
1349 Allegiance

1349 Allegiance
Two days after Qiao Wu was beaten, Quanzhou Western Army received a pigeon letter from Min County.

In the big tent, Liu Qiong handed the copy of the pigeon letter to Hu Yantong, Hu Yantong looked at it and said with a smile: "Wang Jian is too impatient, Liu Ziyu has only been away for a day and started to attack, and the seizure of power is too obvious, which will make the following The general is disgusted."

"Why are you disgusted?"

Tang Qian was a little puzzled and said, "There is nothing wrong with Wang Jian's doing this! Usually, he has to replace his own people as lieutenants, and it's the same in other places. Not killing Qiao Wu is already an excuse."

Hu Yantong shook his head, "The situation is different in different places. The generals on Fujian Road have a strong local awareness. Simply put, they are xenophobic. You didn't realize it when you first came here. I have a deeper understanding. These generals are all local. Talking in the local dialect, everything is spread in the local circle, and it will never be spread.

Moreover, these people are very united. As long as a family is in trouble, almost all the generals in the same country will send people and money to help. It is easy to manage it, and it is troublesome. The key is that you have to surrender their leader, and everyone else will be obedient. But on the other hand, if you offend their leader, then other people will be hard to manage. "

Liu Qiong laughed and said, "So Wang Jian made a mistake in dealing with Qiao Wu."


Hu Yantong nodded, "He used the Central Plains method to deal with the generals of the Fujian Road. It won't work, and something will happen."

Tang Qian said to Liu Qiong: "This is an opportunity. We must take this opportunity to win over Qiao Wu. As long as Qiao Wu returns to us, the other generals will not be a problem."

Liu Qiong took out a letter and said with a slight smile, "This is His Highness's personal letter to Qiao Wu!"

Hu Yantong and Tang Qian looked at each other, with incredible expressions on their faces, Hu Yantong asked anxiously, "How could Your Highness know in advance?"

Liu Qiong said indifferently: "In fact, these are all part of His Highness's strategy to seize Fujian Road. Why do you think Liu Ziyu resigned? It is because His Highness used a tactic to transfer Liu Ziyu away in Lin'an. The next step is to buy Qiao Wu, Fuzhou [-] The army is the subordinate soldiers of Fujian Road, killing them will affect His Highness's reputation in Fujian Road, it is best to surrender, His Highness asked me to wait for the opportunity, but I did not expect the opportunity to come so soon."

Because of the existence of Quanzhou, it is extremely easy for the Western Army to establish an intelligence point on Fujian Road. Almost all the intelligence points of the Western Army in Min County are locals, and they have penetrated into Fuzhou officials and the military. For example, after Liu Ziyu returned to Beijing to report on his work At that time, Lin Huan, the general judge, was in charge of the government affairs of Fuzhou. Lin Huan's family was a big family in Quanzhou, so Lin Huan naturally secretly pledged allegiance to King Yong.

This is the highest-ranking official, and there are many other ordinary officials, big landlords, big businessmen, not to mention these.

In addition, many people were infiltrated in the army, and Li Hongdeng, who was in charge, was one of them. He secretly reported to Quanzhou that Li Hongdeng asked his subordinates to take the opportunity of eating soup cakes to spread the news.

Li Hongdeng is from Tong'an County, Quanzhou, and has a very close relationship with Qiao Wu. At this time, he is in Qiao Wu's tent.

Qiao Wu almost died, but was finally rescued by a military doctor. He was lying on the bed, depressed, and kept silent. In the past two days, the generals kept visiting him. This kind of low-handed means.

There were only Li Hongdeng and Qiao Wu in the big tent. Li Hongdeng said in a low voice: "The new deputy general Wu Yao is harsh. He scolds and beats his brothers frequently. The brothers are very dissatisfied with him."

Qiao Wu sighed and said: "They are outsiders, and their ideas are different from ours. They always want to find opportunities to show their prestige, so let everyone be careful, and don't be caught."

"Brother, do you think we are opponents of the Western Army?"

Qiao Wu smiled bitterly: "Everyone is not a fool, isn't this obvious? The Western Army wants to clean us up, it's as easy as squashing an ant to death, not to mention that now everyone has seen the changes in Quanzhou, the tax is only [-]% of other states, and the price is also low It’s cheap, and it’s easy to make money, you’re from Quanzhou, you should feel it too!”

Li Hongdeng was silent for a moment and said: "Brother, after he recovers from his injury, do you plan to continue working for them?"

Qiao Wu looked at Li Hongdeng with a half-smile and asked, "Have you secretly surrendered to the Western Army?"

Li Hongdeng sighed: "My parents, brothers, wife and children are all subjects of King Yong. How can I become an enemy of the Western Army again?"

Qiao Wu nodded lightly, "That's true. In fact, if Liu Dutong didn't treat me kindly, I'm afraid I would have gone to Quanzhou a long time ago."

"In fact, brother now has a rare opportunity, an enviable opportunity!"

Qiao Wu was startled, "What chance?"

Li Hongdeng took out the emperor's letter from his bosom and put it in front of Qiao Wu. Qiao Wu saw the words on the letter, his eyes widened immediately, and he lost his voice and said, "His Royal Highness King Yong!"

"His Royal Highness King Yong personally wrote you a letter, which is enviable!"

At this time, footsteps came from outside, it was the military doctor, Qiao Wu hurriedly hid the letter, and gave Li Hongdeng a wink, Li Hongdeng got up and walked out of the tent
At nightfall, Qiao Wu asked the soldiers to invite Li Hongdeng to leave, and only the two of them were left in the big tent. Qiao Wu was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you have any contact with them?"

Li Hongdeng nodded, Qiao Wu sighed and said: "I now understand why the Western Army did not attack for so long. His Royal Highness King Yong sympathized with the soldiers of the three armies and couldn't bear to kill them. How can we not accept this kindness."

After a pause, he slowly said to Li Hongdeng: "You tell the other party for me, thanks to His Royal Highness King Yong who thinks highly of me, I, Qiao Wu, have decided to do my best for His Royal Highness Yong!"

Another half a month passed in a flash, and that afternoon, the alarm bell suddenly sounded above Min County, "Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The whole city was shocked, and the soldiers rushed to the top of the city. Wang Jian also went to the top of the south city, and asked anxiously, "What happened?"

"Reporting to Dutong, a large number of warships were found on the river in the distance!"

Surprised, Wang Jian stepped forward quickly, leaning on the city wall and looking southeast. He saw black spots on the river dozens of miles away, which were clearly huge ships with thousands of stones.

Sure enough, they came from the waterway. Although Liu Ziyu told Wang Jian before that he did not advocate the ambush of the Western Army at halfway, Wang Jian was not so easily persuaded.

He looked at the sky, it was already past noon, and the Western Army ship was still tens of miles away, and by the time the Western Army ship began to dock to unload its troops, it might already be night.

He immediately ordered: "Go and find the deputy general, General Wu!"

Not long after, Wu Yao came in a hurry, clasped his fists and saluted, "Please give orders!"

Wang Jian slowly said to him: "Tonight I will lead an army of [-] to attack the fleet of the Western Army and prevent them from landing. You can lead an army of [-] to defend the city. No one will be allowed to open the gates of the city except me. !"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Wang Jian immediately ordered, "The whole army has entered a state of war, and all peddlers outside the camp will be driven away, and anyone who approaches the gate of the camp will be shot to death!" '

(End of this chapter)

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