
Chapter 1354 Qingshan

Chapter 1354 Qingshan
Chen Qing sat down in the official room. The charcoal in the brazier in the official room was burning vigorously, bursting out a string of sparks from time to time. Chen Qing sat in front of the brazier and roasted for a while. At this time, Chao Qing brought a cup of tea and whispered: "Lv The political affairs officer asked for leave today, saying that he was sick."

Lu Qingshan actually fell ill, Chen Qing frowned and asked: "Did you catch the cold from the snow yesterday?"

"I didn't say it, but according to my father, it seems to be a family matter."

Chao Qing's mother is Lu Xiu's aunt, the younger sister of Chen Qing's father-in-law Lu Jin, and Chao Qing knows that things in the Lu family are normal.

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and asked, "Which matter?"

"My father said that it seemed that there was a conflict between father and son."

Chen Qing nodded, he probably understood that Lu Qingshan had two sons, the second son was mentally handicapped and died when he was underage, the eldest son Lu Chu was also in poor health, and he followed his father all the time. Take a look at the farm property.

Lu Chu only had one son and one daughter, and his grandson, Lu Wen, became Lu Qingshan's greatest hope. He devoted all his efforts to his grandson, and forced him to study since he was a child. It can be said that he has read thousands of books.

But nothing can go to extremes, otherwise it will be too much. Lu Wen studied for more than [-] years, completely divorced from society, and finally became an out-and-out nerd.

At present, Lu Wen is working in the library of Guozixue. Although he is only an eighth-rank official, it suits him very well. He indulges in the world of collecting books every day.

The son is useless, the only grandson has become a nerd, one can imagine Lu Qingshan's mood, this is also normal, a strong man, but his descendants are often weaker.

Chen Qing nodded, "At noon, you represent me to visit Counselor Lu."

After a pause, Chen Qing smiled again: "I'd better go by myself! Otherwise, the old man will say I'm biased."

Lu Qingshan was indeed ill by his son and grandson. The reason was that Chen Qing wanted to use his elder brother Lu Gang as a special envoy to replace Hu Yun in Lin'an.

But the earliest root cause was that Lu Wei became the minister of the Ministry of Industry. It was obvious that Lu Wei would become the successor head of the Lu family. Although Lu Qingshan was happy for Lu Wei, he was also sad for his children and grandchildren.

Especially after Lu Gang was reused again, his grandson Lu Wen also edited the catalog and sorted out the books in the library. Yesterday he learned that his grandson hadn't returned from sorting out the books in the library all night, so he finally became furious and beat his grandson for not returning home all night. pause.

As a result, his son Lu Chu couldn't think about it, and hanged himself at noon. Fortunately, he was found and rescued in time. This hit Lu Qingshan hard, and he fell ill after being discouraged.

Lu Qingshan really can't figure it out. He has worked hard to train his grandson for 20 years, and finally cultivated him into a nerd, while his elder brother's grandson Lu Wei, who was a playboy more than ten years ago, spent all day fighting cocks and horses and playing crickets, but now he is a member of the Ministry of Industry. waiter.

Lu Qingshan lay on the hospital bed and sighed, at this moment, the housekeeper said at the door: "Master, His Royal Highness King Yong has come to see you."

Lu Qingshan was startled, and hurriedly got up, the maid hurriedly supported him, Chao Qing came in first, he stepped forward to support Lu Qingshan and said with a smile: "Don't worry, old man, Your Highness will be there soon!"

At this time, Lu Chu walked in with Chen Qing, and Lu Qingshan smiled wryly, "It's a shame to let His Highness come to visit you even though you are a little sick!"

Chen Qing sat down beside him, held his hand and said, "The old man is my elder, and he should come to visit as a junior."

"The elders belong to the elders, but the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers cannot be revoked, Chu Er, hurry up and serve tea to Your Highness!"

Lu Chu promised to go out and make arrangements, Lu Qingshan sighed and said: "My stupid son actually hanged himself at noon yesterday, Chao Qing should tell His Highness!"

