
Chapter 1352 Reality

Chapter 1352 Reality
"The first emperor died?" Zhao Gou was stunned by the news.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Hu Yun said that the late Emperor passed away two months ago. He liked to make alchemy and died of poisoning after taking the elixir he made."

"Why didn't you mourn?"

Zhao Gou's tone was extremely dissatisfied: "At any rate, he is also a majestic emperor, and he just died without a sound, without even the most basic funeral?"

"The other party said that it was the request of the former crown prince, and he will be sent to the imperial tomb for burial at the right time."

"Hmph! I just deliberately kept the funeral secret, lest I know that the late emperor has gone, and they won't be able to threaten me anymore."

Zhao Gou's dissatisfaction was only on the surface. Of course, the death of his eldest brother made him breathe a sigh of relief, and a huge hidden danger was gone.

After walking a few steps with his hands behind his back, Zhao Gou said again: "Xu Aiqing, there are only two of us, the monarch and his ministers, tell me the truth, can Fujian Road be taken back?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head, "Your Majesty, the possibility of getting it back is gone."

Zhao Gou's face was full of disappointment, and he sighed for a while and said, "Then what should I do?"

Xu Xiantu said in a low voice. "Your Majesty, it is a fact that Fujian Road has been lost, but no matter how much Hu Yun argues, they still have moral flaws in this matter. They know well that the best thing for us is to take advantage of this moral flaw. defects, put forward some requirements.
Of course, the request should not be too much, maybe they can agree, this is actually the last chance, if Qin Xiangguo is allowed to pester him unrealistically, he will only get nothing in the end! "

Xu Xiantu's persuasion was pertinent, and Zhao Gou had to face the reality that Fujian Road had been swallowed up, and it was impossible for Chen Qing to spit it out again, so just as Xu Xiantu said, taking advantage of Chen Qing's moral flaws in Fujian Road, Ask him something.

Zhao Gou was silent for a long while and said: "Then go and continue talking with them. I can admit that the Fujian Road belongs to King Yong, but I have four requirements. First, I want the Guangnan Passage. Second, I want twenty Wanshi ships. Sea boat, third, I want the emperor's coffin, and fourth, I want them to make a clear promise not to make any more plans for Guangnan."

In Changfeng Teahouse, Hu Yun handed a letter to Wang Mu, "This will be published in the newspaper tomorrow, and it is His Highness King Yong's instruction."

"What is it?" Wang Mu picked up the letter and asked.

"The obituary of the late emperor's death!"

Wang Mu was taken aback, "The late emperor passed away?"

"It has been more than half a year since his death, and there has been no funeral. His Royal Highness Yong wants to make the news public after seizing Fujian Road, which means that the agreement signed with the emperor before is invalidated."

"This late emperor held the Son of Heaven for so many years, and now that he is finally dead, I'm afraid he will breathe a sigh of relief!"

Hu Yun said with a faint smile: "In fact, the first emperor is worthless, but the former crown prince still has some value. After all, the emperor has no heirs now. If the first emperor is still valuable, His Highness will not release the news of his death."

"No problem, it will be on the headlines tomorrow, but whether or not the matter of Fujian Luyi should be published, there is a lot of discussion in Lin'an City now. If I don't publish such a big matter, the newspaper will lose its credibility."

Hu Yun thought for a while and said: "I'm still negotiating with the other party. After the negotiation is over, I can log it out. The death of the late emperor tomorrow will divert public opinion, so you don't have to worry too much."

Wang Mu smiled and said, "You mean, the other party will admit that Fujian Road belongs to us?"

Hu Yun nodded, "This time the Son of Heaven was more pragmatic and put forward four requests. Except for their request for twenty thousand-stone sea-going ships, I have to ask His Royal Highness King Yong for instructions. I can agree to the other three requests. The South Passage requires the coffin of the late emperor and we promise not to attack the Guangnan two routes, these three conditions are not a big problem, we will not consider the Guangnan two routes for the time being."

After the two exchanged a few more words, Wang Mu put away the letter and left.

At noon the next day, the headline on the front page of the "Beijing News" published the news of the late emperor's death. The report pointed out, "Because the living conditions of the late emperor in the Kingdom of Jin were harsh and could not withstand the severe winter cold, it caused great harm to the body and suffered serious illnesses. The treatment was ineffective, and unfortunately he died. '

Sure enough, the news immediately spread throughout Lin'an, replacing Fujian Road as a hot topic of public opinion. In fact, ordinary people don't care about the ownership of Fujian Road, and Fujian Road is still far away!The only thing related to them is tea. As long as Fujian Road continues to produce tea, ordinary people will not care about its ownership. People discuss.

However, the Fujian Road incident did not involve the immediate interests of ordinary people, so the discussion is public opinion, and its public opinion is relatively fragile. As long as there is a slight incident that attracts everyone's attention, the Fujian Road incident will be forgotten immediately, and the news of the late emperor's death will soon be forgotten. With this effect, all the teahouses in Lin'an were talking about the late emperor, and no longer cared about Fujian Road.

Three days later, Chen Qing sent a pigeon letter, agreeing to give compensation to the [-] Wanshi sea-going ships, with additional conditions. The [-] sea-going ships could not be used for the army, and the emperor agreed without hesitation, and the two sides signed a provisional agreement immediately Because pirates were rampant along Fujian Road and various bandits were rampant, the imperial court agreed that the Western Army would suppress the bandits and entrusted Yongwang Mansion to manage Fujian Road.

In return, Chen Qing also agreed to the four conditions proposed by the emperor Zhao Gou. Soon, the "Beijing News" also published the provisional agreement signed by the two parties, which was the response to the annexation of Fujian Road by the Western Army.

The Fujian Road incident was like a fish that was eaten. It never got a chance to be served again, and was soon completely forgotten by the people in Jiangnan.

Another two months passed, and in the middle of the twelfth lunar month, a heavy snow swept across the land of Guanzhong, and Jingzhao City became a snow-covered world.

It was just dawn, and the dull bell on the bell tower rang. Several passersby looked up at the bell tower. Lu Wei, the servant of the Ministry, looked at the clock and shouted, "Quick! Quick!"

The court time is a quarter of a hour, and he will be late in a quarter of an hour. As the head of the Ministry of Industry, he cannot be late.

Several shops were also about to open for business. The shopkeeper looked at the time and shouted to the clerk: "It's time, get up!"

The gravity clock on the clock tower was installed a month ago. On the day of installation, it attracted the attention of the people in the city. Tens of thousands of people came to see this novelty. The timer, everyone calls it the Yongwang Zhong. According to the craftsman, it was invented by the Yongwang. Although "Yongwangzhong" and "Yongwangzhong" are homophonic, everyone still calls it the Yongwangzhong.

In fact, there is no need for the "Beijing News" to introduce how to identify it. The clock face is very simple and easy to understand, and a normal person can understand it.

In just a few days, everyone got used to this Yongwang clock. At the beginning, it would be half an hour a day off, but after repeated adjustments by the craftsman several times, the time became more and more accurate, and the error in three days was less than a quarter of an hour. , has become a time reference for all Jingzhao people.

And the small gravity clock that can be placed on the table is also under active development, it is more difficult, and it will not come out in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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