
Chapter 1350 Mutiny

Chapter 1350 Mutiny
As night fell, one after another large ships appeared on the river ten miles south of the county seat, and began to approach the pier, ready to put down soldiers.

At this time, the gate of the city opened, and Wang Jian led ten thousand soldiers to run out. Each soldier carried a crossbow arrow on his back and held a spear. The team ran to the dock ten miles away.

As soon as the [-] troops left, Lieutenant General Wu Yao ordered the city gates to be closed. The two large iron gates were shut with a bang, and the suspension bridge creaked up.

Wu Yao worriedly walked down the city, there were hundreds of soldiers squatting down the corridor, it seemed that they were all soldiers ready to take over, Wu Yao always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

As soon as he got down from the city wall, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in front of him, and he saw a general rushing towards him with a big knife in his hand. It was Qiao Wu. Wu Yao was shocked. Isn't Qiao Wu seriously injured and bedridden? ?Now they actually come here on horseback, there is a problem here!

Wu Yao didn't care to think about it, and shouted, "Go up!"

Dozens of soldiers behind him rushed up together, Wu Yao retreated again and again, but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and when he lowered his head, he found that there was an extra spear point on his chest.

He turned his head slowly, only to see hundreds of soldiers standing behind him, each holding a spear. It turned out that the real killer was behind him.

More than a dozen soldiers rushed forward, piercing Wu Yao's body with chaotic spears. Wu Yao screamed and died immediately. His soldiers turned pale in shock and retreated to rescue them, but they were surrounded and killed by hundreds of soldiers. Dozens of soldiers were also killed.

Qiao Wu ordered coldly: "Beat the drums, gather the generals!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The dense battle drums in the barracks sounded, but unfortunately the team led by Wang Jian was already seven or eight miles away, and the sound of the war drums could not be heard.

Ten thousand troops assembled on the school field, and all the remaining generals came to the big tent of the Chinese army, but they saw that the chief general in the big tent was not the hated Wu Yao, but their leading brother Qiao Wu, the generals were startled for a while, Then they cheered.

Qiao Wu waved his hand and said: "His Royal Highness Yong is merciful and unwilling to let us die. I have decided to surrender to His Royal Highness Yong. If you are willing to follow me, please raise your right arm!"

The generals cheered again and raised their right arms. They have been waiting for this day for a long time. They have parents, wives and children at home, and no one wants to work for the court!
Soon, all the soldiers followed suit. This is because the Western Army had a deep foundation in Fujian Road and was generally recognized by the people on Fujian Road. It's a matter of course.

Qiao Wu immediately ordered the flag to be replaced with the red-bottomed black dragon flag of the Western Army.

The pier was extremely quiet, and the river was also very quiet. Hundreds of large ships were moored on the wide river, without any movement, and there was no sign of troops disembarking.

Wang Jian felt bad. He remembered what Liu Ziyu said, what if he faked the attack?
Sure enough, Liu Ziyu was right, Wang Jian felt regretful, and ordered: "The whole army retreats to the city!"

The army turned around and retreated, but after retreating less than three miles, the soldiers shouted, "Dutong! The army behind did not catch up."

Wang Jian hastily reined in his horse and looked back. Sure enough, there were less than a thousand troops behind him. Li Hongdeng, Kong Changzhi, Shao Wen, the three commanders and their troops were all gone.

"Go and see what's going on?"

Several soldiers urged their horses to run south, and after a while the soldiers came back to report, "Dutong, they are gone!"

Wang Jian secretly cried out that it is not good, these generals have different intentions, he cannot stay here for long, he must withdraw to the city immediately.

Wang Jian led less than a thousand people to run at high speed, but the road was dark at night, and the soldiers ran less and less. The soldiers seized the opportunity and rushed to the rice fields on both sides. When they were less than two miles away from the county seat, there were only 300 people left behind Wang Jian. It was the three hundred soldiers he brought from Lin'an.

Wang Jian was completely insane. The [-] troops he brought out managed to escape completely. This was not a problem with a certain general, but a mutiny at the bottom.

Wang Jian was full of hatred, anger and fear, and rushed to the bottom of the city with three hundred men, only to see dozens of bloody heads hanging above the city gate, they were the deputy general Wu Yao and his personal soldiers.

Qiao Wu sneered on the top of the wall and said, "Wang Jian, when you regarded us as pigs and dogs, you never thought that we would be here today!"

Wang Jian was so angry that he cursed, "Bastard! You bastard! You will die!"

Qiao Wu waved his hand, "Archery!"

Arrows were fired from the top of the city. Wang Jian swung his sword and drew the arrows, retreating again and again, but his soldiers were caught off guard and dozens of people were shot down.