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "He didn't dare to contradict the old man, and he felt sorry for his son, so he had to attack himself. It's understandable!"

"Why don't I feel sorry for my grandson, that ugly grandson, his grandfather fell ill, and he ran back to the library early in the morning, saying that a batch of ancient paintings needed to be rescued, he had to go, hey! My grandson is too obsessed with books He doesn't understand official affairs at all, so it's difficult for him to be a master, and he has no future."

"This is different!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "A court has all kinds of ways, there must be officials who do things, officials who manage people, officials who dare to speak out, and officials who are knowledgeable. Let Taishi Ling be the censor Zhongcheng , he definitely can't do it, similarly, he can't do it if Yushi Zhongcheng is the Taishi Ling.

Lu Wen is a typical scholarly official. He is only 26 years old now. It is a time when he has accumulated a lot of money. It is a good thing for him to do one thing with all his heart. In 30, he was still able to participate in the imperial examination marking, and in the future he could preside over the revision of the calendar and take the imperial examinations, becoming a generation of Confucian scholars.

Maybe the textbooks for future generations will be compiled by him, and his name will last forever. With such a grandson, why must he step into the big dye vat of officialdom! "

Wen Xian knew the meaning of elegance, Lu Qingshan understood the meaning of King Yong, the Taishi Ling, the examiner of the imperial examination, the editor of the textbook, this is the leader of the literati!Although it's not a promise, King Yong has an attitude, attitude is very important, as long as his grandson has enough qualifications and knowledge, then King Yong will give him this opportunity.

Lu Qingshan's heart knot was finally untied, he nodded and said: "I hope His Highness will be strict with him, encourage him often, and don't let him go astray!"

"Don't worry! I will pay attention to him."

Chen Qing comforted him a few more words, got up and left.

But Chao Qing didn't leave, and brought Lu Qingshan a cup of tea, Lu Qingshan said strangely: "Sanlang, why don't you go with His Highness?"

Chao Qing smiled and said, "Your Highness asked me to tell the old man a story!"

"what story?"

"It's a story about the Cui family in Qinghe. Wan Yanchang took a fancy to Cui Jianghao, the former minister of rites of the imperial court, and asked him to be his staff member, but the Cui family knew that once he became Wan Yanchang's staff member, his reputation and career would be ruined. In order to keep Cui Jianghao Because of his reputation, the patriarch Cui Yuan asked his younger brother Cui Jiu to be Wan Yanchang's staff, and Cui Jianghao was just his nephew."

Speaking of this, Chao Qing said with a smile: "The story is over, the old man can figure it out by himself! I will leave first."

Chao Qing bid farewell and left, Lu Qingshan fell into deep thought.

Of course Lu Qingshan understands the story of King Yong, and he uses the Cui family's affairs to warn him that the interests of the family should be the most important thing, and don't just consider the interests of his own children and grandchildren. In order to preserve the family's reputation, Cui Yuan did not hesitate to sacrifice the reputation of his brothers .

Promoting Lu Wei and Lu Gang means promoting the Lu family, but I am still worried because I am not my grandson. Compared with my elder brother, I think about the interests of the family. I am not qualified as the head of the patriarch!
In fact, it's not that Lu Qingshan doesn't understand these principles, it's just because of his personality. He is the second son, and he doesn't get the special care from his parents for the eldest son, and he doesn't get the special love from his parents for the youngest son. Competitive personality, compared to elder brother Lu Yihao's indifferent handling of things, Lu Qingshan is more competitive, and the older he gets, the more obvious his personality is.

Today, he fell ill because of the matter of his nephews and grandchildren, which is a typical manifestation of his strong character, and no one dared to persuade him.

Today, Chen Qing arranged for Chao Qing to remind him by telling a story that the interests of the family must be the most important thing in order for the family to last long. Only thinking about his own interests will damage the interests of the family sooner or later.

Lu Qingshan finally realized that he shouldered the important task of revitalizing the Lu family.

(End of this chapter)

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