
Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356
In the blink of an eye, it was the new year again, and after three years in Shaoding, Chen Qing tried his best to spend time with his family. By mid-January, Zhao Yingluo and Yu Ying were diagnosed with a happy pulse at the same time, and they were pregnant almost at the same time. Entering the fertility season, even Princess Lu Xiu felt that she might be pregnant, but Chen Qing was about to leave before the pregnancy was confirmed.

In the afternoon, the family sent Chen Qing to the gate of the house. Today happened to be the Shangyuan Festival. Last night, Chen Qing had a reunion dinner with his family, so he had no chance to accompany his family when visiting the lanterns.

Chen Qing hugged his two daughters and said with a smile: "You can go to see the lanterns with your mother and sit in the cart. It's safe and lively. If you want to buy something small, please ask the big sisters of the guards to help you buy it. Dad promises to bring it in autumn. You go to the sea."

Originally, the two little ladies were unhappy with their mouths pouted, but when they heard that they were looking at the sea, their eyes lit up, and they stretched out their little fingers at the same time, "I want to pull the hook!"

Chen Qing laughed, "Daddy's arms are holding you, hook your ears!"

The two little ladies hooked their little fingers on the left and right ears of their father, and then burst into laughter.

Chen Qing put down his daughter, and bid farewell to his wife, concubine and other children. Having more children is also a kind of happiness trouble, and every child has to say goodbye.

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "Let Daddy go! Don't waste time."

The eldest son Chen Ji clasped his fists and said, "Papa, take care!"

Chen Qing patted his head and smiled, "Remember the task that Daddy gave you, planting two lands!"

"My child remembers it, but I haven't forgotten it!"

Only then did Chen Qing get on his horse and waved to his family, "Take care, I'm leaving!"

Everyone also waved goodbye to Chen Qing, and Chen Qing speeded up his horse, and gradually went away under the guard of hundreds of personal soldiers.

That night, Chen Qing set off with an army of 12. Three days ago, Liu Qiong set off with an army of [-].

In fact, Lingzhou did not lack food and supplies. Chen Qing had been preparing for the war since last autumn. In four months, nearly [-] camels made three trips and delivered a large amount of food and supplies.

The [-] troops took the Jingyuan Road, and after arriving in Ningzhou, they continued northward along the Maling River Valley, and finally crossed Hengshan around the state and entered Lingxia Road.

As night falls, [-] troops are marching in the dark with [-] camels on horses. Tonight is the night of Shangyuan. There is a full moon in the sky. With a kind of solemn and stirring without hesitation, he marched to the far north.

Under the same cold full moon, Jingzhao City is a world of colorful lanterns. Every household has to hang lanterns. The East Street, West Street and Zhuque Street are all a sea of ​​colorful lights. The colorful lights are exquisite and dazzling. .

The streets are even more crowded with people. Every family comes out to look at the lanterns. Hundreds of thousands of people are crowded on three streets that are tens of miles long. The small stalls and vendors doing business are even more busy. Selling snacks, selling all kinds of toys, it can be said that everything is there.

Ordinary people walk shopping with their wives and children. There are also large carts driving slowly among the crowd. This is the family members of a big family watching the lights. There are patrol soldiers to maintain order. There are almost no villains, but there are many disciples. Taking advantage of the crowd, take advantage of the young woman.

Therefore, the female relatives of officials and rich families would not show their faces, but sat high in the carriage to watch the lights, which was even better. They were not afraid of being blocked by other people's heads.

Among these carriages, there is a very large carriage, which looks very ordinary in appearance, without any inlays of gold and jade, and covered with a layer of black cowhide, but this carriage is the only anti-arrow carriage in the whole world. The car wall is made of wood and covered with a special oilcloth. This kind of oil cloth has been repeatedly soaked in oil and dried seven times. It will not be pierced by a sword or cut by a knife. It will be covered with a thick layer of cowhide. No shot can penetrate it, stronger than iron armor.

