
Chapter 1346

Chapter 1346

Lin'an, at noon, the newspaper sellers started running on the street again, and at the other end were anxious readers, most of them were in teahouses, and eagerly opened and read after buying a copy.

Not only to read the news, but many people also want to read serialized novels. The serialized one is "Dragon and Babu", which tells the story of martial arts during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Of course, except for the same storyline, other details and text are completely different from the later "Dragon Babu", which is a serial novel written by Zhao Qiaoyun.

In the teahouse, Wang Bo's staff member Jia Yingfang had already received Hu Yun's instructions, and quietly opened the poetry column, and found what he wanted to see, a poem written by Liu Ziyu.

Tiruiyan Buckle Ice Ancient Buddha

I heard that the thousand-year-old tree in Ruiyan Temple is in spring, and I am very happy, so I wrote a poem to remember it.

Thousands of chapters of ancient wood cover the ground, and the breeze blows and whispers.

The incarnation of a great man has passed away for a long time, and his return to life has no past or present.

To make a war go away, one must know that the original force is profound.

Central Plains Chizi Fang fish meat, Yuanguang Nian Ji Wuxin.

One of the tasks Wang Bo gave Jia Yingfang was to read newspapers every day and collect useful information, so Jia Yingfang was a very useful bridge, and he was able to convey Chen Qing's intentions to Qin Hui through Wang Bo.

In order to encourage Jia Yingfang, Chen Qing also specially gave him a promise to let him be the magistrate of Lin'an County in the future. Jia Yingfang has hope and will carry out the tasks assigned to him by Hu Yun every time.

After reading the newspaper, Jia Yingfang grabbed a handful of tea money and threw it on the table, then got up unhurriedly and went back to the county office. When he returned to the county office, he went straight to Wang Bo and said with a smile: "Today, the county lord has some news to express." !"

Wang Bo cheered up. It had been a long time since he had acted in front of his uncle. The main reason was that there was no news that no one else could see but only he could understand. They were all straightforward headlines that everyone read. understand.

"What news?" Wang Bo asked anxiously.

Jia Yingfang spread out the newspaper, pointed to the poem and said, "This is a new poem by Liu Ziyu, did the county lord see anything?"

"How did the Beijing News publish Liu Ziyu's poem?"

Jia Yingfang smiled slightly and said: "Liu Ziyu is a contributor to the "Beijing News". I often see him commenting on current affairs in the "Beijing News". Naturally, the poems he wrote will be published first in the "Beijing News."

"I see!"

Wang Bo looked at the poem carefully again, read it several times, but did not understand the meaning, he frowned and asked, "I don't understand what it means, sir, please advise?"

"This poem is Liu Ziyu's self-narration of his state of mind. The key is that the dead tree is in spring. Doesn't the county lord understand the meaning of it?"

Wang Bo read a few words in a low voice, "Spring comes with a dead tree!"Withered trees are in spring! 'Could it be that he suddenly understood, "Could it be that he wants to defect to Chen Qing and start over?"

"That should be the meaning. Liu Ziyu is a veteran of the Western Army, and he is very kind to Chen Qing. His three sons are all high-ranking officials in the Western Army. How can Chen Qing not use him? Seeing that the Yong Kingdom is about to be established, how can he not?" Withered trees come spring?"

"That's right! That's what I mean, I'm going to find my uncle, and I'm going now!"

Wang Bo knew his uncle hated Zhang Jun, and Liu Ziyu was Zhang Jun's number one confidant, so how could his uncle not make good use of this opportunity?

He seemed impatient, took the newspaper and rushed away excitedly, but Jia Yingfang sighed secretly, this plan of alienation is too obvious, can he deceive the other party?
In Changfeng Teahouse, Wang Mu drank tea and asked Hu Yun with a smile, "This estrangement plan has already been used once. For Li Gang, remember it!" "Water Dragon Song. Guangwu Battle of Kunyang" caused Li Gang to be appointed as the head of the two lakes. As a result, they lost their official career because of this poem, and now they are repeating the old trick, will they still be fooled?"

