
Chapter 1353 Morning Matters

Chapter 1353 Morning Matters
In the early morning, Belle Courtyard also opened. Belle Courtyard is a low-grade brothel with an area of ​​only two acres. A prostitute opened the door and found a pile of snow at the doorway. After a closer look, she screamed in fright. It turned out to be a person.

Her cry attracted the bustard and other prostitutes, and a male guest sniffed and said, "It's frozen to death!"

All the prostitutes were chattering, the old bustard remembered, isn't this the Uncle Lu Guo who was kicked out last night because he owed two money?
This person boasted that he was the uncle of the country, and everyone jokingly called him Uncle Lu. Of course, no one would think that he was the real uncle of the country. Would the uncle of the country come to such a low-end brothel?

"Qionghua, is he your benefactor?" the old bustard asked.

A thick, pockmarked prostitute curled her lips, "This kind of rubbish will be my benefactor?"

She turned around and went back.


The old bustard cursed, and had to spend a few hundred renminbi to find someone to transport this man outside the city along with the tramps who froze to death.

Generally, the government will publish it in the newspaper for three days, and if no one claims the body, it will be burned and buried deep.

No one would care about the life and death of this 'Uncle Lu', who just disappeared in obscurity.

In the early morning, under the warm eiderdown quilt, Yu Lian stretched her clean arms around Chen Qing's neck and refused to let him get up. Chen Qing worked hard on his white and greasy body again, and then summoned the maid to get up.

The weather was very cold, and they had already moved back to the house. When it was time for breakfast, everyone came to their seats one after another. Chen Qing paid great attention to the sense of ceremony. Their family was eating at Maoshi, that is, seven o'clock in the morning. I want to have breakfast together, unless I feel ill.

There are a lot of varieties for breakfast, including steamed stuffed buns, meat pies, small steamed buns, fine bean paste snacks, deep-fried dough sticks, eggs, goat milk, white porridge, corn porridge and pumpkin porridge, as well as more than a dozen refreshing side dishes, as well as melons that are rare for ordinary people. fruit.

For ordinary people, this kind of breakfast is quite extravagant, but for the Emperor Yong's family, this kind of breakfast is undoubtedly very frugal, no different from ordinary rich people.

"Why didn't Qiaoyun come?" Chen Qing found that Zhao Qiaoyun's seat was empty.

Lu Xiu hurriedly said: "Xue'er has a cough and a little heat, she has to take care of the child."

Chen Binger was very worried about their plan to build a snowman, so she hurriedly said, "I've finished eating, I'll go and see Xueer!"

She jumped off the chair and ran away in a hurry. Lu Xiu couldn't tell her, so she could only stare at her back, "This damn girl wants to play in the snow all day long!"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "Don't be careless, let Dr. Liu and Xue'er cook a bowl of golden blue soup later, or simply boil a big pot, everyone should drink it, to prevent the cold!"

Jinlan Decoction is a decoction made of honeysuckle, isatidis, dandelion, Houttuynia cordata, rehmannia glutinosa, and stevia. It has a good anti-inflammatory effect. In the era of antibiotics, these anti-inflammatory traditional Chinese medicines can often save lives.

Especially for children, pneumonia is the most important thing to prevent. If you suffer from wind, cold and cough, if you are not careful, you will develop into pneumonia. Inflammation is very important.

Golden blue soup is one of the wound medicines used by the army, and it was also promoted to the civilian population by Chen Qing. The effect is excellent, and the mortality rate of children is greatly reduced. Every pharmacy sells golden blue medicine packs, a pack of more than ten yuan, and the price is very cheap , Jinlan decoction packs have also become a must-have medicine for every household, and have been extended to all states and counties.

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "You don't need to worry about these things, I have already arranged to cook them. You'd better drink two bowls of soup and medicine before leaving!"

Chen Qing nodded. He remembered another thing and said to Lu Xiu: "After the spring of next year, I may go to Lingzhou for about two months. Let me tell you."

"Husband, do you want to take Amei?" Lu Xiu asked.

Yu Lian next to her muttered, "Take her there again, I missed it several times."

Lu Xiu glared at her, "If you don't care about your son, I'll let you go!"

Yu Lian didn't dare to say a word, Chen Qing said calmly: "I'm not going to inspect this time, maybe a war will break out, and Ah Mei shouldn't go. Wait until next autumn, and our family will go to Quanzhou by boat together."

Everyone immediately cheered, even Chen Qing's son Chen Ji also cheered.

Chen Qing patted his son's head and smiled, "You don't want to study anymore, you want to go out with Wei father?"

Chen Ji said embarrassingly: "Master often said, read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, and don't be a nerd!"

"Well said, Daddy gave you a task. Next year, you will plant a sub-field of corn and a sub-plot of pumpkin. No matter whether the planting is good or not, no one is allowed to help you. Fertilize and water yourself, and be a farmer for a year. ,It's good for you."

"Ji'er knows, she will plant it well, and won't let Daddy down!"

In the past two years, Chen Ji's personality has gradually become more cheerful, which really made Chen Qing very pleased.

It was almost time, Chen Qing finished his pumpkin porridge, got up and went to the study to tidy up, Yao Mei hurriedly followed.

"My lord, there is something I want to say!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Qing stopped and asked.

"My parents and uncle have come to Jingzhao."

"Ah! When did you come?" Chen Qing asked in surprise.

"It arrived the day before yesterday."

"Has the accommodation been arranged?"

Yao Mei nodded, "Ma'am, everything has been arranged. It is the five-acre house that the prince rewarded me last time. I live in it for my parents. Everything has been arranged."

Chen Qing nodded, "Send [-] yuan to your parents later, and I will tell Madam."

"Thank you lord!"

Yao Mei saluted and said, "I would like to ask for three days off to be with them, is that okay?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Of course, you can tell Madam that there is no problem on my side."

Chen Qing pinched her delicate face and teased, "I'm going to go for three days! I will miss you."

"Me too!"

Yao Mei blushed, turned around and ran away.

Chen Qing looked at her slender yet plump figure. She will be born next year, reaching the age of the fruit.

Chen Qing was indeed a bit unfair to himself and his subordinates. He asked all the chief officials to come to the official room at all times to preside over the internal morning meeting, while he himself was very casual and could come to the official room at any time.

Not long after, Chen Qing came to his official office. The official office where his official office is located is called the Secretariat, and it will be renamed the Zhongshu Province starting next year. Since the Tang system is restored, the system of three provinces, six departments and nine supervisors will be established.

The secretary of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was called Zhongshu, and there were Zhongshu Ling, Zhongshu Shilang and Zhongshu Sheren under him. Chen Qing had reached a consensus with his ministers that as long as he did not ascend the throne as emperor, all other official positions could be accepted established in the name of the Kingdom.

Establish a framework, but all officials are downgraded to show respect for the court.

What's the meaning?Zhongshu Province was established, but the chief official Zhongshuling was vacant, Zhongshu Shilang was the official, and Menxia Province was established. .

This is a better way, since the integrity of the framework is maintained, and it does not actually overstep.

Moreover, Chen Qing has already considered the candidate for Zhongshu's servant. Starting next year, Zhang Miao will retire. Liu Ziyu is also unable to take up an official position because of his poor health. Therefore, Chen Qing is going to let Hu Yun take over as Zhang Miao's successor.

One of the youngest politicians, the future is bright, and he will become the head of the hundred officials in the future. This is also a preparation for the transition of the older batch of prime ministers after retirement.

As for the candidate for King Yong's special envoy to succeed Hu Yun, Chen Qing had also considered it, and Lu Jin's eldest son, Lu Gang, would take over.

(End of this chapter)

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