
Chapter 1355 North News

Chapter 1355 North News
The carriage walked slowly on the street. There was thick snow on the street. Thousands of soldiers were struggling to shovel the snow. On both sides of the road were children jumping and jumping, making snowmen, playing snowball fights, and laughing.

At this moment, a snowball 'suddenly' flew towards the window of Chen Qing's car, but before he got close to the window, his guards had quick eyes and hands, and with a wave of their spear, the snowball was smashed into pieces in the air.

A group of children were so frightened that they turned around and ran, blinking and running away without a trace.

Chen Qing shook his head with a smile, wondering if his child was also playing snowball fights at home!
Back in the official room, Chen Qing sat by the brazier and warmed himself up. Wei Ji reported at the door: "Your Highness, Minister Lu Wei has been waiting for a long time to see you!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Let him in!"

Lu Wei walked in quickly and saluted, "See Your Highness!"

Seeing his serious expression, Chen Qing asked, "What happened?"

"The county government sent people to look for me just now. Their people collected a body that froze to death last night outside the city. They found a letter on him, which was a letter I wrote to my brother Lu Fan."

Chen Qing was taken aback, "Is that corpse Lu Hang?"

"should be!"

"How did he freeze to death?"

"I heard from the county government that the body was found at the door of a brothel. They checked it and found that there was no external injury, but it was frozen to death."

Chen Qing nodded, "Go and deal with it! Find him a cemetery and bury him, and don't pursue any responsibility. This is his fate."

Lu Wei sighed and turned to leave.

Chen Qing asked, "How did his mother arrange it?"

"His elder brother Lu Fan takes care of him!"

"Send three thousand coins to his mother, which is regarded as his father's funeral money, and I will pay for it!"

Lu Wei shook his head and said: "Your Highness does not need to spend money, my grandfather has a family property of a thousand mu of land in his hometown, and the third grandmother's maintenance money will be paid from it."

"I see, you go deal with it!"

Lu Wei turned around and hurried away.

In the afternoon, two men with a height of nearly two meters appeared outside Yongwang's mansion. The soldiers on duty stopped them and did not allow them to approach.

The big man bowed and said: "I am Yin Balu, a Mughal merchant, and this is my brother Yin Erhan. We have brought the information that His Royal Highness King Yong wants. He has already met us twice!"

The general on duty recognized them and said, "Wait a moment, let us report."

The general ran in, and after a while, Chao Qing came out and said, "You two, please come in, Your Highness has summoned you!"

After the soldiers searched the two of them strictly, they were allowed to enter the official office and went all the way to Chen Qing's official room.

The two came in and knelt down to salute, "See His Royal Highness King Yong!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Long time no see you, when did you come to Jingzhao?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we just arrived yesterday!"

"How's the business?" Chen Qing asked again with a smile.

"Thanks to Your Highness, we are doing business for ourselves now."

These two people had been officials and merchants of the Mughal tribe, and all the money they earned was used to buy weapons for the Mughal tribe to fight against the Kingdom of Jin, but they did not expect to start their own business.

"What's going on, doesn't your Khan trust you?"

Yin Baru said dejectedly: "The Tata Department and the Kelei Department joined forces with Marshal Wanyan Wushu of the Kingdom of Jin to attack the Mughal Department. The old Khan was shot by an arrow and unfortunately passed away. And the Kelei tribe was divided, and the remaining tribes were divided into more than a dozen small tribes, and they were spared surrendering to the Kingdom of Jin. The two of us brothers have no allegiance, so we can only do business by ourselves."

Chen Qing nodded. The other party didn't say it clearly, but the implication was that the Mughal tribe would also join in the harassment of the border of the Yong Kingdom. This was within his expectation, not surprising.

"Just now the guard said, you have important information, what is it?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, it's about the Hetao area!"

The Hetao area is Fengzhou. The top of the bend of the Yellow River was originally under the jurisdiction of Lingxia Road, but since last autumn it has been invaded by grassland nomadic tribes. The nomadic cavalry used it as a base, seriously threatening the safety of Lingzhou.

Chen Qing also knew some news about Fengzhou, but he wanted to know more, so he asked, "Tell me about your news!"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we just collected a batch of medicinal materials from Fengzhou and went south. We encountered a large number of cavalry, tens of thousands of people, from all tribes, and even a small number of Jurchen cavalry. Not long after we went south, it began to snow in the north. Now, these troops should still be in Toyosu, and they may take action next spring."

This information is indeed very important. Chen Qing knew that Fengzhou had [-] long-term troops, [-] Kelie cavalry and [-] Tata cavalry. What Yin Balu saw should be an increase in troops.

"I see, thank you two for your information!"

Chen Qing asked Chao Qing to send them out, and wrote a note to let the government houses and shops buy their goods. The two brothers thanked each other and left.

Chen Qing came to the sand table in the staff room. This is the sand table in Lingxia Road and Yinshan area in the north. It was completed two years ago. He put the sand table here, which means that he will use troops against Fengzhou.

The Kingdom of Jin has withdrawn from Hebei, but still occupies the Yanshan Mansion. The Kingdom of Jin also needs time to adjust. In order to prevent itself from attacking Yanshan Road, they used the strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao, and mobilized nomadic cavalry to attack Lingxia Road. Now the Kingdom of Jin has completed its confrontation With the integration of the various tribes in the grassland, there will be no resistance within the grassland, so a large-scale attack on Lingzhou next spring will be inevitable.

The information from Brother Yinbalu also confirmed his guess. In the spring of next year, the nomadic cavalry will attack Lingzhou on a large scale and plunder the wealth of the population.

It has to be said that Jin Guo's move was very effective, disrupting Chen Qing's plan to attack Yanshan Mansion in the spring of next year.

But Chen Qing would not allow the nomadic cavalry to occupy Fengzhou for a long time. He would send troops anyway to take back the lost Hetao.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing came to the Bashang barracks and summoned Yang Zaixing and other important generals. The generals surrounded Chen Qing and came to the school grounds to inspect the training of the soldiers.

The shouting and killing on the school grounds shook the sky, and the drums sounded like thunder, 'Boom!Boom!Boom! 'The two armies are fighting fiercely. They hold epees weighing more than ten kilograms. They can't kill each other, but it doesn't matter. The rule is that the battle will last for two hours, and the team with the least fatigue will win.

Yang Zaixing said: "This year's training is still based on actual combat training, mainly training infantry and cavalry coordination, as well as joint operations of multiple arms, including joint operations of crossbowmen, throwers, firearms soldiers and chariots, and heavy armored troops. , I have trained for a whole year, and the results are outstanding, but I also suffered heavy accidental injuries during the training, resulting in the unfortunate death of more than [-] brothers, and all of them are paid according to the death compensation in combat."

"Which part of the soldier's training is the most casualty?"

"It's mainly firearms training and siege training. We used wooden barrels of fire and mines in actual combat, requiring soldiers to learn to dodge, but more than [-] soldiers were killed, and another [-] soldiers fell to their deaths during training to climb the city. "

Chen Qing nodded and said to the generals: "I told everyone before that we will go north to Lingzhou in the spring of next year to fight against the grassland nomadic army. There is still one month before our army will go north. I hope you will do well." Three things, first, maintain high morale; second, try to give the soldiers a holiday and let them go home to visit; third, strengthen training for cavalry."

(End of this chapter)

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