
Chapter 1347

Chapter 1347

Qin Hui pondered for a moment, then got up and went to the court hall to meet the emperor.

Coincidentally, Emperor Zhao Gou also saw Liu Ziyu's poem in the "Beijing News", which made him feel very uncomfortable. Who is he talking about?Are you talking about himself?

In the past two days, Zhao Gou was really worried about Fujian Road. He received two pieces of information in a row. One was that Chen Qing sent general Liu Qiong to lead 6 troops to reinforce Quanzhou, bringing the strength of Quanzhou to [-]. It's Liu Ziyu's nephew, is this a coincidence?
Do not!There is absolutely no coincidence. How can a military event be explained by coincidence?

The second piece of information was an urgent intelligence sent by his intelligence agent from Jingzhao yesterday. Chen Qing wrote to Liu Ziyu, inviting him to be the chief officer of the Ministry of Punishment, and to join the cabinet as a political advisor.

This condition was too generous for ordinary people to refuse, unless he also made Liu Ziyu the prime minister, otherwise it would not be enough to offset Chen Qing's offer.

It is said that Liu Ziyu replied to the letter. Zhao Gou didn't know how to reply, but Zhao Gou believed that Liu Ziyu would not refuse this opportunity.

Going to Jingzhao as the Prime Minister, all the thousand-year-old trees are in spring again, Zhao Gou fully understands Liu Ziyu's excited mood.

It's just that Liu Ziyu was recommended by Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun was willing to guarantee Liu Ziyu's loyalty, so it was a bit difficult for the emperor Zhao Gou. He was thinking about it all afternoon.

At this time, the eunuch reported at the door, "Your Majesty, Mr. Qin is asking to see you!"

"Acclaim him an audience!"

After a while, Qin Hui hurried in, bowed and saluted, "My minister sees Your Majesty!"

"Is there something wrong, love?"

"I don't want anything to happen, but if I don't say anything, the road in Fujian will be in danger!"

Zhao Gou said indifferently: "It's because of the poem in the "Beijing News" that Qin Xianggong is worried about Liu Ziyu!"

"Your Highness is right. That poem reminded me that it is really unwise to let Liu Ziyu guard Fujian Road. It is definitely not a coincidence that Chen Qing asked Liu Qiong to lead the army to reinforce Quanzhou. If the humble official did not guess wrong, Chen Qing and Liu Ziyu must have a tacit understanding gone."

"Has Qin Xiangguo read the information sent by Jingzhao's spies?"

Qin Hui was startled, and quickly said: "I don't know, have you seen any information about Jingzhao?"

Zhao Gou said slowly: "The information was sent the day before yesterday, saying that Chen Qing wrote a letter to Liu Ziyu, promising that Liu Ziyu would be in charge of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and join the cabinet's internal affairs hall to participate in political affairs. Although it is impossible to confirm the authenticity of this information, but My hunch is that it's probably true."

"Did Liu Ziyu reply?"

"It is said that there is a reply, but the content is unknown!"

Qin Hui pondered for a moment and said: "This minister also thinks that what this information says is true."

"Tell me your reason!"

"Weichen heard that Chen Qing once publicly said that he has four benefactors, Wang Yan, Wu Jie and Liu Ziyu, and there is another one, although he didn't mention the name, but we all know it is Zhang Jun. These four people are very important to his rise. It is very important, it can be seen from Chen Qing's reuse of Liu Ziyu's nephew, and more importantly, Liu Ziyu's prestige in the Western Army is very high, and it is in Chen Qing's interest to reuse Liu Ziyu, so I think the content of this letter is true."

"Makes sense!"

Zhao Gou nodded, at this time, the eunuch said at the door again: "Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang is begging to see you!"

When Zhang Jun came, Zhao Gou immediately said, "Acclaim him an audience!"

Soon, Zhang Jun walked into the imperial study like a gust of wind, and he also saw the poem in the newspaper, so he knew that Liu Ziyu's crisis was coming.

Zhang Jun immediately rushed to see the emperor, but Qin Hui was there. As expected, Qin Hui would not miss this opportunity.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Is Aiqing here because of Liu Ziyu's matter?"

"Exactly! Your Majesty must not fall into the Western Army's plan to separate people. I recommend him to sit on Fujian Road because he has rich combat experience. He is especially good at defending the city. I believe he will be able to defend Fuzhou. Chen Qing also knows this. One point, that's why we used the trick of alienation, and wanted us to transfer Liu Ziyu away from Fujian Road."

