
Chapter 1348 Li Wei

Chapter 1348 Li Wei
Wang Jian arrived in Min County, where he took over the military power from Siguan Ya and Liu Ziyu, the appeasement envoy. Liu Ziyu only ceased to serve as the governor of the capital, but he was still the appeasement envoy of Fujian Road and the governor of Fuzhou. The emperor Zhao Gou only lifted his military power. That's all.

Liu Ziyu didn't have any regrets either, he knew it was inevitable, the other commander was his nephew, how could the emperor rest assured that he would hand over the Fujian Road army to his command?

Next, Liu Ziyu will go to Lin'an to report on his work, and after the report is completed, he will return to Fujian to continue to serve as the comfort envoy of Fujian Road and the governor of Fuzhou.

After the transfer of military power, Liu Ziyu led Wang Jian to the top of the city. Not far to the south was the magnificent Minjiang River, which was not far from the mouth of the Minjiang River, and the river was very wide.

Liu Ziyu pointed to the Minjiang River and said to Wang Jian: "I always thought that the Western Army would enter the Minjiang River by sea and land at the pier in front. I once considered whether to send troops to intercept the Western Army's landing, but after thinking twice, I decided to give up this idea. Dangerous thought?"

"Why is this idea dangerous?" Wang Jian asked puzzled.

"What if the Western Army's landing is just a trick to lure the troops? Isn't it right for us to lead the army out of the city in the middle of their trick?"

Wang Jian nodded, "Grand Liu's idea is reasonable, I will remember it!"

Liu Ziyu was quite relieved in his heart, and said again: "General Wang is also a man who has experienced many battles. He should not underestimate the enemy, and he also knows how to defend cities. I don't need to explain too much about other things."

Liu Ziyu turned back and told the deputy general Qiao Wu and the others, "You must strictly observe military discipline and assist General Wang to defend Fuzhou. Don't slack off in the slightest!"

All the generals bowed and saluted together, "Follow the order!"

Liu Ziyu went to Taixue to visit his adopted son Zhu Xi again, told him to study hard, and gave the remaining 1000 taels of silver to their mother and son. He had an intuition in his heart that he was afraid that after going north this time, he might return. Not much anymore.

After arranging the follow-up matters, Liu Ziyu got into a bullock cart, escorted by more than a dozen personal soldiers, and went north to return to Lin'an to report on his duties.

As soon as Liu Ziyu left, the drums of the barracks began to rumble. Twenty thousand soldiers assembled quickly on the school grounds. The soldiers gathered on the school grounds, but the generals all assembled in the central army tent.

The [-] troops were formed by Liu Ziyu gathering militia soldiers from various states along Fujian Road, and then he personally trained a loose local militia army into an elite army. Before Zhang Jun rebelled, Liu Ziyu led the army. Twenty thousand troops rushed to Lin'an to assist in the defense of Lin'an City.

Not only are the [-] soldiers from Fujian Road, but the generals were also promoted by Liu Ziyu from the leaders of the militia. For example, the deputy general Qiao Wu was originally the commander of the Jianzhou militia. The generals of the Xiang army had relatively low status, but Liu Ziyu did not discriminate against them, and still entrusted them with important positions, which made the generals respect Liu Ziyu from the bottom of their hearts.

Now that Liu Ziyu was transferred away, all the generals were very disappointed, and stood in the big tent to listen to the lecture of the chief general Wang Jian.

"I came to Fujian Road to preside over the defense according to the will of the emperor. From now on, I will be in charge here. No matter what regulations you have in the past, but from now on, you must follow my regulations. If you don't obey my military orders, you will be executed. !"

Wang Jian looked sternly at the generals who bowed their heads and said nothing. He knew in his heart that these generals did not respect him. It was impossible to convince these people in a short time. The only way was to take one of them immediately. Prestige, kill one to make an example to others, and deter them all.

Wang Jian's eyes fell on Qiao Wu.

Qiao Wunian is about 20 years old, tall and strong. He joined the army at the age of [-] and has been in the state army. He can be regarded as a veteran fried dough stick with all kinds of bad deeds, but Liu Ziyu made him change his mind, and he has no bandits. Now, his excellent side was revealed, and he became a lieutenant with outstanding abilities.

Qiao Wu's parents, wife and children are all in Jianzhou, and he married a concubine in Min County to take care of his daily life.