Chen Qing's wife and children sat in the large carriage. Last year, they also came out to watch the lanterns in the carriage. Inside the carriage, within a hundred paces, there were guards and secret guards, and there were eight guards on horseback guarding the left and right. There were also four female guards, sitting with their family.

"Ah! That's a deer lamp, so beautiful!" Bing'er saw a few lamps tied up in the shape of a deer, and immediately clapped her hands with joy.

"Brother, what kind of lamp is that?"

The two little ladies held brother Chen Ji's arm from left to right, and asked, pointing to a big lamp.

Chen Ji glanced at the lamp, and said old-fashionedly: "That's the kun fish lamp, the largest fish in the world. "There is a fish in the north, and its name is kun. The kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is!" It is this kind of fish. , Daddy called it a whale."

"We go to sea in autumn, can we see this kind of whale?"

"It might work!"

Chen Ji thought for a while and said, "Daddy said they would jump up to welcome us."

"I really want to go to sea quickly!" Bing'er sighed softly.

Not long after, the female guard bought them more than a dozen lanterns, as well as snacks such as candied haws and fried sugar rolls.

"We're going on a revolving door!"

The two little ladies like the revolving lantern the most, it will turn in the wind, and there are stories painted inside, or Monkey King making troubles in the Heavenly Palace, or Nezha making troubles in the sea, etc., which are very popular among children.

Chen Ji also wanted a revolving lantern, but there were only two lanterns, so he gave them to his two younger sisters and picked a lotus lantern himself.

Lu Xiu saw it, and whispered to the guard soldiers outside. After a while, the guard soldiers handed in a revolving lantern, which was the story of Wukong's quest for treasure in the East China Sea.

"Ji'er, here it is!"

Lu Xiu handed the lantern to her son, and Chen Ji happily took the lantern, saying in a low voice, "Thank you mother!"

"Silly boy, what are you thanking?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Xiu suddenly covered her mouth, feeling sick in her chest.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Chen Ji asked worriedly seeing his mother was not feeling well.

Zhao Qiaoyun also whispered: "Sister, do you have it too?"

Lu Xiu nodded, "Probably so!"

Lu Xiu forced a smile on her face, and said to her son Chen Ji: "I'm afraid Mother will give birth to a younger brother for you again!"

After the carriage passed through East Street, they went back by another road. They had watched the lights for an hour and a half, and the bell rang in the distance. The ladies fell asleep in the arms of their respective mothers, and there were three pregnant women in the carriage, all of whom were very tired.

Although the Lantern Festival had just reached its climax, the whole family couldn't hold on and went back to rest.

The lights were bright, the crowd was like a sea, and there were laughter and laughter everywhere, but the carriage disappeared at the end of the long street under the guard of fifty cavalry.

After marching for 20 days, the [-]th army arrived in Lingzhou. At present, there are [-] troops stationed on Lingxia Road, led by Li Muqing, the governor of the capital, and another [-] militia troops. The equipment is no different from that of the regular army. The difference with the regular army is that they usually For farming, training in leisure time, and serving as soldiers in wartime, there is a monthly subsidy of consistent money. When the enemy invades, they will gather to defend their homeland.

Li Muqing had already set up the camp in advance. It was a huge plank barracks, covering an area of ​​20 mu, with [-] large tents, which could accommodate [-] troops.

The soldiers were exhausted from the long journey, and went back to their camps to rest.

Surrounded by dozens of major generals above the Dutong level, Chen Qing came down to the main tent of the Chinese Army.

There is a huge sand table in the big tent of the Chinese army, which is exactly the same as Chen Qing's sand table, but doubled in size, three feet long and three feet wide, and the terrain is more detailed.

"Has the snow in Toyosu subsided now?" Chen Qing asked.

Li Muqing shook his head, "According to the latest information from the scouts, the snow hasn't receded, so you can't ride a horse yet!"

Chen Qing saw three small tents piled up on the ground in Fengzhou, each about the size of a finger, and asked with a smile, "Does this mean where the enemy troops are stationed?"


Li Muqing nodded and said, "They are also gathering places for herdsmen."

(End of this chapter)

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