Zhao Gou hesitated for a moment, and he also felt that this was indeed a bit of a divorce.

Qin Hui sneered and said, "If this is a plan of alienation, it may not be too obvious! Chen Qinghui would be so stupid to openly use a plan of alienation? But if it is not a plan of alienation, Fujian Road will be completely ruined. At this price we Can you afford it?"

Zhang Jun said angrily: "What evidence does Mr. Qin have that Liu Ziyu will ruin Fujian Road?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

Qin Hui said calmly: "Liu Ziyu's three sons are all in the Western Army, two of his sons are the commander of the capital, and his nephew is also the commander of the capital, and the other son joins the army as a recorder, while he himself is an official on Fujian Road. This is really not a performance of loyalty to the court. It is clear that he was in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han. If he was loyal to the Song Dynasty, he would either call back all his sons or publicly sever ties with his son, but he did not. At both ends of the mouse, Zhang Xianggong said he was loyal, it is simply a big joke."

Zhang Jun shook his head, "His son is his son, he is him, they cannot be confused!"

Having said this, Zhang Jun obviously lacked confidence. What Qin Hui just said hit the nail on the head. Let his son burn the incense of King Yong, and burn the incense of the court himself. This kind of person is not loyal, but speculative.

Zhao Gou also agreed with Qin Hui's reasons, and asked again: "Mr. Zhang, I received information the day before yesterday that Chen Qing wrote a letter inviting Liu Ziyu to be the head of the Ministry of Punishment and join the cabinet to participate in political affairs. Do you think this is true?"

Zhang Jun bowed and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, it doesn't matter whether this matter is true or not. The important thing is how Liu Ziyu answered. He didn't leave Fujian Road to become a high-ranking official in Jingzhao, which means he declined Chen Qing's solicitation." .”

What Zhang Jun said made sense, it didn't really matter whether this matter was true or not, what mattered was Liu Ziyu's choice.

Qin Hui sneered and said, "Who knows if he refused, isn't it that he wants to use Fujian Road as a certificate of approval?"

Zhang Jun said angrily: "There is no evidence, Mr. Qin, don't spit blood!"

Qin Hui ignored Zhang Jun, and said to Emperor Zhao Gou: "As Zhang Xianggong said just now, it doesn't matter whether there is evidence for something, what matters is how likely it is to happen?
Your Majesty, it is a fact that Liu Ziyu's nephew is a high-ranking official in the Western Beijing Army. It is also a fact that Chen Qing has a close relationship with him. It is also a fact that Chen Qing appointed Liu Ziyu's nephew Liu Qiong as the general. With so many facts here, the possibility of Liu Ziyu offering Fujian Road How big is it, seventy percent!And how likely is Liu Ziyu to be loyal to the court?Weichen dare not say that there must be no, but the possibility should not be great, and the three achievements are considered to be high on him.

The question now is, in order to take care of some people's emotions, risking [-]% of the risk to let Liu Ziyu guard Fujian Road, can we afford to lose Fujian Road?Liu Ziyu dedicated Fujian Road, what would he lose?He doesn't have a family member in Lin'an! "

Qin Hui deserved to be the right minister, with clear thinking, conclusive evidence, and reasonable conclusions. Zhao Gou was finally convinced by him that he really didn't need to take such a big risk to let Liu Ziyu stay on Fujian Road.

Zhao Gou then said to Zhang Jun: "It's not that I don't believe in Liu Ziyu, but I just think he should avoid suspicion. A gentleman should not stand under the wall, and the court should not take such a big risk. It is not good for Liu Ziyu and the court. How about it! Let Liu Ziyu Come back and report on your work, give him a chance to prove his innocence, and then Mr. Zhang can recommend another person to sit on Fujian Road."

Zhang Jun sighed in his heart. He knew that the Son of Heaven had been persuaded by Qin Hui and could no longer change it. It was a pity to let Liu Ziyu leave Fujian Road. Fortunately, the Son of Heaven continued to ask him to recommend the chief officer of Fujian Road, which showed that the Son of Heaven was not against him.

Feeling a little comforted in Zhang Jun's heart, he bowed and said, "If Your Majesty must replace Liu Ziyu, I have no objection. I recommend Wang Jian to take over the defense position of Fujian Road."

Qin Hui next to him looked very ugly, but the officials still believed in Zhang Jun. After spending so much time talking, Zhang Jun was finally taken advantage of.

(End of this chapter)

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