Helpless, Wang Jian had to lead his men around the city and fled to the north.
The large ships on the Minjiang River began to dock at the south wharf. The large ships were actually empty ships, and [-] troops gathered on the south bank. The commanders Liu Qiong and Tang Qian personally led them.

Even Liu Qiong himself didn't think that before they crossed the river, the [-] troops on the opposite side had all collapsed. The main general Wang Jian fled north in panic without even shooting an arrow. merit. '

As the sky gradually dawned, [-] Western troops entered Min County. The soldiers and civilians in the city happily beat gongs and drums to welcome the Western troops to enter the city. Qiao Wu led a large group of generals to salute. Treat the people of Fujian Road as your own people, you are the soldiers of Fujian Road, let alone kill, from now on, you are a member of the Western Army, and Fujian Road will also be guarded by you."

Qiao Wu raised his arms and shouted: "Long live! Long live His Royal Highness King Yong!"

"Long live His Royal Highness King Yong! Long live!"

Shouts resounded throughout the county
Liu Qiong immediately divided his troops into five groups, each with [-] troops, and went to Jianzhou, Shaowu Army, Nanjianzhou, Tingzhou, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Fuzhou and Xinghua Army respectively. fell into the hands of the Western Army.

In the Ziwei side hall of the Lin'an Imperial Palace, Liu Ziyu's work report meeting was officially held. The emperor Zhao Gou, five ministers, several academicians and senior officials from various ministries all participated in the work report.

The job report was asked by Zuo Xiangguo Zhu Shengfei, and the questions were drafted by the emperor Zhao Gou. There were three questions in total, all of which were Zhao Gou's concerns.

"May I ask the appeasement envoy, did King Yong Chen Qing write to you two months ago?"

Liu Ziyu sighed secretly in his heart, he knew exactly what he was going to ask today, Zhang Jun had told him before, and he himself was prepared.

"That's what happened!"

Liu Ziyu replied frankly: "Chen Qing did write me a letter two months ago."

"Then please answer truthfully, what is the content of the letter?" Zhu Shengfei asked aggressively.

Liu Ziyu pondered for a moment and said: "Chen Qing said that he would set up a criminal department and invited me to be the chief officer. At the same time, he will succeed Zhang Miao who is about to retire and join the cabinet to participate in political affairs."

There was a slight commotion all around, and Chen Qing actually invited Liu Ziyu to join the cabinet to participate in political affairs. Such a good opportunity, Liu Ziyu did not go to Jingzhao.

"Then how did you reply?"

"I told Chen Qing that I am not in good health. The poison from the arrow wound from that year has been left in my body, which has caused great harm to my body. I am not suitable for living in a cold place. In the future, I will still live in a warm place in the south."

Zhao Gou waved his hand lightly, this question can be passed.

Zhu Shengfei nodded, and asked again: "Second question, your three sons and nephews are all high-ranking officials in the Western Army, and you are the only one serving as an official in the imperial court. What are your considerations? I mean to say , why don't you live with your own children, which is more in line with human relations?"

Liu Ziyu nodded, "You asked a very good question. Frankly speaking, I wanted to retire a long time ago, especially in the past two years, my health has been getting worse every year, and I feel that the toxins in my body have invaded my internal organs. Maybe only two or three years. My life is over, and the reason why I stay in office is that I can't get in the way of Zhang Xianggong's request, and the kindness is hard to turn down. Secondly, I have an adopted son in Fuzhou, and he is still studying. I think I will resign when he is a little older.

Now that I have made up my mind, I will hand in my resignation after today's job report meeting, and live in the south of Sichuan Road, where it is also very warm and good for my health. I hope that Chen Qing will seal my second son to the south of Sichuan As an official, it is also convenient to take care of me. "

After Liu Ziyu said these words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Liu Ziyu had already decided to resign, so what's the point of the report?
At this time, a guard walked quickly outside the hall and said loudly: "Report to Your Majesty, urgent report from Fujian Road!"

Zhao Gou hurriedly said: "Come up quickly!"

An eunuch went down, took the urgent report, and forwarded it to the emperor Zhao Gou. Zhao Gou spread the urgent report and read it in a hurry.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

The ministers turned pale with fright, and stepped forward to rescue him one after another. Qin Hui picked up the military newspaper on the ground with quick hands.

"Twenty thousand Fujian troops mutinied and surrendered to the Western Army. The deputy general Wu Yao was killed, the chief general Wang Jian fled north in panic, and the whole area of ​​Fujian Road was occupied by the Western Army. '

(End of this chapter)

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