Hu Yun smiled slightly: "It depends on who the other party is and what kind of power structure it is. As long as conditions permit, even if some tricks are used a hundred times, the other party will still be fooled!"

"Are conditions allowed now?" Wang Mu asked with a smile.

"Of course it is allowed!"

Hu Yun raised his brows and said: "What is the situation now? Qin Hui and Zhang Jun's secret fight, Xu Xiantu's character and position make it impossible for him to be the right minister, but Zhang Jun will, he was originally the right minister, and after being demoted, it made Qin Hui cheaper .

This time, Zhang Jun made the first contribution in suppressing the Huaixi army's rebellion. The emperor trusted Zhang Jun very much, and the emperor agreed to all the appointments he proposed. How could Qin Hui not be jealous?In order to protect the right minister, Qin Hui must catch Zhang Jun's handle. Liu Ziyu is the best opportunity. Even if Qin Hui knew that it was a tactic of alienation, he would definitely adopt it. In his heart, his personal interests are more important than the interests of the court. ! "

"What about the emperor's position? Can't he see that this is a divorce plan?"

"Why is it a estrangement? Liu Ziyu's three sons are all high-ranking officials in the Western Army. His nephew is about to lead an army to attack Fujian Road. If Liu Ziyu thinks about the interests of himself and his family, he will definitely betray Fujian Road. The emperor knows very well. The danger here, how could he entrust his country and country on this danger?"

"He may learn his lesson this time."

Hu Yun still shook his head, "Someone's personality is innate, and it cannot be changed. What the emperor cannot change is his suspicion. He won't even believe his own confidants. Will he believe Liu Ziyu, who was born in the Western Army? He won't believe it. Liu Ziyu was loyal to the Song Dynasty, and he gave up the interests of his son and family. No one with a normal mind would believe it, let alone the suspicious emperor. As long as the emperor has a little courage, he will not let King Yong to this level today.”

"You say it like this, it seems that this is the case, and you will jump into the pit even if you know it is."

Hu Yun took a sip of tea and said, "His Royal Highness King Yong did write a letter to Liu Ziyu before, inviting him to go to Jingzhao to be in charge of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and to enter the Internal Affairs Hall to participate in political affairs. Liu Ziyu also replied, as if saying that he was not in good health and could not Taking on such an important task, and saying that he was born as a military general and not capable of serving as a prime minister, he just declined King Yong’s suggestion. This letter was relayed by me, and only I know the content, but the emperor does not know. He will definitely think that Liu Ziyu wants to come again. One step, the so-called spring on a dead tree is all locked, so this divorce plan will definitely succeed, unless the emperor himself wants to give up Fujian Road, then there is really no way."

Wang Mu laughed and said, "Then I'll just wait and see!"

Qin Hui actually saw the poem in the newspaper, and he also faintly felt that this was a tactic by the Western Army, but at the same time, he also realized that this was a good opportunity to bring down Liu Ziyu and suppress Zhang Jun's rising momentum.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "Why does the Beijing News publish Liu Ziyu's poem?"

Without clarifying this issue, he will have no way to explain to the emperor that this was not deliberately published by the "Beijing News"! "

Fortunately, Jia Yingfang had made it clear before, otherwise Wang Bo would not be able to answer his uncle's question. Wang Bo hurriedly said: "My nephew often reads Liu Ziyu's comments on current affairs in the "Beijing News". ", so it is normal for "Beijing News" to publish his poems."

Qin Hui nodded, saying it made sense, Liu Ziyu indeed often published articles in the "Beijing News".

"Yes, you have performed very well this time, you have a keen eye, and you are already able to stand on your own. I will find opportunities to promote you!"

Wang Bo was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed to salute, "Thank you uncle for your support!"

(End of this chapter)

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