

Lu Wei nodded, "I really don't want to pay attention to this kind of person. My father died, and he didn't even go home. It's like a beast. The third grandfather was ruined by him in his life. Fortunately, there is still an eldest son, Lu Fan. The third grandfather was buried at the end of his life."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "If there is a cause, there will be an effect. You can't blame others for the evil that your third grandfather did!"

Lu Wei sighed a few times, said goodbye and left, Chen Qing pondered for a moment, then wrote a pigeon letter to Hu Yun, and ordered his soldiers to send it to the Intelligence Agency.

It's time for his second plan to be implemented simultaneously.

(End of this chapter)

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