Qiao Wu's stomach is not very good, he has to go home for dinner every night, and his concubine cooks meals for his stomach. Liu Ziyu also knows his situation, and specially approves him to go home during non-wartime conditions.

As night fell, Qiao Wu arranged his military affairs and went home as usual.

Wang Jian got the news from the big tent of the Chinese army. Qiao Wu came home. A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Jian's mouth. This Qiao Wu really didn't take himself seriously. After changing the coach, he still dared to take the former coach's chicken feather as an arrow. , wouldn't he ask himself for instructions before going home?
Since he doesn't take himself seriously, he can't blame himself for not being sympathetic.

Wang Jian immediately ordered: "Beat the drums and gather the generals!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The dense drums sounded. This was the sound of assembly. All soldiers must line up on the school field within a stick of incense, and all commanders and generals must assemble in the big tent.

At this moment, Qiao Wu was having dinner at home, when he suddenly heard the dense drumming from the direction of the barracks, he secretly screamed in his heart that something was wrong, dropped the bowl and ran towards the barracks.

Qiao Wu ran back to the camp, and after a long time, he rushed to the school grounds, and Wang Jian stared at him like an eagle.

Qiao Wu had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward to salute, "See Du Tong!"

Wang Jian said coldly: "All the soldiers assembled on time, and you are the only one missing. In your eyes, is military discipline just shit?"

"The circumstances of the humble job are special. Liu Dutong allows the humble job to go home at night during non-wartime."

"But I didn't approve it!"


Wang Jian gritted his teeth and said, "The battle is approaching, but you despise military discipline. If you don't kill you, how can you convince the masses!"

"Push it down, chop!"

Wang Jian's soldiers rushed forward, grabbed Qiao Wu and dragged him down. Qiao Wu shouted: "The prohibition of going out of the camp in the military discipline is only for wartime. Now it is not a wartime. Military regulation No. 19 allows soldiers to go out of the camp for a short time." However, the commander-in-chief killed me with military discipline during the war, how can he convince the public?"

All the generals came forward and knelt down to intercede, and Wang Jian also realized that the reason for killing him was not sufficient and would arouse public anger, so he said coldly: "But you didn't ask me for instructions and left the camp without permission, is it a crime of disrespect to the commander? Shouldn't you be responsible if you haven't arrived yet?"

Qiao Wu lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

"Okay! For the sake of the generals' pleading, I won't kill you, but I won't let you go. You will be dragged down and beat with a hundred army sticks, and you will be removed from the post of deputy capital commander and reduced to a commander in chief!"

The soldiers dragged Qiao Wu down, stripped off his trousers, and in front of [-] soldiers, beat a hundred army sticks with their sticks. He didn't stop until he hit a hundred army sticks. Qiao Wu was beaten to pieces, his flesh was bloody, and he was dying. He was carried back to the big tent by his personal soldiers for treatment.

Wang Jian immediately appointed Wu Yao, his deputy who came with him, as the deputy general, and he did not bring many generals with him, otherwise he would replace all the generals at the first level of control.

Opposite the gate of the barracks, there is a large open space. The open space is full of hawkers doing business. Some sell snacks in the open air, some sell groceries in tents, and there are temporary brothels converted from bullock carts. Liu Ziyu is more tolerant, as long as it is not in wartime State, these hawkers who do business will not drive away.

Wang Jian is also relatively generous in nature, he only attacked Qiao Wu for the sake of establishing his prestige and seizing power, otherwise he would not care about such a trivial matter as Qiao Wu going home for dinner.

The peddlers Wang Jian at the gate of the barracks did not order to drive them away, but continued to allow them to do business at the gate of the barracks.

During the lunch break, the hawkers started to do business. Soldiers kept coming out of the camp to buy things. There were even long queues in front of the temporary brothels, and all the food stalls were full of soldiers.

At this time, a command envoy finished a bowl of minced meat soup cakes at a food stall, wiped his mouth, took out a handful of money and handed it to the vendor, "The soup cakes are not bad, I will reward you for the extra ones!"

"Thank you General!"

The peddler thanked him repeatedly, and when the commander walked away, the peddler lightly flicked the copper coin in his hand, and a note was revealed inside, and the peddler stuffed the note into his arms quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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